11 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. “With the scars and stuff that I have from this,” she says, “what guy’s gonna like me?”

      this quote shows a very real human reaction to having this disease. most people would assume it would be her first response about the uncertain future but the second response is more real and is a feeling that many readers can relate to.

    2. Antibiotics have left a pattern of dark patches on her calves that once got her mistaken for an AIDS patient

      the use of a former disease is a great way to let readers know just how series the problem is, especially since it is in reference to a side effect of a attempt at treatment.

    3. Slaughter Lane is something else. It’s Walgreens and Denny’s and eventually a parking lot sliced by the spindly shadow of a twenty-foot-tall cross

      the picture this paints makes it abundantly clear what kind of neighborhood this church resides in.

    4. It is bad enough that people are suffering so terribly. But to be the topic of seemingly the biggest joke in the world is way too much for sick people to bear.

      This is an excellent example of the writer showing that people with diseases can suffer in multiple ways, not just from the affliction.

  2. Aug 2024
    1. Choose a method of annotation that works best for you and that will make sense when you go back to recollect your thoughts and responses to the essa

      having your own style of annotations seems to be similar to how writers have different styles of writing. everyone annotates differently but the important thing is that it makes sense to you and can be easily reviewed when you need to go back over it.

    2. What to Annotate in a Text• Memorable statements of important points• Key terms or concepts• Central issues or themes• Examples that support a main point• Unfamiliar words• Questions you have about a point or passage• Your responses to a specific point or passage

      this is the first writing class I have taken in college and I haven't had to annotate reading before and this has made it much more clear. this being an online class its hard to have classroom discussions but annotations are a way to bridge that gap.

    3. Remember that you are not reading for content alone but also to understand a writer’s methods

      I think this is a very creative way to stay committed to readings that you may not have any particular interest in. trying to figure out the tactics writers use, weather they are good or bad, can be used in my own writings.

    4. When you learn to read actively, you begin to answer these important questions and come to appreciate the craftsmanship involved in writing

      This is a very interesting concept I have never thought about before when analyzing writing. as a theatre student you learn about the different methods actors use and through that schooling I've become more aware of different objectives actors use to portray characters and it makes sense that the same thing can be applied to writers.

    1. All course readings will be available on Canvas. There is no required textbook.

      I appreciate that you provide all the readings on canvas and there is not an extra purchase for this class. Many classes say they do not have required text when registering but then later they add books or readings and it is very frustrating so I am glad to hear that all requirements will be provided.

    2. will generally respond to emails within 48 hours, except on weekends. If you haven’t received an email after that timeframe, feel free to send another email. Should the topic be urgent and require a quicker reply, please include the word URGENT in your subject so I can respond to you sooner

      Im glad to hear that your contact hours and methods are very clear. I've never seen a professor use the urgent email method and this will become very useful if I ever have pressing matters.

    3. Include EXTENSION REQUEST in your subject. If you ask before the due date I will almost certainly say yes, so just ask! If the due date has passed, the answer will be no.

      This extension policy seems extremely fair because extensions are allowed with the extension request which gives both the professor time and the student time.