7 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. Strong color contrast. Each panel has a corresponding image to guide people to select the headline of interest. If people are about to view a video, there are signs at the top of the board to remind and distinguish them. Each section is appropriately sized so that people clicking anywhere on the section of interest (either words or images) will be led directly to the title. It is a very convenient and clear site



    1. A lot of space is wasted.

    2. Yale School of Art 1156 Chapel Street, POB 208339 New Haven, Connecticut, 06520-8339

      wrong place, wrong size, wrong colour

    3. A really bad site that feels like it's meant to be spoofed. As an art school website it is neither aesthetically pleasing nor functional. The whole picture is too complicated.

    1. The light gray background and dark gray font give the entire page low color contrast, which can make it impossible for color blind people to view properly. The font size is too small making it difficult for people to read. Very small spacing between headings can make it difficult to select buttons. Too high a font density on the page makes the screen crowded. The layout of the page is not logical making it difficult to navigate.

    1. The bright colors and strong contrast of the color choices take good care of the visually impaired population. The font was chosen to fit the style of the news and was appropriately sized. The more important stories are accompanied by larger headlines and attractive images. The entire page is easy to read and understand. The downside is the placement and size of the ads. The placement of ads on the top and right of the entire page has a cluttered feel.

    1. I think Google search page is doing a good job. People can search by voice and photo search. The whole page is very clean and easy to understand. There are no extra buttons on the page, which makes even first-time users understand the usage quickly.