4 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
property.opensourcelaw.ca property.opensourcelaw.caWowkwis3
In the aftermath of the dispute, it was discovered that the occupant was not in fact the owner of the land where the fox died.
Could an argument still be made for the occupant's possession here
quiet enjoyment
Would letting the wowkwis in the gate help promote quiet enjoyment if it was audibly scratching the fence?
Neither the hunter nor the occupant of the land held a Provincial license to hunt fox at the time of the events.
Would this matter for the hunter if they have a treaty right to hunt?
property.opensourcelaw.ca property.opensourcelaw.ca
no person shall hunt or fish or pursue with the intent to hunt or fish any wildlife without a valid licence
Does this take precedence over a treaty though? According to Syliboy it does, but it seems outdated, especially when the Constitution of 1982 shields any existing treaties