36 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Safiya Umoja Noble. Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. New York University Press, New York, UNITED STATES, 2018. ISBN 978-1-4798-3364-1. URL: https://orbiscascade-washington.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01ALLIANCE_UW/8iqusu/alma99162068349301452 (visited on 2023-12-10).

      Search engines are meant to enhance users' experience by collecting data from users and recommending users based on their interests and values, which can lead to skewing search results. This type of behavior also exists in real life; for example, when you are in a group with people that have similar views as you, which can lead people to reinforce everyone's view, ultimately subconsciously creating a very extreme view. This is a cycle that users can escape unless they delete their profile and the data the social media has collected from them.

    1. If you could magically change anything about how people behave on social media, what would it be?

      If I had the power to change anything about how people behave on social media, I would remove the "cancel culture." I believe this is the major reason our society is so sensitive and fragile. If cancel culture did not exist, it would allow more diverse content and freedom for people to publish their opinions and art on social media, which is what social media looked like before the cancel culture existed.

    1. Matthew Johnston. How Apple Makes Money. Investopedia, June 2023. URL: https://www.investopedia.com/how-apple-makes-money-4798689 (visited on 2023-12-10).

      As an Apple product user, Apple makes the transition between their product, such as iPad, MacBook, AirPods, etc., very smoothly. The ecosystem is not limited to hardware; it also includes software, such as iCloud, Apple Music, etc. I believe the Apple ecosystem is the major reason why a lot of people will continue consuming Apple products.

    1. In what ways do you see capitalism, socialism, and other funding models show up in the country you are from or are living in?

      Growing up in Hong Kong, I experienced different social ideologies because of the system that remained after the British colonized and returned Hong Kong to China. In recent years, China has slowly gained back control over China and turned the Hong Kong system similar to China's: communism. It has definitely restricted some freedom and affected Hong Kong's economy.

    1. Rebecca Jennings. Stop canceling normal people who go viral. Vox, October 2021. URL: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/22716772/west-elm-caleb-couch-guy-tiktok-cancel (visited on 2023-12-10).

      Cancel culture is an ongoing conversation and debate nowadays. Many people argue that there is a need for cancel culture because it creates a safer place; people who argue against cancel culture claim that it makes people sensitive, can't take jokes or entertainment, and kills the purpose of social media.

    1. How would a user do the retraction? What options would they have (e.g., can they choose to keep or delete the original tweet content)? What additional information would they be able to provide?

      On Instagram, users can retract a post by simply clicking the delete option. However, after a user deletes a post, they cannot restore it. Instagram will not notify the followers that a post has been deleted: it will not leave and traces unless someone go to the account and check.

    1. Ally Perry. Woman Cooks for Neighbors, Somehow Offends People on the Internet. November 2022. URL: https://cheezburger.com/18473221/woman-cooks-for-neighbors-somehow-offends-people-on-the-internet (visited on 2023-11-21).

      I believe the reason why social media nowadays is very sensitive is because of "cancel culture". Cancel culture gives people on the internet power to destroy a person's career if they find something offensive and dislike. Cancel culture can be good in a way to protect and make the internet a safer place, but it creates many unnecessary restrictions.

    1. Have you experienced or witnessed harassment on social media (that you are willing to share about)?

      I have witnessed much harassment of celebrities on social media, more specifically Twitch and YouTube streamers. Many streamers have made a common careless mistake: leaking their address or phone number, which has led to their viewer's many ways to harassment them with that information, such as calling the police or firemen to the streamers' address, spamming streamers' number, etc.

    1. Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers. URL: https://stackoverflow.com/ (visited on 2023-12-08).

      As someone who has to code frequently, Stack Overflow is my best helper because people have had problems and solutions for most of the coding errors I have faced. I really like Stack Overflow as it has a great community filled with coders who are willing to help you. An interesting fact that I saw online about Stack Overflow that I found funny: "All coders have used Stack Overflow, but none of them has seen the homepage."

    1. In what ways do you think you’ve participated in any crowdsourcing online?

      I have participated in many crowdsourcing online, such as filling surveys out for people for small prizes. The biggest crowdsourcing that I have participated in is Wikipedia. I have reported and changed some information on a Wikipedia page, and other people are also contributing to the same page, which is a classical example of crowdsourcing online.

    1. Anil Dash. Against “Don’t Read the Comments”. Humane Tech, January 2016. URL: https://medium.com/humane-tech/against-don-t-read-the-comments-aee43ce515b9 (visited on 2023-12-08).

      I agree with the author that ignoring negative or hateful comments is the best way to deal with them. However, this encourages even more extreme comments, as people who want to comment something truthful or meaningful start skipping the comment section and not commenting at all. Commenting and interacting with a community can spread positivity. Even though the comments are full of toxicity and negativity, we must do something about it instead of leaving it as it is.

    1. In unmoderated online spaces who has the most power and ability to speak and be heard? Who has the least power and ability to speak and be heard?

      In an unmoderated online spaces, I believe people with lot of followers, such as celebrities, politicians, etc., have the most power to be heard. If the internet allows any speech, people with great influence can say anything they want and will not face any consequences. In contrast, people with little followers, even though they are speaking the truth, are hard to be heard. Therefore, there are many policies or cancel we have built "cancel culture" to prevent people with great influences from great riots on the internet and in real life.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Anya Kamenetz. Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image. Psychology Today, February 2020. URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/202002/selfies-filters-and-snapchat-dysmorphia-how-photo-editing-harms-body-image (visited on 2023-12-08).

      From my observation, photoshopping and using filters are very common among teenagers, both boys and girls. However, I believe it is more severe among girls as there are many social media celebrities using plastic surgery to create a "perfect" body that is not obtainable by simply eating healthy or exercising. Those influences created a beauty standard that you have an extreme body.

    1. In what ways have you found social media bad for your mental health and good for your mental health?

      I find social media, in general, bad for my mental health as it is very addictive; it is very difficult to get off social media because the contents are targeted specifically for their users. Sometimes, if I want to take a break for 5 minutes from studying, I scroll on Instagram nonstop until I realize I have taken a "long" break. There many times in a day where I unconsciously open social media apps and start scrolling.

    1. Morgan Sung. Their children went viral. Now they wish they could wipe them from the internet. NBC News, November 2022. URL: https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/influencers-parents-posting-kids-online-privacy-security-concerns-rcna55318 (visited on 2023-12-08).

      There are many debates on whether putting your own children on social media for views and revenue is ethical or should be allowed because those children do not have a choice or the mental ability to understand what is going on. If the children later on realize they do not want to be seen and put on social media, for example, as a "meme", it will be too late because once something is uploaded on social media or the internet, it will be nearly impossible to completely delete it.

    1. How do you think attribution should work when copying and reusing content on social media (like if you post a meme or gif on social media)? When is it ok to not cite sources for content? When should sources be cited, and how should they be cited?

      I believe attribution is a must for any usage of any content that is created by other people because without crediting those creators, it will demotivate those people when the person using their work gains more views or money. When the sources need to be cited, it should be as simple as tagging (putting the creator tag) on the post.

    1. Zack Whittaker. Facebook won't let you opt out of its phone number 'look up' setting. TechCrunch, March 2019. URL: https://techcrunch.com/2019/03/03/facebook-phone-number-look-up/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      Throughout this whole class, we have read and discussed enormous articles about social media exploiting their user private data, especially meta (Facebook). This has led me to think about whether the recent Supreme Court against social media is valid and whether banning TikTok is correct because it seems like social media has tried many ways to collect our data to an extent where it invades users' privacy.

    1. 11.1.2. Reflections# What experiences do you have of social media sites making particularly good recommendations for you? What experiences do you have of social media sites making particularly bad recommendations for you?

      I do not have much experience with social media sites making bad recommendations; most of the time, they do a great job feeding or recommending content that I'm interested in. The reason behind this, I believe, is that I mainly use Instagram and YouTube, and I have been using them for an extensive amount of time, which is likely to provide enough data about me to make assumptions about me.

    1. Inclusive design. December 2023. Page Version ID: 1188074097. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Inclusive_design&oldid=1188074097 (visited on 2023-12-07).

      This source discusses the central idea of inclusive design, such as recognizing the problem, approaching inclusive design, history, etc. I found this source interesting because it also provides many examples of inclusive design in our lives that we often neglect, such as playgrounds and parks, text fonts on our phones, etc.

    1. CIDER method [j24] (Critique, Imagine, Design, Expand, Repeat)

      I have never heard of the CIDER method, but I believe this CIDER method is very practical. There are many methods I have used in my life that are similar to CIDER, where it involves critique or finding a problem, then researching and creating the solution. However, the methods that I used before did not include repeating the designing a solution process, which I believe is a critical part of creating a solution to a problem: revision.

    1. Steven Spielberg. Catch Me If You Can. December 2002. URL: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0264464/.

      Catch Me If You Can is one of my favorite shows. The main character, Frank, is really good at disguising and pretending to be people. He was able to fool many professionals, and he was able to scam many stores and banks with the fake checks that we made. At last, he turned himself in because he was lonely and called the police, who had been chasing him for years. The story ended with a good ending as he was hired by the government to be a fraud detector.

    1. What incentives to social media companies have to violate privacy?

      There are many incentives for social media companies to violate privacy. The obvious one is social media earns most of its revenue through ads. If social media companies know what their users like and promote ads, they would most likely buy, which would boost the advertising companies' sales, encouraging companies to put ads on social media platforms.

    1. Kurt Wagner. This is how Facebook collects data on you even if you don’t have an account. Vox, April 2018. URL: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/20/17254312/facebook-shadow-profiles-data-collection-non-users-mark-zuckerberg (visited on 2023-12-05).

      Information is everything; everyone and everything contains data. Not all data or information is meaningful and "expensive"; however, when you have an extensive data set, you can start finding patterns and concluding an object or person. Therefore, social media platforms constantly try to collect data about you because their primary revenue is advertisement. Directing the ad to the right audience encourages companies to put advertisement on the social media platforms.

    1. What was accurate, inaccurate, or surprising about your ad profile? How comfortable are you with Google knowing (whether correctly or not) those things about you?

      After reviewing my ad profile, I found that there was nothing surprising as it is close to my interests and what I usually look for. Obviously, I am not comfortable with Google knowing that information because they will feed me ads about stuff that I'm interested in.

    1. Rules of the Internet. December 2009. URL: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rules-of-the-internet (visited on 2023-12-05).

      It is interesting to see that someone in 2009 published a blog on 4Chan about "the rule of the internet" he imagined. The Internet is for anyone who has access to a digital device that can access the Internet. There is no rule as long as it does not violate the Constitution. The rule published in 2009 is more like a guideline for people new to the internet that guides them on what to do and what not to do in certain situations. No, these are the rules that people who use the internet must follow.

    1. What do you think is the best way to deal with trolling?

      I believe the best way to respond to trolling is the same as the advice mentioned above: "Don't feed the trolls." Most of the time, people who do "trolling" on social media are trying to get attention from other people; they are craving people's attention and reaction. If no one reacts to their trolls, it would discourage those "trolls." Engaging with those trolls would encourage their behavior and wouldn't make the situation any better.

    1. Facebook real-name policy controversy. September 2023. Page Version ID: 1173840760. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Facebook_real-name_policy_controversy&oldid=1173840760 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      As an active social media user, I believe having a real-name policy contradicts the general philosophy of social media. Many people see social media as a platform to escape from "real life" by anonymously discovering the platform or having a "fake" or exaggerated person on social media. The reason behind having a real-name policy is that it is ideal and positive as it makes users authentic and eliminates many criminal activities on social media platforms; however, it does not align with social media users' values and interests.

    1. How do you notice yourself changing how you express yourself in different situations, particularly on social media? Do you feel like those changes or expressions are authentic to who you are, do they compromise your authenticity in some way?

      On social media, I often notice myself exaggerating (my message) and neglecting my life's harmful or destructive events. To some extent, they are still authentic to who I am as they are still part of me, and based on actual events in my life, exaggerating is one way I express myself, but less often in real life. As we always say, "social media is an exaggerated version of our lives" I believe that also influenced how I act and express myself on social media as everyone else is doing the same thing.

    1. Tom Knowles. I’m so sorry, says inventor of endless online scrolling. The Times, April 2019. URL: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/i-m-so-sorry-says-inventor-of-endless-online-scrolling-9lrv59mdk (visited on 2023-11-24).

      There are many reasons why people endlessly scroll on social media platforms: the algorithm, engaging content, trends, fear of missing out, etc. Nowadays, social media are designed to attract and keep users spending time on their platforms, as social media companies can earn revenue from ads. This motivates social media developers to create an algorithm that will best keep users' attention by collecting data about their lives, hobbies, interests, etc. There is no other way to stop endless online scrolling other than completely stopping social media: social media detox, which will prevent data collection from social media platforms and stop stimulating our brains with dopamine from social media.

    1. 5.5.2. 4Chan

      I've heard many stories about 4Chan of how the community in 4Chan helped people solve mysterious cases or minorities facing unfair treatment by society. Those stories were done by a collective community of people with expertise in many different fields, such as geography, medicine, computer science, etc. My question is, how can a platform with all anonymous users form a strong community to work toward a goal collectively? People will not be known or awarded for spending days and using their experience to help people anonymously.

    1. Shannon Bond. Elon Musk wants out of the Twitter deal. It could end up costing at least $1 billion. NPR, July 2022. URL: https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1110539504/twitter-elon-musk-deal-jeopardy (visited on 2023-11-24).

      I picked this source because I clearly remember the Elon Musk vs. X (former Twitter) drama. Elon Musk wanted to acquire Twitter because he believed Twitter's operation team was poor as they kept censoring Tweets about sensitive information, and Elon Musk wanted to promote free speech (also more as a troll). Furthermore, prior to Elon Musk acquiring Twitter, he decided to opt-out to "troll" the internet.

    1. Can you think of an example of pernicious ignorance in social media interaction?

      Social media strengthens and reinforces our pernicious ignorance because we tend to overlook and ignore information that we don't like by skipping over it and checking and spending time on more time on content/information we like. These actions feed the algorithm data on what we like and dislike, and social media algorithms are tailored to their users, which makes users spend more time on their platform.

    1. Gender Pay Gap Bot [@PayGapApp]. Gender Pay Gap Bot (@PayGapApp). March 2023. URL: https://twitter.com/PayGapApp (visited on 2023-12-02).

      I disagree with the use of robots to generate political content or as a political pushback that may be ethically justifiable because the content generated can be extremely biased and misleading. Most importantly, since people know it is generated by bots, they would not believe or even consider checking that content. It is bad for social media platforms as they are flooding the platform with unhealthy and non-credible content.

    1. How are people’s expectations different for a bot and a “normal” user?

      In my opinion, the critical difference in the expectations for a bot and a "normal user" is whether it is human-like, such as whether it demonstrates emotions from the content generated, whether the content is out of context, whether the content includes unnecessarily highly accurate and detailed data, etc. Those are the factories people consider when interacting with a bot, as it is challenging to program a bot that acts like a human. Bots can pretend to be humans, but humans can spot whether something is artificial or not.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Taoism [b16]

      Adding more information about the framework:

      A key figure who believed in Taoism was Bruce Lee—Hong Kong-American martial artist and actor (fun fact: I am from Hong Kong too). There is a famous quote from Bruce Lee, "You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle... Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." Bruce Lee believed that whatever situation you are in, embrace it and do not panic because the universe/nature decides, and you can't break or force anything.

    1. How do you think about the relationship between social media and “real life”?

      I believe the fine line between social media and "real life" is getting increasingly blurry because social media and "real life" are intertwined and really blend together nowadays. People spend a lot of time in "real life" on social media, which has become part of our lives. Social media is our lives; it is part of our "real life": the exaggerated, extreme, and twisted version of our lives.