8 Matching Annotations
- May 2023
psycnet-apa-org.ezp3.lib.umn.edu psycnet-apa-org.ezp3.lib.umn.edu
Hegemonic masculinity is a manifestation of masculinities that is characterized by the enforcement of restrictions in behavior based on gender roles that serves to reinforce existing power structures that favor the dominance of men
true that it gives men unearned privileges but does it not have a lot of negative impacts on themselves?
- Apr 2023
writingcenter.gmu.edu writingcenter.gmu.edu
The unfocused research question is so broad that it couldn’t be adequately answered in a book-length piece, let alone a standard college-level paper.
question should be specific enough to be answered or argue your point in the paper
“yes” or “no” or by easily-found facts.
they should be debatable topics.
What issues are scholars and researchers discussing, when it comes to your topic? What questions occur to you as you read these articles?
use them as a reference to something you might want to learn more about
ask a question about an issue that you are genuinely curious and/or passionate about.
so that you are able to voice your views while analyzing and synthesizing a text.
its potential answers are open to debate rather than accepted facts.
asking a question that not everybody agrees with.
it is expressed in the fewest possible words.
is it okay if it is a bit longer so that it is narrower?
- Jan 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Bauxite is the main source of the rare metal gallium
the source of gallium.