9 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. yetthedaywasfarfromover,thesunstillwarmandhighoverheadwhensheheardherselfsay,inabrokenwhisper,Lookatyou,littleman.Lookatyoustandingup

      The underlying fear for his condition adds depth, reflecting the emotional complexity as the woman navigates her role as a supporter.

    2. !at’swherehewent.Isnow.Arealizationsosharp,sovisual—shecanseehim,afour-leggedshadowtracingalazypaththroughthegrass—astomakeherfeelclairvoyant.

      Surreal. Maybe its because she is too focused on her missing son.

    3. Youjustwishhe’dgoaway,shesaidtooloudly.Untrue.Notjusthalfofhim.Allofhim.

      This children has brought so much pain to the whole family that they even wished that he had never been in this world.

    4. Mysonstoodtoday.Mysonwalkedtoday.

      Why is this sentence supposed to be here? Maybe it's kind of a manifestation of emotional collapse? I am not sure...

    5. Shehasneverlefthimalone,unlessyoucountthetimesheaccidentallylockedhiminsidewithallthekeys.

      We can observe the sarcasm in the sentence which comes from the contrast between Isabel's concern for Kaden and the seemingly trivial nature of the situation she describes—accidentally locking him inside with the keys. On the surface, she reflects on her responsibility as a mother and the anxiety of leaving a child alone, which is a serious concern. However, the way she phrases "unless you count the time she accidentally locked him inside with all the keys" implies a level of absurdity and a flippant attitude towards a situation that could be viewed as neglectful or careless.

    6. “Isithim?”Hewaitsforananswer.“Isabel?”“Adeer,Isaid.”Shesoundsshaken.Hervoicealreadytingedwithgrief.

      the conversation encapsulates a turning point in the narrative, where hope begins to wane and the reality of their situation settles in. It serves to heighten the emotional stakes, portraying the mixed feelings of fear, grief, and a desperate hope for rescue, while also emphasizing their individual struggles as they navigate a terrifying situation.

    7. !efirstfearblazingthroughhermind:someonewithariflewillmistakehim,inthemistofdawn,forananimal.No,Isabelthinks.Dawnistenhoursaway.We’llfindhimbeforethen.We’llhearhimcryinglongbeforethat.Wehaveto.HardlyApril.!etemperaturestillhypothermicatnight.Evenifhewandersforamile,inthissilencewe’llhearhim.Exceptthathiscries,untiltoday,havebeensoveryfaint...Sheherselfcanscarcelyspeak.Whenshecallsforhim,hisnameseemstocatchonspikesinherthroatandcomeouttorn.

      Bookend the emotional turmoil and urgency that Isabel experiences regarding her child, while also framing the impending threat of danger.

    8. Asheboundsdeeperintothemazeoftrees,night’sfirststarappearsintheecliptic.

      Transition from the turmoil he has just fled-symbolized by the argument and the chaos of the household-into the enveloping tranquility of the forest

    9. tuckinghisforelegsup,hindlegsflexingandthrusting,bodytracingaparabolathroughtheair;thentheearthwardreachoftheforelegs,thetuckingupoftherearhooves,thelanding.

      captures a vivid and dynamic image of movement, just like describing an animal in motion