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  1. Jan 2022
  2. chem.libretexts.org chem.libretexts.org
    1. trigonal bipyramidal

      The shape isn’t based off of the number molecules within

    2. First step is to count the total number of valence electrons. After the total number of electrons is determined, this number is divided by two to give the total number of electron pairs. With the electron pairs of the molecule, the shape of the molecule is determined based on the table shown above.

      The shape is basically what it looks like just with a more complicated name. And just because two shapes look alike doesn’t mean they’re the same, it is more the structure of the shape.

    3. "parent structure"

      The parent structure is essentially the skeleton holding the atom together

    4. It does not take steric factors, size of the substituents into account.

      The size of the group of atoms doesn’t matter

    5. If electron-electron repulsive force is less, then more electron density is drawn away from the central atom E.

      As electron-electron repulse decreases, the amount of electron density that is drawn from the central atom increases.

    6. the repulsion would decrease in order of: triple bond-single bond, double bond-single bond, and single bond-single bond if the central atom E has multiple bonds.

      E stands for “central atom”- it just goes from highest to lowest, and always has single bond, “E” has multiple bonds