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  1. Feb 2016
    1. These Iraqi troops, under Saddam Hussein, had done something that no other animal on earth does: They had fouled their own nest.

      Presumably during the war in Iraq. The Iraqi soldiers had destroyed their own land, possibly to refrain the U.S from utilizing the source. The source basically then goes through 2 photographers views of the wasteland. I will use this text to show yet another example of the actions some will take out of hatred for another.

    1. Using firearms, machetes, and a variety of garden implements, Hutu militiamen, soldiers, and ordinary citizens murdered some 800,000 Tutsi and politically moderate Hutu. It was the fastest, most efficient killing spree of the twentieth century.

      This article discusses why the US didn't help as much as they should have,why the UN forces were limited, and the mercilessness of the Hutu people. Peacekeepers try to stay out of Africa, and in this case because they don't want to support aggressive peacekeeping. I plan to use this in the point of social or cultural differences cause others to become evil.