- Dec 2015
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Rio Olympics No Help to Brazil Economy Based on World Cup
An article comparing the effects of the 2010 World Cup held in Brazil to the current and projected impact of the 2016 Olympics on the economy.
- Nov 2015
www.ggdc.net www.ggdc.net
Brazilian development
This article goes in depth about the nature of the Brazilian economy from 1500 to 1929 breaking it down into 3 periods: a colonial regime, an independence era, and an oligarchic republic.
www.proac.uff.br www.proac.uff.br
Brazil’s economy- 1971-2005: Growth pattern and structural change
A case study examining the growth pattern of Brazil's economy from 1971-2005 in relation to historical events.
www.brazil.org.nz www.brazil.org.nz
Brazilian Economy
An interesting background of the Brazilian economy from the 16th century up until more recent developments of economic growth prior to the current recession.
- Oct 2015
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Rio 2016: 'The Olympics has destroyed my home'
This article discusses the construction being done leading up to the 2016 Rio Olympics through different perspectives of individuals in Brazil.
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
Voices: In Brazil, economic gaps just one road apart
Interesting article discussing wealth inequality in Brazil, highlighting the extreme level of poverty in Rocinha, one of the countries largest favelas.
In Brazil, Balloon of Former President da Silva Provokes Ire
Interesting article that just shows where the state of mind of people is at in brazil right now. A parade balloon mocking the former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, is causing controversy relevant to Brazil's economy crash and political injustice.
- Sep 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
As a Boom Fades, Brazilians Wonder How It All Went Wrong
This article is about how Brazil went from being such a strong and economically sound country to the worst economic crisis in decades. It mentions how an economy once thriving off exports of raw materials like iron ore, crude oil, and soy beans is now at a stand still. As I continue to read these articles about Brazil's economic troubles the one thing held constant in all of them is that President Rousseff seems to be almost fully responsible for this tragedy. After the economy appeared to be slowing down from its recent boom, Rousseff ordered the central bank to cut interest rates which lead to a credit spree of consumers who are now unable to repay their loans. she created price controls on gas and electricity that also led to big loses of public energy companies. It is almost as if Rousseff and her campaign party meant to ruin the economy on purpose or as Antonio Delfim Netto, a former finance minister, mentions, "they deliberately destroyed the public finances to obtain re-election".
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Brazil’s economy tanks as multibillion-dollar corruption scandal expands
Brazil is currently facing one of the worst economic recessions in its history. With the economy set to shrink by another 2 to 3% this year and with inflation rates pushing towards 10% many are beginning to blame President Dilma Rousseff. President Rousseff however, is not accepting full responsibility for this crisis but instead putting the blame on other global factors, like Chinas deterred economic growth. Many still blame Rousseff for her inability to handle such an unexpected and unfortunate series of events. And with the President now losing support even within her own coalition partners many are calling for her impeachment.
thinkprogress.org thinkprogress.org
Rio Destroys Poor Neighborhoods, Replaces Them With Luxury Apartments For The Olympics
This article is about the relocation of families throughout Brazil due to the construction of the Olympic Village in Rio de Janeiro. It is estimated that up to 100,000 families will have been relocated by the end of the 2016 Olympics. These areas being cleared out for the Olympic Village are normally low income neighborhoods being replaced by luxury apartments meant to house athletes during the Games. What is even more surprising is that this evicting of families in a common occurrence among nations hosting the Olympics. We have seen several examples of this in the past including 1.5 million people relocated for the 2007 Beijing Olympics, 720,000 people evicted for the 1988 Seoul Olympics and many others.