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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Other American women expressed new discontents through literature. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s famous short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” attacked the expectation of feminine domesticity and ridiculed Victorian psychological remedies forced on women, such as the “rest cure.”

      This text is interesting for me because I read this book but didn't really look much into its origin. It really showed a way on how women used literature as a way to speak up.

    2. Women’s work against alcohol propelled temperance into one of the foremost moral reforms of the period

      This is interesting because it shows how women played a big role in this movement.

    3. Social reformer Florence Kelley, who stayed at Hull House from 1891 to 1899, convinced Addams to begin exposing conditions in local sweatshops and advocating for the organization of workers into unions

      This text really shows the influence Florence Kelly had on Jane Addams. Reading the text shows me how the connection between these two can lead to change.

    4. Coastal cities had often contended with challenging environments, especially when they began to grow.

      This text is interesting because it really shows how the coastal cities grew when they were under difficult circumstances and pressure.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. whites took back control of state and local governments and used their reclaimed power to disenfranchise

      White leaders used their power to take away voting rights from certain people give me an insight on how things were back in the past.

    2. immigrant

      This text caught my eye because the U.S. controlled immigration by refusing entry to people who had some sort of mental illness which I think is messed up.

    3. The fact that Roosevelt’s rhetoric ignored reality was not noticed by many who were inspired by the vigor and bravado of his “bully pulpit”.

      This text got me interesting by explaining how Roosevelt's speeches were inspiring to people even though it didn't really match what was actually happening.

    4. Roosevelt’s motto, “Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far”, suggested that the persuasive power of the U.S. military could ensure U.S. hegemony over strategically important regions in the Western Hemisphere.

      I found it interesting on how Roosevelt believed the U.S is able to stay powerful using their military to control places quietly.

    1. At the Omaha convention, Populists adopted a platform that crystallized the alliance’s cooperative programs into a coherent political vision

      The sentence emphasizes how the Populists' Omaha convention unified the alliance’s cooperative efforts into a clear, organized political agenda, marking a significant moment in the movement's development.

    2. Organizers spread from town to town across the South, the Midwest, and the Great Plains, holding evangelical-style camp meetings, distributing pamphlets, and establishing over one thousand alliance newspapers.

      This sentence shows the essence of the movement through gatherings of religious rituals and disseminating its message through mediums such as pamphlets and newspapers to garner backing and extend its reach to various regions.

    3. Mass production and corporate consolidations spawned giant trusts that monopolized nearly every sector of the U.S. economy in the decades after the Civil War.

      It's interesting to me because this is a good way to ensure power during a period of mass production.

    1. ven if the rich could afford to self-finance their industrial ventures, the risks and liabilities of big business were too great to bear individually

      This text showcases how this will be a key business challenge even if rich people can fund industrial enterprises. It highlights the risk it can come with with which made me find this text very intresting.

    2. Cyrus McCormick had been constructing mechanical reapers for harvesting wheat since the 1840s

      This text really shows the significant impact of Cyrus McCormick's invention. His work really played a role in a lot of things. This text also got me hooked on Cyrus McCormick.

    3. Soldiers moved from town to town, suppressing protests and reopening rail lines. Six weeks after it had begun, the strike had been crushed.

      This text shows how intense the military response was. The word "crushed" showed the effectiveness of it. This is what really made this text interesting in my opinion

    4. The governor of Maryland deployed the state’s militia in Baltimore and the militia fired into a crowd of striking workers, killing eleven and wounding many more. Strikes convulsed towns and cities across Pennsylvania.

      I found this text interesting since it shows how dramatic and violent it was during this time period

    5. And government spending and tax policy during and after the war helped create new industries such as Standard Oil

      This text showed me how the government used its money. It also made me wonder how the government contributed to other stuff also.