3 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Hegemony refers to the systems by which violence and exploitation are maintained in regular patterns to advantage socially dominant groups and maintain the oppression of Black, Indigenous

      Ethnic studies is used to not only get a definite understanding of the history and deprecation of indigenous people but also creating a space for people who have been hidden from these topics as well.

    2. Second, coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide is the first component of actively recognizing those historical and current-day political realities

      Protests that are in support of Ethnic Studies showing the importance of having this education

    3. Indigeneity and Active Roots mean beginning with and centering the sovereignty and self-determination of Indigenous peoples. It also means providing students and educators with the tools to critically understand the relationships we have as people in this world with our ancestors, the land, and the historical realities that come to bear on our lives

      Indigeneity and Active Roots is an understanding of the power that Indigenous people have and had to resort to. Also understanding indigenous people’s commitment to their land and religion/ancestors through history