4 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. You mean you want to fry my eggs for me?” “Yes.” She nodded. “And mend my socks?” “Yes.” She nodded again excitedly, with tears in her eyes. “And clean the house?” “Yes, yes – oh, yes!”

      they must live in a world were everything is automated and done for you.

    2. A wonder of efficiency

      what do they mean be efficiency? does the simulation power something.

    3. George Hadley started to sweat from the heat. “Let’s get out of this sun,” he said. “This is a little too real. But I don’t see anything wrong.”

      they must be in a super high tech home or something because they can actually feel the heat. I wonder what year it is.

    4. HappyLife Home

      this must be the name of their nursery or maybe the name for the whole building they are in.