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  1. Jul 2016
    1. Set a cooperative climate for learning in the class-room;•Assess the learner’s specific needs and interests;•Develop learning objectives based on the learn-er’s needs, interests, and skill levels;•Design sequential activities to achieve the objec-tives;•Work collaboratively with the learner to select me-thods, materials, and resources for instruction;and•Evaluate the quality of the learning experience and make adjustments, as needed, while ass

      All of this things are what makes adults successful learners, but I feel like the main component they lack that children thrive at is the questioning, curiosity, and creativity. Too often, adults get stuck in their ways and are used to just doing the norm rather than questioning it.

    2. There is no single theory of learning that can be ap-plied to all adults.

      This statement is powerful because this is actually true for all of education. There is no "one-size-fits-all" strategy for learning and I actually just wrote a blog about this so I can relate to this statement.

    3. pedagogy(“the art and science of teaching child-ren”)

      I thought that pedagogy was a thought process and way of critical thinking. I did not know that it was aimed at children specifically, but now this helps me understand that "andragogy" is for adults.

    1. these seven cognitive tools are applicable just for this domain.

      ? I know that they chose mathematics because it is usually a dry subject, but I still wish they would have given some other examples.

    2. For instance, using the die-cut printer for teaching solid geometry was not something the tool was designed for-but it is an extremely powerful tool for doing so.

      ! This is important for teachers to understand that we are not re-inventing the wheel; we are expanding it and adapting. The problem with a lot of the good ideas that are presented to educators is that they seem like they are more work and no one wants to do that. It is hard to get everyone on the same page.

    3. The TPACK' Framework

      = I am a visual learner so I really like this model. I also found a word cloud that gave examples of each area: technology, pedagogy, and content. The word cloud was also a helpful visual for me.