10 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2020
padlet.com padlet.com
There are many topics from which you can choose below, but you are welcomed to come up with your own topic
Everyone gets a unique topic or can there be duplicates?
- Feb 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
It would remind us that we belong to nature, that we are dependent on it and that further alienation from it will be at our own peril.
So Less Exploitation of natural Resources?
writingcenter.unc.edu writingcenter.unc.edu
Passive voice
Short + Content = Good?
Think about your audience
Only Audience that is relevant is Ms White, and possibly other students
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
He believed that ugliness was as much of an enemy to the human spirit as poverty
How does this even affect the human spirit to begin with?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the way in which the greedy, unscrupulous and useless are just as much in evidence now as in 1516
Basically Trump
The word “utopia” means “nowhere”
"We will remind ourselves and each other what is at stake. We will remember that the only thing we need to know about utopia is that nobody actually lives there." Reminds me of that quote
Thomas More’s Utopia, a book that will be 500 years old next year, is astonishingly radical stuff. Not many lord chancellors of England have denounced private property, advocated a form of communism and described the current social order as a “conspiracy of the rich”.
A man far ahead of his time
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
the freedom and flexibility to assess your own situation, and make empowered decisions.
Democratic Socialism?
In many cases, there exists no empirical evidence to back up the validity of this approach, yet it's universally accepted as the way things ought to be.
This system has no reason it should be in place, and it seems to be failing.