- Sep 2019
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
Slow learners memorized, while rapid learners made connections between ideas.
I can relate to this because I tend to be more knowledgable in classes that tend to have harder curriculum. This could be how he mentioned that I make connections with easier concepts than looking at the situation as being difficult. This is not taught because you have to figure out how and when you can make appropriate connections to become generally better in a certain area of study.
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
Courage propels our willingness to be different and unique
This statement makes sense because you have to be comfortable in who you are and what you believe in, in order to have some sort of courage.
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
From the heart of a diverse community, San Francisco State University honors roots, stimulates intellectual and personal development, promotes equity, and inspires the courage to lead, create, and innovate.
Many people seem comfortable being in such a diverse environment because it helps one find who they want to be, especially being in a college environment.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Many colleges will give admissions preference to these students for overcoming obstacles, or use the status to mitigate poor test scores.Editors’ PicksDemi Moore Lets Her Guard DownThe Perfect DivorceGiuliani Divorce: It’s Ugly, It’s Operatic. What Did You Expect?Advertisement
If this were the case then I would have been accepted into at least one UC. If they wanted to create a fair system they would make the UC system similar to the CSU system. Meaning that if you aren't accepted to one you have preference for a lower impacted school.
There’s ample reason for confusion, though. The Department of Education interprets first-gen status in at least three different ways: the legislative definition (no parent in the household has a bachelor’s degree) and the two used for research (no education after high school; no degree after high school).
I understand the part where the author mentions how no one parent would acquire a bachelor's degree in a household. But, if a parent had obtained a master's degree would the child be considered a first generation student? That is what one may argue about according to the first legislative defintion.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Dropout rates are high, saddling students with debt but no degree.
This reminds me of a college counselor I had once. She explained to us that she did not finish getting a degree at the original college she had chosen due to the amount of debt she was in. Instead she had to finish getting her degree at a community college. Sadly she is in debt until this day.
These students entered college poor. They left on their way to the middle class and often the upper middle class.
This was interesting because one could interpret it as the lower class being more motivated and taking education more seriously than the upper class.Which could slightly explain the changes in the graph between the statistics of children and adults.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
It’s much better to think of everyone having a toolbox of ways to think, and think to yourself, which tool is best?”
This sentence makes sense because you only think for yourself and not others. At the end of the day you have to figure out what method(s) makes you a more effective and efficient learner.
“they’ve already been told ‘You’re a visual learner.’” Or aural, or what have you.
I also agree with this point because I had to take a survey to see what kind of learner I was, and it had mentioned that I am a visual learner, like this article states. There are many more ways to learn than auditory and visual as mentioned before and teachers should be open to using new teaching strategies or tactics.
VARK, which stands for “Visual, Auditory, Reading, and Kinesthetic," sorts students into those who learn best visually, through aural or heard information, through reading, or through “kinesthetic” experiences.
This stands out to me because it breaks down how there are many different styles of learning. Although there are more than four styles to learn, the main ones are listed.