2 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. In the S phase, the DNA of the chromosomes is replicated. Finally, in the G2 phase, the cell undergoes the final preparations for meiosis.

      What phase do most cells spend the majority of their life in? The cell spends most of its like in the interphase. This is because the interphase is the phase where the cell grows and it is also when the cell preps for the mitotic/meiotic process. In the interphase process the cell goes through G1, S, and G2 phase which takes a majority of the cells life.

    2. Mitosis is a single nuclear division that results in two nuclei, usually partitioned into two new cells. The nuclei resulting from a mitotic division are genetically identical to the original. They have the same number of sets of chromosomes: one in the case of haploid cells, and two in the case of diploid cells. On the other hand, meiosis is two nuclear divisions that result in four nuclei, usually partitioned into fou

      How does Meiosis differ from Mitosis? There are lots of differences between mitosis and meiosis. To start meiosis is used for reproduction where they produce 4 cells that are genetically identical to the male and female. Whereas Mitosis only produces 2 cells from one parent cell creating two identical cells.