5 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Sep 2024
    1. 3

      Overall, Powers makes a claim at the beginning of the paragraph that she then seemingly disproves for the rest of the paragraph. However, taking into account the message of the whole piece, the example she gives really shows how Del Rey's juxtaposition is a tool that she uses to appeal to her listeners.

    2. Jack Lopez almost got beaten up by a tough guy for walking down Western Avenue in board shorts, clutching a copy of Surfer magazine.

      This story makes the scenes of Del Rey in Dutch braids with a surfboard seem insensitive, which damages Powers' claim that the album cemented Del Rey as a serious artist.

    3. See, there's the slippage, the step away from an authentic or even consistent narrative: Few Latinas from East L.A. would have made it the 15 miles west to the beach 20 years ago

      This claim that Del Rey's imagery is inconsistent with reality relies on the knowledge of East LA culture from decades ago. In order to convince the readers, Powers includes a quote from the Memoir of Jack Lopez, who lived there during the period she is referring to.

    4. her fifth album and the one that has cemented her status as a serious artist among critics who may or may not have thought her previous work problematic, or at very least, incomplete.

      In this sentence, Powers makes her first claim of the paragraph, saying that the album NFR! cemented Del Rey's status as a serious artist and turning former critics. However, for the remainder of the paragraph she does not support this claim and instead shifts focus to Del Rey's inconsistent writing.