39 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. watered down the ability of a geographically concentrated majority to impose its choice of chief executive on the rest of the country.

      A candidate would basically have to get the population in CA and NY to win. This does not represent the whole country.

    2. representative democracy

      I feel like people forget our country was founded on and is a representative democracy.

    3. Some states’ residents are more equal than othe

      States are assigned electoral votes based on population

    1. A national popular vote would have eliminated that benefit

      Small states that were not even around in this time of history would have been affected by this decision.

    2. diminish their advantage.

      Any state or group of people would have done this if it hurt their chances of winning.

    3. representation i

      Sounds like it was a representation issue more than a slavery issue.

    1. Defenders of the Electoral College argue that it was created to protect the interests of smaller states

      Which is true. Since the article talks about how only campaigning in certain areas is not fair to the country, abolishing the electoral college would make it worse. Candidates would only campaign in New York and California considering that is where almost a majority of the population lives.

    2. Republicans nearly suffered the same fate in 2004.

      If this is the case then it seems to affect both parties

    3. t’s

      So if half the population lives in nine states than how is that better for democracy if the election will be decided by those nine states? Of which probably have no clue the interest and way of life in the other states.

    1. And if it does, that is outweighed by the reasons for retaining this seemingly archaic institution.

      I agree*

    2. The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal

      This is good for the country.

    3. and that trust is rarely betrayed

      Isn't there a term for this? I can not remember what it is

    1. recorde

      This paragraph is attempting to appeal to the minority vote. It is very different than how Vice President Biden appealed to minorities.

    2. let other countries take advantage of us on trade, borders, foreign policy and national defense.

      This aligns with the Republican Party Platform of 2016. They are making the ideology of being a strong world power and secure borders very apparent.

    3. 47 years,

      This is a point that President Trump makes continuously. This Is one of the things that he wants the votes to look closely at.

    1. Well, I do. If I'm your president on day one we'll implement the national strategy I've been laying out since March.

      What is the plan? From what I have heard in the debates and speeches, they have a plan but I have not heard any parts of it.

    2. And this president, if he's re-elected

      Seems like every election year is "America is so terrible". Both sides seem to do this. Every election year it seems that people start saying America is awful but no matter what happens after November 3rd everything is back to normal.

    3. But while I'll be a Democratic candidate, I will be an American president

      This is a good line to attempt to draw the on the fence/independent votes.

  2. moodle.southwestern.edu moodle.southwestern.edu
    1. America-first agenda

      This is another example of the Republican party's strong sense of patriotism.

  3. moodle.southwestern.edu moodle.southwestern.edu
    1. "They try to control our schools, farms, business, and religious institutions." This shows the ideology of the conservatives wanting a less powerful central Government.

    2. "Our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no longer trust us" This shows the Conservative party believes in a strong military and a strong presence world wide.

    3. "We believe the United States of America is unlike any other nation on earth" This shows the ideology of patriotism that the conservative party holds.

    1.  We will give hate no safe harbor.

      This aligns with their ideology about wanting to give everyone equal opportunity and treatment.

    2. second Great Depression

      This seems a bit extreme. A second Great Depression?

    3. opportunity for all

      This sounds like the example from class about how liberal ideology wants less economic diversity.

  4. Sep 2020
    1. That’s in partbecause their citizens were willing to toleratepersonal sacrifices for the sake of the collectivenational wellbeing,

      This maybe the ideology of some individuals in other countries however part of the American public does not think this way. Some individuals, myself included are not willing to give up our personal liberties due to fear. Whether this is wrong or right is up to each individual to determine.

    2. China

      This is correct. However this is due to the very strict system which takes away the rights of their citizens. In the United States it is not the right for the federal, state, or local governments to track their citizens in such a manner.

    3. a decentralized federalistapproach can be devastating for coordinating relief

      The states have the right to determine public health regulations. What could we suggest that the federal government do within the rights of the constitution to slow down this outbreak?

    1. worst health

      Is this truly the worst health crisis that the US has faced? I think that this has become less of a health crisis and more of a political battle. The Swine flu of 2009 estimated 60 million cases. However it was not turned into a political war.

    2. saying they won’t welcome armed federal agents

      If the mayors are going to take a partisan approach to this issue, then I feel that they need to take action and resolve it and take action.

    3. We would like for federalism to operate smoothly

      I agree.This country has ran smoothly for decades. I do not see a reason to change that.

    1. science-based social distancing and targeted quarantine

      In my opinion a lot of people did not listen to the warnings that were being given. Even if there were very few, some individuals chose not to listen.

    2. dark side of federalism

      Should the government have over ruled the states decisions?

    3. Unified decision

      What happens if the governors can not come to a unified decision?

    1. As the college-educated population has grown over time, community participation has, surprisingly, plummeted

      I would think this would be the other way around.

    2. Much as the civil-rights movement did, Matias is operating with clear goals and discipline, combining electoral strategies with policy advocacy.

      I think this is important. Everybody should have their goals and desires in a clear and specific manner.

    3. College-educated hobbyists can engage in real politics, t

      why don't they?

    4. Matias needs to do to win over supporters in Haverhill, hobbyists cultivate outrage and seek instant gratification

      why is this the case?

    5. they haven’t the faintest idea how to push for what they care about in their own communities

      I think this is important to note that local politics is just as important as national politics.