7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. Theme

      dominant fantasies of beauty


    1. Broadly, the research described below examines techniques that have been used to support students’ academic success and well-being.

      2nd annotation just be bo sure.

    2. Goals and Structure of Course Redesign

      this is a test to see if I annotate this on a local drive, then leave, if the pdf also needs to be saved or if hypothesis just stays there as it seems to suggest.

    3. test annotate to see if this saves in local file.

  2. Oct 2018
    1. To write is to sell a ticket to escape, not from the truth but into it. My job is to make something happen in a space barely larger than the span of your hand, behind your eyes, distilled out of all that I have carried, from friends, teachers, people met on planes, people I have seen only in my mind, all my mother and father ever did, every favorite book, until it meets and distills from you, the reader, something out of the everything it finds in you. All of this meets along the edge of a sentence like this one, as if the sentence is a fence, with you on one side and me on the other.

      This is the Chee line I highlighted in the Windling piece but it is in a source by him so it would be better to use

  3. Apr 2018
    1. I took aside one of the Party organisers, and said, “OK. Why are you now in 2007 endorsing a science-fiction convention?” And his reply was that the Party had been concerned that while China historically has been a culture of magical and radical invention, right now, they weren’t inventing things. They were making things incredibly well but they weren’t inventing. And they’d gone to America and interviewed the people at Google and Apple and Microsoft, and talked to the inventors, and discovered that in each case, when young, they’d read science fiction. That was why the Chinese had decided that they were going to officially now approve of science fiction and fantasy.

      great link between industry & the importance of stories