3 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. 1960 年,洛杉矶还是一座白人聚居的城市。到了 1980 年,它不再是曾是

      This sentence shows that since 1980, Los Angeles has begun to increase a lot of immigrants.

  2. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. . On the other end of the spectrum, localities provide the bulk of school funding in some states. Within most states, moreover, poorer districts usually contribute a smaller portion of funding than do wealthier dis-tricts, which in turn means that the state's share of funding varies as well.

      This statement emphasizes the impact of the local economy on local schools. Although the percentage of funding each state provides to schools is similar, the amount of funding each state receives varies greatly because of the difference in revenue. This is very unfair to poor areas, whose schools end up being the same or worse anyway. This is one of the important reasons leading to the educational inequality in the country.

    2. When legislatures finally respond, they usually provide a bit more state funding to poor school districts while leaving the wealthier districts alone.

      This statement shows the unequal treatment of different schools by the local legislature. Although they give money to poor school areas, but this only helps them maintain the status. In reality it doesn't work for them. It also reflects economic inequality that has led to schools being divided into "poor districts" and "rich districts." I can also see that poor and rich schools are divided into different districts, rather than randomly having poor and rich campuses in one place, which proves that the local economy also has a great impact on schools.