7 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. These are the best figures in the book, so far. Very simple, with basic structure or function. Clear labels. Not too crowded. Nice work.

    1. Figure 2.5.4. The addition of checkpoint molecules might be overwhelming if the previous image of the cell cycle does not cover each phase from beginning to end.

    2. Figure 2.5.1 The cell cycle diagram is very confusing. Where does the cell cycle start? Where's interphase? What's Go, G1, S, and G2 phase all about? M? Does M have subphases also? Where is cytokinesis? This representation of the cell cycle would leave a novice student of biology very confused about what defines the cell cycle.

    1. Figure 2.2.10 3 Forms of Endocytosis. Same issue. In addition, this figure has three sub-images labeled a, b, and c. Arrows would definitely help along with brief explanations of what is occuring in each figure.

    2. Figure 2.2.9 Na-K Pump is very difficult to follow. Adding sequential numbers or letters with brief explanations of what happens in which order and why. This will make it easier on online students that have asynchronous courses. This comment is the same for many figure in this book that show function without explaining the order step by step.