2 Matching Annotations
- May 2021
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Then it was that the thought of death burst into my daily life. I would measure the years separating me from my end I would look for examples of men of my age who were already dead. And I was tormented by the thought that I might not have time to accomplish my task. What task? I had no idea. Frankly, was what I was doing worth continuing?
This is a passage almost pulled straight out of Ivan Ilyich. Clamence is aware of the mortality of the human existence in this moment, a realization that most (i.e. Ilyich) don't make until it is too late. He questions the purpose of his life and why he was put on the Earth. This illustrates the core question of existentialism and one of the core themes of the novel.
This is a passage almost pulled straight out of Ivan Ilyich. Clamence is aware of the mortality of the human existence in this moment, a realization that most (i.e. Ilyich) don't make until it is too late. He questions the purpose of his life and why he was put on the Earth. This illustrates the core question of existentialism and one of the core themes of the novel.