13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. // const authors = _.map(  //   authorIds,  //   id => await authorModel.fetch(id));

      Насколько помню, без использования lodash в обычном map такое сделать нельзя.

    1. It's common to have logic directly in components, such as making an async request in a click handler or a useEffect hook and then processing the results.

      Meaning we can get around without thunks: just use actions in .then and .catch, for example.

    2. const dispatch = useDispatch()

      Just react hook to get dispatch of the store to replicate the same functionality as in the first code snippet: call store.dispatch(…).

    1. Snippets

      Nice snippets but need to be converted to LuaSnip. Also some of them (such as code block) are better derived from markdown plugins aka mkdx. Some are even better implemented in a non-snippet plugins (images, tables)

  2. Jun 2024
    1. differentiating the square of the TD error and see if you arrive at the same update (i.e. δ∇wV(S,w)).

      Differentiating critic_loss from above gives us a delta w.

  3. Apr 2024
    1. People will come to hold a deeper mutual respect for each other.' --What a big fat lie. It amounts to nothing but loss, after all, for someone to perceive pain at times when they are not the one in pain themselves. Nor does it make pain go away from the person who is the source of such feelings...

      Issue in comprehension of a problem: we don't have enough compassion bot because we don't understand people but because we don't hirt ourselves (including by understanding then)

    1. May be very useful for faster writing. The only takeover I see is that it's hard to create a abbrevitaiton system that's fast and not clunky to use .

    1. Another options is to add an additional URL to the origin: git remote set-url --add origin git@github.com:<USERNAME>/<PROJECTNAME>.git When you push to origin it will push to both the original origin (gitlab) and the one added above (github).

      Painless way to maintain several remotes synced without Premium.

  4. Mar 2024
    1. t’s been a running joke for a long time that we have more email groups than employees. But we’ve been careful to organize the groups, for example identifying different types by prefixes to their names (t- is a mailing list for a project team, d- a mailing list for a department, l- a more open mailing list, r- a mailing list for automated reports, q- a request list, etc.) And for me at least this makes it plausible to remember what the right list is for some mail I want to send out.

      Use prefixes for chats and group them this way. You can have 3 or even more chats with the same name like 'shepherd' but with different prefixes. This helps naming things.

    1. with time I couldn’t recall the conditions of the studies any longer and wasn’t confident in using those notes. Nowadays, I always write down what the actual study design was.

      Always provide context to the note contents.