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  1. Aug 2023
    1. 5G mobile phones Artificial intelligence Robotics Self-driving cars Interconnected physical objects 3D printing

      How could the society develop so many life changing inventions but still not have it accessible to everyone in the world?

    1. Academic publishing is big business. These companies are making billions of dollars. You've undoubtedly been directly impacted by this; you've likely faced decisions on whether to buy a $100+ textbook that is required for a course.

      Online books are a good thing because most of the time they are free or you can find them for way less than a 100+ dollars like a physical copy would cost.

    2. Our access to technology gives us advantages in accessing information that many around the world do not have.

      I understand that technology and the "real world" are still divided but, what would be an example of information that isn't available to people around the world?