12 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. frontrunners benefited from early recognition of how critically important AI is tooverall business success

      Has already helped those who have already integrated AI.

    2. AI can drive efficiencies and createpreemptive strategies to help customersand lenders alike.

      How it could be integrated and how it could boost productivity.

    3. This resulted in an increaseof 40% in reward program usage.

      40% is a significant increase and shows the positives of Ai integration.

    4. AI can helpimprove efficiency, enable a growthagenda, boost differentiation, manage riskand regulatory needs, and positivelyinfluence customer experience.

      Shows the positive impact that AI is having which is having a positive impact on their productivity.

    5. According to a recentDeloitte survey of IT and line-of-business executives, 86% of financial services AIadopters say that AI will be very or critically important to their business’s success inthe next two years. [

      Shows how they are recognizing that AI is the future and shows how they do believe that AI can have a positive impact on productivity and their industry as a whole.

    1. Without the right gen AI operating model in place, it is tough to incorporate enough structure and move quickly enough to generate enterprise-wide impact.

      Without AI being set up properly it could set up any of these institutions up for failure, but if it is then it could have a enterprise-wide impact.

    2. The financial-services companies that have best managed the transition to gen AI already had a high level of organizational agility, allowing them to quickly rework processes and flexibly pool resources, either by locating them in a central hub or by creating ad hoc, centrally coordinated, agile squads to execute use cases.

      It is already having an increasing affect in Productivity and more specifically in the organization field.

    3. The nascent nature of gen AI has led financial-services companies to rethink their operating models to address the technology’s rapidly evolving capabilities, uncharted risks, and far-reaching organizational implications

      These industries are realizing that there are more positives in adding AI and how AI could positively increase their productivity and numbers.

    4. where a central team is in charge of gen AI solutions, from design to execution, with independence from the rest of the enterprise—can allow for the fastest skill and capability building for the gen AI team.

      able to increase productivity.

    5. A great operating model on its own, for instance, won’t bring results without the right talent or data in place.

      This shows how AI isn't just a quick fix and something to instantly get you results rather you have to work on it so then it could be more productive in the long run.

    6. Generative AI (gen AI) is revolutionizing the banking industry as financial institutions use the technology to supercharge customer-facing chatbots, prevent fraud, and speed up time-consuming tasks such as developing code, preparing drafts of pitch books, and summarizing regulatory reports.

      It seems to already having a positive affect on the banking community

    7. gen AI could add between $200 billion and $340 billion in value annually, or 2.8 to 4.7 percent of total industry revenues, largely through increased productivity.1

      This shows the massive impact AI is having and how much money is being made because of it and provides facts how it has increased from 2.8 to 4.7%