21 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
    1. precisely, their rights were

      Yay! Not as vague lol.

    2. equal educational opportunity to every person, regardless of race, color, or national origin

      This is so vague. This left a lot up to interpretation, and modern-day discrimination and systemic oppression took place.

    3. one to effectively eliminate busing

      Busing made things worse. It made white families angrier not only because of integration, but because of how this whole "busing" thing wasn't efficient for them.

    4. In addition to requiring separate classes to be created for students less than proficient in the English language, communication between students' parents and the school was to be required to be conducted in a language understood by the parents.

      Making schools culturally inclusive, and helping strengthen those that are deemed below academic standard (based on state standards I believe).

    5. Department of Education, formerly the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

      I didn't know that; I thought it was just DOE for as long as it's been around.

    6. busing, language rights, desegregation, and the idea of "equal education"

      Wow, that was surprisingly brief explanation of the movement.

    1. Each suspect wielded his own knife.

      So powerful. This basically means that everyone may or may not have had the same reason for "white flight", but they all did it and wielded the knife of cutting off the tax base of urban areas.

    2. If border residents also fled the city as black migrants arrived, even though black enclaves were miles away, these departures signaled a concern about broader city finances rather than a dislike of immediate black neighbors.

      Proving that white flight is more of a financial thing.

    3. too segregated by race for many urban whites to encounter black neighbors.

      That's a shame in and of itself.

    4. Did whites leave cities for racial reasons or for economic ones?

      I believe both.

    5. “triumph of racist social engineering,”

      I would like to quote this in my research paper.

    6. Ta-Nehisi Coates

      What an icon! He is a symbol of true black excellence.

    7. From 1940 to 1970, four million blacks settled in industrial cities in the North and West. As they moved in, the fraction of white metropolitan households living in the typical Northern or Western central city fell from two-thirds to one-third.

      A prime example of white flight in America. Whether the main cause was racism, "religiousness", or economic reasons, is unknown. But I believe that it was a mixture of them all.

    8. Was Donald Trump’s surprise victory due to his voters’ racism or their economic anxiety? The right answer might be that it was both.


    1. A majority of whites now endorse such integration, at least in principle.

      Some may just be doing it for status or reputation, but stand against it in their neighborhoods.

    2. It seems fairly clear that the massive suburban relocation of whites immediately after World War II resulted in part from racial motivations.


    3. region, crime rate, extent of school desegre- gation, percentage of the city population that is black, and age distribution within the city.

      This already shows that one of the factors of white flight is race, making it a racist act.

    4. policy proposals aimed at low- ering unemployment or achieving greater racial equality are being carefully scrutinized for their potential impact on further white flight

      It will to a mass exodus of white people.

    5. Most ominously, the bulk of those leaving appeared to be upper-class, high-status whites whose withdrawal would affect the city directly, through a re- duced tax base, and indirectly, by contributing to further deterioration of the social and physical environment in the central core.

      Whites left and took their wealth, funding, and privilege to the white suburbs.

    6. for ml- norities

      No surprise here.

    7. The cities are seen increasingly as deteriorating ghettos for the poor

      And what race is confined to these ghettos? Blacks, as always.