139 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Menu Main menu Getting Started with LinkedIn Learning Step One Step Two Step Three FAQ LinkedIn Learning

      I think as theres a lot of content here i wonder if the menu could have drop downs when hovered over? And maybe use a sticky banner like we do on these https://www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk/mle/packages/writing/ when the person starts scrolling the menu reappears briefly

    2. Frequently Asked Questions

      If possible i think we should reduce these to about 5 - one of these could be about where to find help on Linked in Learning itself?

    3. Further resources to support your professional development During your studies, you will receive support to develop professional skills that are relevant to your chosen career path. But building these skills takes time and is part of your lifelong learning journey. So, throughout your time at the University, you can return to this MLE resource and LinkedIn Learning whenever you find it useful. We will continue to expand these resources to support you on your professional journey.

      Can we have a divider here to separate this out a little and try the grey background?

      Also can you reword this to:

      Further support for your development During your studies, you will receive support to develop professional skills that are relevant to your chosen career path. Building these skills takes time and is part of your lifelong learning journey. Throughout your time at university, you can return to this guide and LinkedIn Learning whenever you find it useful.

      You can also access workshops and guides through the Library teaching programmes which support academics skills, research and specialist support areas such as copyright.

    4. The benefits of listing your career goals and interests Sharing career goals and interests on LinkedIn enhances your LinkedIn Learning experience by enabling the platform to recommend tailored courses that align with your aspirations. It also helps your network and mentors suggest relevant learning resources, supports connections with professionals in similar fields, and increases visibility to recruiters looking for candidates with specific skill sets. Additionally, showcasing your learning progress aligns your goals with industry trends, making your LinkedIn Learning journey more focused and impactful. These might be directly related to your studies or future plans, or they may focus on a different area you would like to explore. This information allows LinkedIn to recommend: Job or internship opportunities that match your interests Companies to follow in the industries you’re targeting Professional groups to join for networking

      Reword this to:

      Share Your Career Goals and Interests on LinkedIn Sharing your career goals on LinkedIn enhances your LinkedIn Learning experience by helping the platform recommend courses tailored to your goals. It also allows your network and mentors to suggest relevant resources, connect you with professionals in similar fields, and increases your visibility to recruiters. This information will help LinkedIn suggest: * Job or internship opportunities * Companies to follow * Professional groups to join for networking

    5. The benefits of building a network By leveraging your network on LinkedIn, you can make your LinkedIn Learning experience more engaging, relevant, and professionally rewarding. Not only will you benefit from personalised course recommendationsyou will be able to: See and engage with the courses your connections take, fostering social learning. Access to valuable LinkedIn Learning resources from connections with industry experts. Share skills gained from LinkedIn Learning with recruiters in your network, enhancing your career prospects. Get validation, mentorship, and guidance from your network on learning paths. Align your learning with the career paths and skills of your network connections. Access curated learning content relevant to your interests from LinkedIn Groups.

      Reword this to:

      Build Your Professional Network

      Building your LinkedIn network makes your learning more engaging and relevant by: * Offering personalised course recommendations. * Sharing new skills with recruiters. * Aligning learning with your connections' career paths. * Accessing curated content from LinkedIn Groups.

    6. uild a network and list your career goals and interests.

      swap this order here to share your career goals and interests and build your professional network

    7. The benefits of building a network By leveraging your network on LinkedIn, you can make your LinkedIn Learning experience more engaging, relevant, and professionally rewarding. Not only will you benefit from personalised course recommendationsyou will be able to: See and engage with the courses your connections take, fostering social learning. Access to valuable LinkedIn Learning resources from connections with industry experts. Share skills gained from LinkedIn Learning with recruiters in your network, enhancing your career prospects. Get validation, mentorship, and guidance from your network on learning paths. Align your learning with the career paths and skills of your network connections. Access curated learning content relevant to your interests from LinkedIn Groups.

      Can networking secrtion be after benefits f listing career goals

    8. Step Three

      Reduce padding above

    9. Return

      MIssing link and reduce padding afterward but increase padding between this and transcript

    10. Certification

      This needs some text to introduce it - whats it about and why do they need to watch it?

    11. Log into LinkedIn Learning: Access LinkedIn through your account or the University portal. Navigate to "My Learning": Click on the "My Learning" tab located in the top menu to see your ongoing courses and Learning Paths. Select Your Learning Path: Choose the Learning Path you want to modify from the list of enrolled courses and paths. Add or Remove Courses: To add courses, search for the course you want and click "Save" or "Add to My Learning" to include it in your Learning Path. To remove courses, go to the Learning Path and click the three dots next to the course title, then select "Remove from My Learning" or simply remove it from the path. Reorder Courses: You can adjust the order of courses by dragging and dropping them in the sequence you prefer within the Learning Path. Track Your Progress: Review your amended Learning Path and ensure it aligns with your evolving goals. Progress will continue to be tracked, and you can revisit or modify it as needed.

      Any instructions we should number. Rather than a transcript for demo videos can we have the video and the written instructions like this in a accordion

    12. By tailoring your Learning Path, you can ensure that it stays relevant to your career goals and areas of interest.

      Make this sentence part of the previous paragraph

    13. How effective or relevant is your LinkedIn Learning Path? Do you need to update it? Have you new goals or interests? Is it time to amend your Learning Path? We recommend that from time to time you return and update your LinkedIn Profile and LinkedIn Learning Path.

      Reword to

      We recommend you regularly review and update your LinkedIn Profile and LinkedIn Learning Path with any new goals or interests.

    14. Amend your LinkedIn Learning Path

      I would reword this to 'Update your learning path'

    15. Arranging courses in a logical order to form a Playlist.

      The heading here says playlist but the video is about collections?

      I think we can keep the title much shorter too just 'Creating a collection/playlist'

    16. Set learning goals and follow skills from How to Use LinkedIn Learning by Oliver Schinkten

      I'm a little confused by this video cant watch it at the moment - is this playlists and collections or are career goals something else? If something else I think it need bullet above and any videos should be in same order as the bullets

    17. Both tools let you choose how you engage with LinkedIn Learning, giving you a personalised learning experience.

      Reword to Playlist and collections allow you to choose how you engage with LinkedIn Learning, giving you a personalised learning experience.

    18. Collections: You can create collections. They are more flexible groupings of courses or resources that you can explore at your own pace, allowing you to dive into specific topics or areas of interest.

      Reword to

      • Collections are more flexible groupings of courses or resources that you can explore at your own pace, allowing you to dive into specific topics or areas of interest.

    19. Playlists: These are created by you. Like Learning Paths, they are sets of courses or videos organised to progressively build your skills but unlike Learning Paths you can personalise them. This can be especially useful when you find learning specific topics complex.

      Reword to:

      • Playlists are like Learning Paths, they are sets of courses or videos organised to progressively build your skills but unlike Learning Paths you can personalise them. This can be especially useful when you find learning specific topics complex.

    20. You too can create tailored learning content based on your personal or career goals.

      Reword to:

      You can also gather together tailored learning content based on your personal or career goals by using playlists and collections.

    21. Your tutor or course leader may use LinkedIn Learning to create tailored Learning Paths or Collections to help guide your studies.

      Change this first sentence so it incorporates the one after the bullets as follows:

      Your academic may use LinkedIn Learning to create tailored Learning Paths or Collections to help guide your studies. These curated resources are designed to complement your coursework and provide additional opportunities to deepen your understanding and skills.

    22. These curated resources are designed to complement your coursework and provide additional opportunities to deepen your understanding and skills.


    23. Learning Paths: These are created by your tutors. They are a structured series of courses organised to progressively build your skills, which can be especially useful when learning complex topics like coding or data analysis. Collections: These are a more flexible grouping of courses or resources that you can explore at your own pace, allowing you to dive into specific topics or areas of interest.

      Reword to • Learning Paths are a structured series of courses organised to progressively build your skills, which can be especially useful when learning complex topics like coding or data analysis. You may have Learning paths created for you by your academic will usually be created by your academics. • Collections are a more flexible grouping of courses or resources that you can explore at your own pace, allowing you to dive into specific topics or areas of interest.

    24. Return to top

      Can we reduce the padding below this a litlle

    25. The most straightforward way to find content is to use the Search bar.

      Introduce why they will watch the video below i.e., watch the video to find out about how to search on LInked Learning which is the easiest way to find and access content.

    26. After the setup, you’ll be directed to your personalised

      Change After the setup to 'Once you have completed the setup you will....

    27. Transcript

      Can the transcript heading by in bold

    28. You'll be greeted with an introductory screen explaining how LinkedIn Learning works and the benefits it offers. You'll be asked you to select your areas of interest or career goals, such as business, technology, creative skills, or specific job-related skills. This helps the platform tailor course recommendations based on your preferences. You may be asked to identify the skills you want to develop. This allows the platform to suggest relevant Learning Paths, courses, and content to help you grow in those areas.

      Can we rewrite to...

      When you access LinkedIn Learning for the first time you will: * See an introductory screen explaining LinkedIn Learning * Select areas of interest or career goals. * Identify skills and topics in which you want to develop.

    29. One to check but i think these should each have a full stop

    30. Since you're a student,

      I think you can cut 'Since you're a student,' and start from The first time you login

    31. I think we might have 3 sections but more steps - to me Getting started is a section but the step is creating your student profile?

    32. Step One - Getting Started

      For the headings can we use semei colon instead of dash? i.e., Step one: Getting started I think screen readers read out dash but not semi colon

    33. With flexible, on-demand learning, you can acquire practical skills at your own pace, positioning yourself for success in a competitive job market.

      Drop this last sentence

    34. LinkedIn Learning is more than a mere learning portal.

      Drop mere in favour of plain english. Make this part of the next paragraph

    35. LinkedIn Learning is an online platform where you can take eLearning courses to help your current studies or build skills for your future career. It has a huge library of online courses on topics like coding, design, business, and personal development and so much more. These courses are taught by experts and can help you learn practical skills that might not be covered in your regular classes.

      Remove the bold from linked in learning only use that on headings. Id also drop the third sentence and make the first two one paragraph.

    36. Become familiar with LinkedIn Learning and the true potential it offers Access LinkedIn Learning for the first time Create and use your LinkedIn Learning Path Review and amended your LinkedIn Learning Path as needed Exploit other LinkedIn features such as building networks and listing career goals and interests Access further resources to enhance your professional skills and competitiveness.

      Can we reduce these and merge some something like:

      • Help you access LinkedIn Learning and become familiar with its features. • Create, use and review LinkedIn Learning Paths. • Make use of features for building networks and listing career goals and interests.

    37. resource

      Anywhere we say resource can we say guide? We are currently trying to change our language over

    38. What is this first video for? Include a sentence before it sy why they will watch it i.e., 'Watch the video or read the transcript below to learn more about LinkedIn Learning and how it can help you.

    39. In today’s fast-paced world, a well-rounded skill set is crucial for success. As a university student, developing professional skills is crucial for preparing for your future career.

      I think these first 2 sentences can be cut out

    1. ight, please contact us. We have also developed a number of online resources to support teaching staff and students (pl

      test note

  2. Sep 2024
  3. www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk
    1. Keep in touch on final slide needs removing

    2. Summary - cademic phrasebank can we use a hotspot for the link and remove the underline - also the highlight in yellow with yellow text isnt accessible

    3. Proofreading techniques - can we use hotspots to make the whole of each bx clickable/

    4. Clarity - is everything clear popup -

      Can we remove the greey text from the slide layer about cleverness?

  4. www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk
    1. Final slide - remove keep in touch

    2. summary slide - text in purple looks like our old brand purple not #660099

    3. Reflecting on feedback - next button isnt working

    4. Giving feedback - can we get rid of the tip icon from the bottom?

    5. Dealing with challenges - slide name needs changing in menu can we not use the pink text and perhaps change the slide layout to one without the big left hand panel? The arrows used are from our old brand can you update o somethat use brand ywllow? https://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/brand/visual-identity/colour/

    6. Keep things moving -

      Can we try rewriting this so theres less text?

    7. Keeping things morving - further support slide just delete

    8. Creating a positive team culture -

      • Can we avoid the none brand colours of red and green
      • The tick boxes aren't doing anything so lets get rid of them and instead just explain that if people answer mainly yes etc - the final reveal layer can just be on the slide not clickable

      The next button on theis slide isnt working

    9. Can we remove the big pink icon? and just include the text on the main slide?

    10. Task delegation -

      Can we just ut the tip text on the slide and get rid of the tip icon

    11. Working with others - can we make the pink line brand yellow and keep the text grey? Also can we make the clickable text more obvious in some way? I think another layout might be good here as the slide is looking quite full

    12. Leadership and delegation

      Can weget rid of the yellow text on purple - just use yellow for icons. Also can we remove the none brand pink

    13. Theres a slide with no heading but a bit arrow and link to belbin team roles - can we use a hot spot for the slink and ensure its also over the arrow? Give it a title too

    14. Identify your role in the group - can we simplify title to identify your role?

      Also can we vary the icons used on the boxes to differentiate them? Maybe a paintbrush on creative, list on the planner etc

    15. Team roles * The yellow numbering isnt accessible - keep it to same colour as text in the list * Im not sure the text is needed could we remove? Also remove the feedback button

      Can we remove the pink text please?

    16. Understanding the team - can we shift the arrows left a tiny smidgen they seem close to the text and use the brand yellow instead of green>?

    17. Contacting the group slide - The redirect to doodle uses an old server link can you update it to a direct link to doodle?

    18. Tools for collaboration

      The pink icon is too big -but also probably not necessary as the text will fit on the slide anyway?

    19. Benefits and challenges

      The layout on this isn't ideal the titles that are clickable aren't obvious. Could we try a different laout and perhaps make them buttons or something - also the arrow icons that appear are in the old brand purple.. Again can we get rid of the pink text?

    20. Types of group work

      • The slide title purple is the old one
      • Can we use white text on purple and white text on grey not the pink or yellow please
    21. What is group work slide the qoute is in the old brand purple not the updated #660099 - same on next slide too

    22. Theres something weird with the banner image on slide one? its like its on twice?

    23. Check the menu theres quite a few repeated slide titles can we update them and refresh the menu?

  5. www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk
    1. Remove keep in touch from final slide

    2. Quick tips to otrganising your notes on summary slide not working

  6. www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk
    1. Introduction - Phrase searching

      Can we rename all the slide title like this to just the subject - i.e. introduction phrase searching is just phrase searching?

      Also on this slide the huge pink icon is a bit big can we make it brand yellow? When the slide layer appear the text is over other text and unreadable

    2. Introduction - Stop words

      Can we change the pink text the brand purple

    3. Truncation - How does it work

      Can we remove the big pink important icon - and include the layer text on the slide by using more of the slide area on the left?

    4. Introduction - Truncation screen

      This big pink I is quite big - can we put it in brand yellow please?

    5. Boolean OR with filled venn - the fill and here is making this inaccessible. Could we stick to purple/yellow and if we have a fill make it much more subtle/transparent

    6. On the Venn diagrams can we use the brand colours on the circles purple/yellow.

    7. Can you refresh the menu and then remove any slides that have example in the title?

    1. To add courses, search for the course you want and click "Save" or "Add to My Learning" to include it in your Learning Path. To remove courses, go to the Learning Path and click the three dots next to the course title, then select "Remove from My Learning" or simply remove it from the path.

      Can we indent these two bullets?

    2. Access LinkedIn Learning - bottom of this section link needs updating to FAQs on this site

    3. Can we lighten the grey background boxes, I know this is the same as digital skills - its something ive been meaning to change on that too.

      I also wonder if the grey boxes could be wider so theres less page scroll?

    4. Can we change the name to 'Getting started with Linkedin Learning'

  7. www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk
    1. Frequently asked questions slide - Can we kill off the sign post and just use buttons or something - also get rid the pink line Next button not working on this slide

    2. The components page can we rename it in the menu to 'The components of a literature review'

      Also on that slide can we reduce the font size in the hover boxes it looks really big.

      Next button on this slide isnt working

    3. What does a lit review include slide - The cards should start on the left panel and be dragged over to one of the columns but some appear in column 1 one in coloumn two?

    4. The purpose of a lit review slide - Your lit review text is in top over the image and should be over the purple door

    5. Introduction slide - can we change resource to guide?

    1. Creating gantt charts slide can we not use pink text - use the purple grey for text and yellow for images and icons

    1. Can we change the name of cheat sheet in the downloads section to downloadable version?

    2. Om the final slide can we remove keep in touch? Also the links seem to have a weird pink underline, is it possible to remove this? Everything seems to be in bold - im not sure this is the right final slide layer, take a look at this one to see the difference https://www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk/mle/revision-strategies/

    3. Presentation design slide can we have normal line spacing on the introduction - its double and looks weirrd as the rest isnt

    4. 2 activity slide - when you click the layers the white background doesn't go to the bottom and you can still see some base layer text. Also on the image layer the white background is slightly to the left and starts to cover the purple panel.

    5. Activity slide 1 - missing full stop after important on the left panel.

    6. The purpose of your slides - can we use a simpler icon recoloured to the yellow from the brand colours? Also perhaps a shadow on the buttons to make them more obvious as buttons?

    7. Slecting what you want to display - Introduction

      When you start clicking the circles the others disapear. Theres also grey text on a grey background. Can we make tis a tabbed interaction or something instead?

    8. Update the menu so theres not too appearances of activity

  8. Aug 2024
  9. www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk
    1. Can we change the name of the download from cheat sheet to downloadable version?

    2. Menu - can we update the slide titles to make them more user frindly - you can also delet some from the menu if that makes sense in places

    1. Search grid

      Can we remove this looks like its from an old resource

    2. Search operators

      Description: Download a copy of our search operators cheat sheet to find which operators to use in our most popular databases.

    3. de will help you to use google searching to its full potential. Top Ten Tips: Researching Efficiently In guide will provide you with tips for

      For the guides in the reading section can we call them blogs in the description not guides - just to differentiate form the learning guides

    4. UoMLibrary · Successful Searching Podcast UoMLibrary · Successful searchingTop Ten Tips - Group WorkTop Ten Tips - Group Work Listen on SoundCloud

      So the listen on sound clousshould be underneath - i think this grid layou so its placing it on the right but as theres only 1 we want it to be centered please

    5. Click here to view the current workshops avaliable

      Can we replace these with the workshop descriptions - if they arent currently listed on the website ask programme management if they can provide

    6. This website provides you with a list of additional advanced searching guides.

      Remove this link - I think we need to add an advanced searching page to the resource - on a second page with all the sls ones on there under same catergories, workshops etc we can link to this from the page intro and nav bar

    7. This resource will explore what you can find within these databases, why they are an important research tool and how to select the right databases for your research area.

      Change 'resource' to'guide'

    8. g your search (Interactive Version)

      Take (interactive version) out from the title

    9. This resource will look at the three main steps in carrying out your search for academic literature as well as where to search and how you can improve the

      remove this resource - the interactive one is now in rise and so serves accessible and interactive

    10. The page title tab is missing the s from searching

  10. Sep 2022
  11. Jul 2022
    1. Menu About Welcome Message Academic Life Community Resources

      Is the logo meant to be out of line with the first list? If so might work better about the text in this footer - or on the same line as the sharing icons?

    2. Remember You can add any content to your personlised list at any time by clicking on the icon at the right of the screen.

      Id put a reminder about this halfway down the page too

    3. There are lots of tips on the Careers blog.

      "Take a look at the Careers blog for careers-related news, advice from staff and students."

      stole and adapted from the about section on the blog

    4. out


    5. to have a go

      I'd end after opportunities - not sure to have a go makes sense?

    6. the

      Id get rid of and whats more and just start from The

    7. Every year thousands of Manchester students get involved in their local, national and international communities through volunteering.  They learn new skills, make frien

      Is this text a different colour to the rest?

    8. e

      I think Money is the start of a new sentence here

    9. figure

      figure out

    10. ad


    11. ourselves

      full stop after ourselves

    12. this where

      this is where

    13. Community

      Large gap below heading

    14. Students' Union Your Students’ Union support student reps who are the link between you and the University on all things course related. They listen to your thoughts and ideas about your course, and feed this back to your School. By telling your Student Rep how you are feeling about your course, they can drive positive change within the University to make sure you are getting the best experience you can whilst at the University of Manchester. You can find out who your rep is on your SU Student Dashboard.. Check this box to do this later

      Ok one thought you know the back ground slants could we have different colours for the 3 different sections? Im just thinking it might help visually zone the content a bit - could be subtle with a slight pattern rather than colour change?

    15. these resources

      I think these can be dropped here

    16. Throughout your time at The University of Manchester, we will support you to develop your digital skills and confidence to help with your studies and prepare you for your future career. Developing your digital skills can enable you to make the most of your time at University and could even boost your degree result. For example, they can help you to analyse information, design solutions to problems, organise your thinking and influence others. Being able to use technology effectively is frequently listed as one of the top graduate skills sought by employers.  Most jobs involve using technology to do the role more effectively or efficiently.  At Manchester we will help you prepare for the future and provide you with the opportunities and the support you need.

      I've got a feeling we cant reword this section is that right? If we can its very repetitive and could be reduce a lot. Happy to have a go if thats ok?

    17. Your Students’ Union are here to help you have the best few weeks (and years) of your lives! Think of us as your mate in the year above who knows everything this city has to offer and will give you some sound advice; we’re solid, reliable and know how to have a good time! We’re here for you throughout the entirety of your degree and beyond. From your first day, first society event and first hand-ins, to your last exams, graduation ceremonies and job hunting – we'll be by your side. Whatever your vibe, we’ve got something for you. From nights out OUT across Manchester, to chilled nights in, there’s so much to get involved in this September. We bet we can show you something fresh and make new connections regardless! Want to see what we’ve got planned for you this year? Check out the SU website.

      This is a sudden switch top first person - if we we need to keep it in the first person can we add a similar intro to the st welcome video i., Reading the below message from the Student Union...

    18. when you start semester one.

      I dont think semester one is needed here - perhaps say 'when you start your studies.'

    19. There are lots of options if you're having a difficult time at university, there is a 24 hour help line, workshops, group sessions and one on one sessions.

      If your having a difficult time there is lots of support available to you including, a 24 hour help line, one to one sessions, workshops and group sessions. Find out more on the Counselling Service website.

    20. You can find out more information about how student support at the university works on blog post.

      If you want to ready more about how student support at the university read this blog post written by the |Library student team.

    21. Here is a message from the Library Student Team. This is a team of students emplyed by the library to help support the work the Library does. You can find out more in the Academic Resources section.

      Watch the video below from the Library's student team who discuss what its like to be a student here at Manchester.

      You can find out more in the Academic resources section of this page.

    22. library to help support the work the Library

      Theres a lower case and uppercase use of Library here i think they are both ok to be lowercase.

    23. You can look at your personlised list at any time by clicking on the icon at the right of the screen

      to do list

    24. Read through the suggestions on this page If you want add some content to your to do list, click the checkbox next to the text
      1. Read through the information on this page where you will find some suggested tasks to help you prepare for your studies.

      2. If you want to add a suggestion to your to do list, click the checkbox next to the text.

    25. A message from

      I like the design of this smaller but i think it might be a little too small?

    26. Read through the suggestions on this page If you want add some content to your to do list, click the checkbox next to the text You can look at your personlised list at any time by clicking on the icon at the right of the screen When you're finished, click the 'Email my list' button to create a draft email to yourself so you don't forget. Or you can click the 'copy' button to use your notes app or similar to keep track.

      Number 4 has a full stop but 1 - 3 dont. I think they all probably should?

    27. This resources is designed to help you to think about the next steps for you, some encouragement and support as well as some practical things you can do to help you get set up for your studies.

      "The resources on this page will help you to consider your next steps to prepare for studies at Manchester. You will find out about support available to you and some practical steps you can take to get ready."

    28. ces is designed to help you to think about the next steps for you, some

      Should we refer to it as a page/guide/ toolkit rather than resource - just an idea

    29. s


    30. What is this resource?

      I dont think we need a heading on the initial description