- Apr 2019
medium.com medium.com
At that point he was very keen on getting the Hollywood film out.”
The heavy embellishment makes for good entertainment and a study with such wild and outlandish results would draw attention.
being out of the realm of informed consent and into the realm of a violation of the penal code.”
Consent is consent, and if withdrawn, they no longer have it.
“Why didn’t we file false imprisonment charges?”
This quote is also suspect, at any point they could've. but they didnt, even though they wouldve been able to.
contain no mention of the phrase “I quit the experiment.”
This provides some evidence, as to how Zimbardo messed with his experiment and exploited his subjects, against their will.
“None of them said that,” Zimbardo said. “They said, ‘I want out. I want a doctor. I want my mother,’ etc., etc. Essentially I was saying, ‘You have to say, “I quit the experiment.”’”
This I feel is fabricated, in an attempt to cover their own asses. If they really did say they want out, they definitely should have got the point, they were there by choice, and if they decided they were not comfortable, they had no obligation to be there.
- Feb 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
when you’re the first in your family to go to college, you never truly feel like they’ve let you go.
When first gen, your parents learn the ropes of college alongside you, them having left, they don't feel like they've gone because they were there the whole way up until the moment they were asked to leave.
Before the other families left, we carefully watched them — they knew what they were doing
Not being first gen, all the other families already knew the system.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I dont think the entirety of a person's situation should be focused to one term that can have hundreds of variations. I feel that of theyre gtheyre going to have such a situation in place, all scenarios should be addressed.
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
The survey helps weigh out the effective teachers and the students learning effectiveness
The use of technology as a tool and resource cannot be overlooked in the growing technical world.
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
The mission of SF State is to open its students to new ideas and the progressive nature of the city surrounding it helps to open students to new ideas and ways of thought, fueling a more progressive graduating class each year
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
It wouldnt let me highlight the whole thing.
Working students need to have access to college and work and still be able to pay for it all, on what they make. That should be a possibility if enough effort put in.
hese more typical campuses, students often work while they’re going to college. Some are military veterans, others learned English as a second language and others are in their mid-20s or 30s.
Students are stretched thin, and needs will typically rule the decision to drop out or stay in school.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Spencer had previously found that preschoolers who were taught a memory game performed better after a nap than if they had been kept awake
This means that children are better learners and performers at academic tasks when they have a good enough sleep. This should support moving school times later on in the day.
We’re competing against moneyed interests, with technology and gaming and all that. It’s so addictive and so hard to compete wit
The biggest issue i see fron this is that, people are more inclined to stay up due to late night entertainment
An alarming new line of research suggests poor sleep may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, as even a single night of sleep deprivation boosts brain levels
This is a frightening statistic, considering how many people are sleep deprived due to work and school