3 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Some questions are designed to stimulate thought and discussion rather than to elicit a discrete answer. If called on, you should not feel compelled to have one "right" answer!! This idea is very important. Once you realize that it is perfectly acceptable (and sometimes desirable) to not know all of the answers (if you did, what would be the point of going to school?), it can take away a lot of the anxiety associated with contributing or getting called on. While it is okay to not know "the answer", it is nevertheless important for you to attempt to make a contribution to the discussion.

      I believe that even if you don't get the question correct, it's important to stimulate your brain! That would make it easier on yourself when you are learning and will give you the desire to learn more! Even if you get the question incorrect, at the end of the day, you are still human and learning which is all that matters!

    2. Examine the following statement: "Natural selection acts for the good of the species."   Discuss what you think about this statement - perhaps invoking some of the reading above.

      I believe that this statement is true, whether an animals genotype is good/bad, Natural Selection helps the genotype with better genes survive. In a habitat of rocks, there are a population with 2 colors (white/brown). It would be easier for predators to spot the white one, therefore Natural selection would help that entire population become brown. Natural selection also stops a population from overgrowing.

    3. How do you interpret the term mental model and why do you think that it is important for learning?

      I interpret the term mental model as what someone values. This is could something as simple as a schedule. Mapping out what you're going to do the day before would help your mind ease down. This would cause less stress and commotion inside your head. This is important for learning because you always want to find time to study and do all your homework as well as having time to hang out with your friends.