16 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Too frequently, teacher technology education focuses primarily on how to use and integrate technology as tools (Kay, 2006), but it fails to explore its inherent and often problematic complexities (Asim et al., 2020; Benson, et al., 2017; Bradshaw, 2017, 2018; Heath et al., 2021; Subramony, 2017; Tshuma, 2021) or built-in injustice

      It points out a gap in teacher technology education, noting that it often overlooks the inherent complexities and challenges associated with technology integration. Also, it suggests that teacher technology education may neglect to explore the presence of inherent injustices within technology tools and systems.

    1. Inclusive design is "design that considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age, and other forms of human difference."

      Inclusive is one of the most important function we should think about as we design those learning app, or lesson. Learning should not be something that is privilege for certain students, it should be open to everyone.

    1. UDL is a framework for designing learning experiences so students have options for how they learn, what materials they use, and how they demonstrate their learning. When implemented with a lens of equity, the framework has the potential to eliminate opportunity gaps that exclude many learners, especially those who have been historically marginalized. If we want all students to have equal opportunities to learn, we have to be incredibly purposeful, proactive, and flexible. UDL creates a learning environment that is the least restrictive and most culturally responsive, trauma-informed environment for all students.

      Universal Design for Learning(UDL) is a powerful framework that aims to ensure all students have equitable opportunities for learning. By implementing UDL through an equity lens, educators can address and eliminate opportunity gaps that often leave many learners behind, especially those from historically marginalized backgrounds.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. How is the information presented to learners? Is the content provided in multiple formats (e.g., text, audio, video, manipulatives)? Is the information chunked and organized to facilitate learning (Trust, 2013)?

      In today's study, people are highlighting multiple learning skills because people realized that not all the people are good at the same way of learning. "How is the information presented to learners?"This question prompts educators to consider how the information is delivered to students through the tool or app.

    1. Digital Tool in Practice: Kahoot! is a game-based student response tool. Educators can design or use predesigned Kahoot! games to help students memorize Constitutional terms.

      I remembered when I was in high school, all the teachers are in love with using Kahoot! to emphasized and enhanced our understanding of a concept. It highlights a practical application of behaviorism in the form of a game-based student response tool.

    1. Maine passed a law that protects users’ personal information. In a broadband context, this includes what websites you browse, what apps you have installed on your phone and how you use them, and your GPS location. The Maine law says that your ISP can use that to implement your internet service, but if the ISP wants to use this information for a reason other than providing the service, then they need to give you a choice. The default is that the ISP can’t use it unless you tell them that they can, so it’s an opt-in choice.

      It is improtant that people should have their personal privacy. Today, more and more apps ask users for their location, and track users location, ans share relevant posts through big data to users. But now, may apps do allow users to close the location tracking function, and sometime it send message saying that this app already track your location for 3days do you still want the app to track your location or not.

    1. The inclusion of AI technology in the classroom can alleviate some aspects of a teacher’s workload and can also benefit student learning and achievement. Some AI that is available as assistive technology can be chosen and “tailored to fit individual student rates and styles of learning . . . but not replace the work of human teachers” (Johnson, 2020, para. 17), because teachers are better equipped to determine which teaching methods will meet the needs of each student. Teachers can work with machine learning technology to solve problems and challenges, and when used correctly, it can help their students become better learners and members of society (Atlantic Re:think, 2018; HubSpot, 2017).

      AI is now into classroom in multiple ways, the most recent one is ChatGPT. Many professors are not ready to let ChatGPT to be use in assignment yet, which I totally understand. I also agree to this article that AI cannot replace real teachers, because many teachers "teach students according to their aptitude" AI is pre-code which means it teach in same ways

  3. Mar 2024
    1. rivacy is the “freedom from unauthorized intrusion” (Merriam-Webster, 2020, para 2). The right to privacy means “a person has the right to determine what sort of information about them is collected and how that information is used” (Sharp, 2013, para. 14). Yet, in today’s digital age, apps, websites, and online tools are collecting, using, and sharing private personal data to make money.

      I remember 2022, Facebook faced with the leakage of users' personal privacy incidents, and a lot of users got reparations for that.

    2. Microsoft Immersive Reader allows users to have text read aloud at different speeds. It gives users control over line spacing, font, text size, and focus. It can showcase the parts of speech and syllables.

      This is not just helpful for reading disability students, but also students whose second language is English. This can practice both their listening and reading skills.

    3. In addition, English language learners (ELL) and multilingual students can benefit from tools that feature translation support (Knutson, 2018).

      There is an icon on the google searching engines that allow people to translate the whole website. Also, this make me think of when I was taking the permit exam, they also allow us to choose the language we want to test with.

    1. Imagine if you completely rearranged your classroom every day. When students walked in, the whiteboard or screen had been relocated, classroom materials were in a different place, and the seating arrangement was different. Students would have to spend time and energy reorienting themselves to the design of the space before being able to settle down to learn. The same principle applies to your online learning environment. Standardize the organization and language used for recurring course elements. For example, if a course uses the convention “Module #”, carry that forward across all content items. As elements are repeated, learners will build familiarity with activity and content types and their associated expectations.

      I agree with this, also I think sometime classroom environment provide us(the students) self-identity, and also when we are comfort with the classroom environment/setting, we are more likely to participant

    1. Generally, the less equipment required, the more accessible the tool will be to a broad group of users, regardless of socioeconomic, geographic, or other environmental considerations.

      I totally agree with this, I remember during pandemic, most of the schools need to hold classes remotely. My high school, sent out a survey asking whether or not everyone have enough devices (laptop/wifi) to take the class.

    1. The official UN definition for disability is the following:"The term persons with disabilities is used to apply to all persons with disabilities including those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various attitudinal and environmental barriers, hinders their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others." – UN, Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons FAQ, 2007

      I love that the definition of disabilities from UN have broadens the understanding of the group. It encompassing various impairments, and emphasizes the impact of attitudinal and environmental barriers on hindering full societal participation. It also emphasize the equality and inclusion for persons with disabilities.

  4. Feb 2024
    1. For many teachers the reality has been that what occurs in their classroom has been both private and isolating, a matter between the teacher and his or her students but a task largely tackled alone. But this isolationist view is, in the age of the social media and networking increasingly challenged and more and more teachers are finding their voice, sharing their ideas and gaining valuable insights from a global community of connected educators.

      Personally, I this this show a shift in the educational landscape, where digital tools enable increased connectivity and information sharing among educators especially after pandemic. Because during pandemic educators have to use online platform to teach, and they have learn how to teach in this new way. Also, as the growth of social media use, educators are more likely to share their ideas and opinion.

    1. If you want to focus your search on specific sites, or kinds of sites, add “site:” and a portion of a URL (e.g., “site:.gov” searches only government sites, “site:.edu” only searches education sites, and “site:umass.edu” only searches sites hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst).

      All the tips are super helpful! But I want to emphasize this tip because last semester when I was writing my research paper, I search all my paper on google scholar and UMass Libraries, I think by adding specific sites is super useful when we are looking for something that is academic.

    1. In the digital age, educators often turn to multiple spaces (e.g., Professional Learning Communities, conferences, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), many different groups of people (e.g., colleagues, students, people at conferences and social media), and various tools (e.g., Internet search databases, blogs, YouTube) for professional learning (Kearney et al., 2019; Staudt Willet & Carpenter, 2020).

      I totally agree with it! Especially after pandemic, I think educators are more likely to use different digital tools to help them engaged students in the classroom. Moreover, educators are strongly encourage students to get resources online because it is easier to get access (library might not have those newest resources/paper/articles). Also, a lot of conferences now have live online, or it can be on zoom for participants who are not able to come to the scene still able to attend the conference.