40 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. Battle of Midway, American forces sank four Japanese aircraft carriers.

      we broke their codes. we fooled them into thinking it was good to attack Midway

    1. Bolsheviks

      Responsible for killing the Tsar and his family. The story is a daughter named Anastasia escaped

    2. Duma

      Representative assembly. like a parliment. not powerful at all. They didn't have clear objectives

    3. Russian Church

      Orthodox church

    1. Thus, it became vastly cheaper and easier to publish newspapers by the late nineteenth century.

      All the different dialects merged bc the newspaper was in one language

  2. Oct 2022
    1. e new Italian state (a constitutional monarchy

      They ended up being a constitutional monarchy

    2. Bandit Wars,

      like a civil war. more ppl die from this than the unification. this is where the organzied crime jumps in (mafia). mafia was the south

    3. Sicily and the south.

      Northern italy didnt like the south. The south was rural. The north was more industrialized

    4. Giuseppe Garibaldi, a

      His group was known as the redshirts. He was in south america, came during the rev to see what was going down

    5. the Crimean War

      what was this? Just describe

    6. Victor Emmanuel II,

      He was the leader but was too lazy to do anything. His minister cavour stepped up and unified italy

    7. “Young Europes”

      referring to the nationalistic movement that is coming

    1. German

      They weren't unified yet. Most people wanted a small state. They wanted it to be purely germanic. All german speaking and culture.

    2. Napoleon III

      Napoleon's nephew. He didn't have his uncles spark

    1. King Charles X, the arch-conservative and nearly delusional king of France from 1824 – 1830,

      The people were not happy with him.

    2. Alexander Ypsilantis organized a revolt centered on the demand for a Greek state.

      Ironic bc Greece was a part of the Holy Alliance and was not stopped.

    3. Nicholas I

      Was not a reformist. Russia was considered going backwards at this time. He was tsar for like 30 years

    4. “Decembrist” uprising.

      In Russia. Revolution lasted a month. They were liberals who got shot.

    5. Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine

      Knew Britain had the US's back. They cant come and colonize anymore

    6. Ferdinand

      He was very conservative. He wasnt able to stop the revolts

    1. led by the Russian Tsar Alexander I,

      He was convservarive. Religion played a role in his gov. He was hell bent on putting revolutions down.

    2. harles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, himself a former official under Napoleon, who convinced the other representatives to include France as an equal partner rather than an enemy to punished.

      They didn't punish France. Indeminy= a financial fine. They gave them an indeminy

    3. It is sort of like a NATO. trying to put down revolutions of wars