- Sep 2019
io9.gizmodo.com io9.gizmodo.com
women score better on math tests when they are told beforehand that they're likely to perform just as well as men do
Its all about mindset. Kind of like a placebo for the mind through verbal encouragement
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
Courage, Life of the Mind, Equity, Community and Resilience
i think these are great values, as they focus more on community and humanity rather than academic excellence or producing societies definition of the best working citizen
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
Building on a century-long history of commitment
kinda funny how theyre bragging about "century-long history", when compared to other cities and schools its so new. some academies in europe have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. SF is a very new city as it was founded on the farthest side of the 'new world', but because of that its free from prejudges based on hundreds of years of discrimination and hate. thats why i fuckin love this city!
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
He will graduate this month with a GPA that hovers between an A and an A+, even though he almost never studied for more than a handful of hours.
lowkey me too. i never really study or spend hella time on homework, but it usually works out in my favor. knock on wood. like for my last phil test, didnt study for a second and half the questions were "the final is worth 30% of ur grade how is that split up". boof shit. i still got an A- though. i feel like if you just pay attention and train your brain to retain information in different ways you can succeed without the typical all nighters and study groups.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
You’re right,” she said after a moment. “You’re screwed.”
I love how they have a strong enough relationship where the parent doesnt feel the need to lie about situations. being honest is one of my core values in people, because once you can properly view the problem without lies and confusion, you can work together to overcome it.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
To figure out what first generation really means, he said, it’s important to step back and examine the goals of higher education. “What,” he asked, “are we trying to do with the definition?”
first gen obviously includes kids with parents with no further education after high school, but it could also include immigrant parents who got their degrees in other countries, or parents who didnt finish college.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Because the elite colleges aren’t fulfilling that responsibility, working-class colleges have become vastly larger engines of social mobility.
i feel like this is such an intuitive statement. the only places where having a degree from an elite school would matter is in fields like science or law, where theres high standards and lots of competition. in many other fields, just having a degree is enough, they dont care where its from unless it really matters for the job. and for a student trying to get money, most of the time you dont get a job in your major's field right away.
The unemployment rate for college graduates today is a mere 2.5 percent.
i feel like thats a little bit of a misleading statement. yes, not a lot of college graduates are unemployed, but that doesn't mean they are working jobs that can give them a living wage along with money to pay off student debt
Baruch graduates, he added, are making more money than their parents as soon as they start their first post-college job.
thats so crazy to me. in the long run it makes sense, but the FIRST job after college already earning them more seems unbelievable. could be partially due to higher wages and inflation, but thats probably only a small part of it.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
But most of the tasks we encounter are only really suited to one type of learning. You can’t visualize a perfect French accent, for example.
Exactly! If you spend your whole life believing youre a "visual learner", and only working on strengthening that type of studying, youll be kind of screwed when you have to learn a material that you can't make hands on examples of, unless you become a method actor and move to france. Thats why its important to develop your brain enough to be able to comprehend material like math or language.
Willingham goes so far as to say people should stop thinking of themselves as visual, verbal, or some other kind of learner
Honestly, this makes a lot of sense to me. Growing up in public schools a lot of my teachers would bring up the idea of "learning styles", but I never really grasped the concept of it. I would say I was a visual learner, but what does that even mean? It wasn't until I started doing theater that I learned I can memorize the fastest by reading aloud and actually practicing the movements with the lines. This can apply to other study habits by reading my books aloud and taking notes while in the process, or drawing pictures of what I'm reading about to connect the text into a physical thought page. Might be weird, but it works best for me while strengthening both verbal and visual learning at the same time, making it on unqiue skill rather than a pinpointed trap way of learning.