51 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. HOOK ― stops, gestures at the back CONFLICT ― “What’s the deal with the spotlight?” COMPLICATIONS ― “I’m sixty-one years old! How hard can it be?” EPIPHANY ― “Look, I’ll tell you what I’ll do: I’ll face the direction I’m going to walk.” CLIMAX ― exaggerated turn and step RESOLUTION ― spotlight jerks, audience roars

      its good to have an example of it like this

    1. In a great variety of rhetorical situations, description is an essential rhetorical mode

      its very important

    1. flogging

      never thought of flogging to be in anything related to school work

    2. You might get feedback from more than one reader as you share different stages of your revised draft.

      this seems most helpful

    1. Maybe there’s a picture that seems real

      AI has really hurt the art community with paintings being composed via AI

    2. Sometimes you don’t care about the particular article or video that reaches you

      that's how im feeling right now especially during the week before finals

    1. Too closely imitating the author’s language structure in your summary or paraphrase is a form of plagiarism

      I do not agree with this because how many ways can you say that the population of frogs and toads are decreasing due to environmental factors. this author doesn't own the words, they did not create the language and that's a pretty basic statement to make. I understand that its plagiarism to straight up copy and paste and say you wrote it but it should not be plagiarism if you've cited a paraphrase and its "too closely imitating" in that case everything anyone writes should be cited because no work is original work ever.

    1. Students feel confused because they see very different strategies when looking at news articles vs. social media vs. peer-reviewed articles.

      this is very true because where is the line between my own thoughts and someone else's words. if I paid to learn something in a class I feel like what I learned should be mine to reproduce without the need for citation

    1. Ensuring that you capture the words of others or essence of their message accurately and efficaciously is an essential quality of a meticulous writer.

      so if you do it correctly it will work in your favor

    1. Rephrasing important ideas in your own words is also an important integration technique

      I feel like it makes it more personal

    2. Connecting evidence with concrete examples, especially personal ones, is an especially powerful way to bring home a point.

      I agree with this statement.

    3. the


    4. Word


    1. Example B feels richer, more dramatic, and much more targeted not only because it’s longer

      obviously there is more in the second because its longer but its not all about size because smaller ones can also get the job done

    1. They don’t necessarily need to completely “solve” the problem; perhaps they only improve certain parts of it.

      sometimes this makes sense if a complete solution is not available and could possibly develop if certain solutions are presented.

    2. straws that are made of paper

      because we all love drinking from miniature toilet paper tubes

    1. We often employ many or all of these elements in everyday life, when debating current issues with friends and family

      it is crazy to think that we are arguing without really knowing it because we think of arguing as a heated debate.

    1. like those found in a syllabus, can make you feel insecure or unsure of your abilities

      this class terrified me and still kind of does when I read about our assignments because it is like Chinese to me until I break it down into simpler terms that are easier to understand for me

    2. Rhetoric and genre are, at the same time, very simple and very complex concepts.

      im finding this out very quickly

    1. morals align with the writer and those who don’t.

      this type of persuasion boils my blood. there's no way I will think how someone else does when they make me "less than" I will go out of my way to believe against them when this happens.

    2. To be rhetorically effective (and thus persuasive), an author must engage the audience in a variety of compelling ways, which involves carefully choosing how to craft his or her argument so that the outcome, audience agreement with the argument or point, is achieved.

      and that they will care about what is written

    1. In short, the rhetorical situation can help writers and readers think through and determine why texts exist, what they aim to do, and how they do it in particular situations.

      its very important for me to understand why a text exists because if im not interested in it my brain goes anywhere else and I can't absorb anything from it

    1. Ethos –  An ethical appeal meant to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character. Pathos –  An emotional appeal meant to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions. Logos –  An appeal to logic meant to convince an audience by use of logic or reason.

      I just learned what these were on my last visit to the writing center

    1. It provides both readers and writers with a purposeful and methodical approach to communicating, discovering, and generating with language

      thinking of it like an equation makes it easier for me to understand

    2. In order to have ideas to communicate, we have to learn about the case—or situation—

      very true

    3. ideas effectively

      I feel like this is most important after identifying the audience that you are writing for

    1. Scrutinizing the details

      I often initially think im over critical of myself but with my writing it's BAD. I often turn something in and then immediately think about something I should have changed or defined in case the audience doesn't know a lot about what im writing

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Some students worry too much about “flow”

      I feel personally attacked by this phrase lol

    2. A poorly organized paper may contain insightful kernels, but a thoughtful, satisfying argument can’t take shape without paragraphs that are crafted, ordered, and connected effectively

      this is the first time that ive read or heard something that made me think of writing as an art.

    1. What’s responsible for what seems to be an explosion in the increase of diagnosed cases of Celiac disease?

      a popularity of food allergies in my opinion.

    2. setting the context doesn’t mean overwhelming audiences with pages of explanations

      im glad this stood out to me so I can take it to heart when im writing next

    3. Even when writing to an audience that’s knowledgeable about the topic, always err on the side of clarity. In other words, slow down so you make sure your audience is with you.

      I feel like this is a downfall of mine because when im writing or talking about something that's passionate to me I just jump in at full speed

    4. The problem with the funnel approach is that it places the burden on the reader to fill in missing information.

      I can see how this could be a very confusing mistake made by a writer

    1. If you decide to take a break between finishing your first body paragraph and starting the next one, do not start writing immediately when you return to your work. Put yourself back in context and in the mood by rereading what you have already written

      this seems like a very good tip and i plan on using this in my writing

    2. You can also use a voice recorder to get yourself started

      this helped me so much with my latest writing piece

    3. an empty page scares them

      me too this is a huge problem for me

    1. n some courses, the only direct contact you may have with your instructor is through the assignments you write for the course.

      we also have such a small amount of time for writing to develop effectively so my level of attention to what lashley says is heightened.

    2. Some writers find it helpful to first jot down their main ideas in outline form, and then use that visual to help develop an overarching thesis statement.

      i like this idea

    1. Working thesis statements often become stronger as you gather information and form new opinions and reasons for those opinions.

      this is a very great piece of information that they included

    2. Confidence.

      i wish i could highlight this twice because this is my hardest obstacle to overcome.

    3. You have to form a specific opinion, and then articulate that into a controlling idea

      i don't know why this is so hard for me i wish there was a way to get around this easily

    4. an essay can fall into the same trap of being out of order and confusing

      i find this in my writing often

    1. The Skill of Self-Confidence

      watching this video was eye opening in the way that confidence is a skill that we need to work on.

    2. confidence can be developed and improved.

      i need to be better at developing my confidence as a writer because i often under estimate myself because i don't write as often as i should to reach my writing goals.

    1. Idea Mapping

      Idea mapping has worked very few times for me because it usually leads me on tangents and then I lose focus on the main topic

    2. Divergent thinking refers to the process of collecting and generating as many ideas as possible

      I have neurodivergent symptoms and it’s very similar to being overwhelmed but instead all of the notes flying around are singular and come together

    3. Identifying personal experiences and observations that connect with your topic also cultivates voice, an important aspect of rhetorical persuasion.

      I feel that this will allow me to be more connected and interested in the topic that I am writing about.

    1. SQ3R Strategy

      The full concept of this is an ADHD nightmare and i feel so much more comfortable with the PHA method

    2. you may be expected to form a general understanding but not necessarily master the content

      It has never interested me to read about something not useful to my passions and because of that i have not wished to even explore reading that didn't interest me but learning that correlations can be made sometimes intrigues me because i can gain a perspective that i may have never seen.

    3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?

      this question felt like an attack but I'm a guy who has some pretty severe ADHD and to eliminate distractions i had to do a factory reset on my phone so that my games on it and social media wouldn't distract me.

    4. Why is a college writing course even necessary?

      college writing is an absolute necessity and I feel that prior to college students should be critically thinking about their writing and how to better their work.