13 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021

      Beyond everything given in this article and the information about racism against blacks, as well as the actions taken by Hostos College students, the BLACK LIVE MATTERS slogan is the pinnacle of everything else. This is what everyone should keep in mind, no matter what, the life of each of us matters. Black or white we are all people who breathe the same.

    1. Your voice can’t actually be heard when you write, but it can be conveyed through the words you choose, the order you place them in, and the point of view from which you write.

      Possessing the ability to convey to others, through a text or writing, the tone in which it is written, and for them to be able to identify it, is quite difficult. Only a good writer manages to find out through words, without seeing it at all, what level of tone he has used, whether he has described a joy or sorrow, a state of despair or angry.

    1. Finding dependable information is especially important in the digital/internet age, where millions of ideas can be discovered in half a second but where much of that information is outdated or worthless.

      It is very important when we do internet research for different articles and topics, to find the safest sources because now each of us can make posts online, even if we do not have information or knowledge in a certain field.

    1. The purpose of the Works Cited page is to collect all of the sources used in a text and to arrange them so they are easy for your reader to locate. Listing the sources also helps you track them and makes it less likely that you might accidentally plagiarize by forgetting to mention a piece of source material.

      When we quote someone's words, we must quote them correctly as the author has written them without any change. For this reason, the source or the person from whom the writing or data was taken is written, and in this form it is much easier to be correct with our work without plagiarism, as well as for our readers to have access to them.

    1. This insures you use sources correctly in your own work and give credit to the person who owns and/or created the source material, both of which help you avoid plagiarism. It also allows others—who read and are interested in your work—to easily review and consult the sources you’ve used.

      Mentioning in our article the sources from which we got the information or persons, is a very positive thing because it affects plagiarism, and the merits of the created person are not lost. This is also easier for readers as they can connect directly to the source of information.

  2. Mar 2021
  3. openoregon.pressbooks.pub openoregon.pressbooks.pub
    1. Direct quotation can demonstrate that existing authoritative sources support a point you are making.

      We can use quoting to verify that what we have written finds support from previous sources as well.

    1. Paraphrasing can demonstrate your understanding of a text, including its more complex details and connections between its main points, and can also help you double-check the depth of your understanding of a text.

      When we paraphrase a text it means expressing it in the way we understand it, but not by expressing personal opinions. So, a new wording of a text but without going out of its context.

    1. Most of us tend to think of criticism as being negative or mean, but in the academic sense, doing a critique is not the least bit negative. Rather, it’s a constructive way to better explore and understand the material we’re working with.

      As in everyday life, so in writing, criticism does not have to have a negative connotation. Criticism is an assessment they make of a text and can be a critique for good or just a personal opinion of how we view it.

    1. It captures the text’s main points.

      When writing a summary of a text it presents the main points which are described in that text or writing

    1. Share a quote by an expert or historical figure. Choose a quote from someone who is well known in a relevant field and who has expertise on your topic.

      The citation method is a method I have often used in my essays. Especially, the use of quotes by experts in the fields on which the essay is written, famous people, attracts the reader's attention. And when the reader encounters a quote from a well-known person, think that automatically the appreciation around that writing increases, as well as is seen more seriously and credibly.

    1. Catching readers’ attention may be the most important work you do when you write, because if you lose them in the introduction, you don’t get a chance to share your message with them later.

      To impress or catch the attention of the reader with a phrase or sentence is really the hardest part, because it all depends on the introductory sentence or maybe even the title of a writing. Many times I have personally based or been attracted to the title of a book, and I have become its reader only based on the title.

    1. In New York City, many essential workers who have shouldered the burden of the pandemic put in long, hard hours for not much money.

      As in all countries of the world, so in New York there have been many people who despite the pandemic have never stopped working, even with extended hours. All are frightened by this alarming situation, but we still should work to provide important income for ourselves and our family, even if they are scarce.

    1. Good writing begins with good reading. Every time you read, you’re exposed to someone else’s ideas and to their way of writing: their word choice, vocabulary, knowledge base, use of language, and so forth

      It is true that to be good at writing, you have to read because reading enriches our vocabulary both in speech and in writing. Also, the more literature used by authors of different genres, the more our level of expression and writing expands, thus taking a little to each.