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- Sep 2024
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The Birth of Two-SpiritQueer Indigenous activists on both sides of the Canada/United States border saw the need for greater communication, relationship‐building and coordination. They established an annual international gathering. In 1988, the first was hosted by American Indian Gays and Lesbians in Minneapolis. A second was held at a wilderness site in Wisconsin in 1989.
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Here, Ma‐Nee describes the profound impact her grandmother had on her upbringing.
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Ma‐Nee Chacaby is a respected Two‐Spirit Elder from northwestern Ontario. Photo: Ruth Kivilahti
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Across Indigenous North America, some people lived their lives as neither men nor women. Some were seen as combining – even transcending – masculine and feminine characteristics. They performed important social roles, held knowledge, led ceremonies, reared children, married and lived in same‐sex relationships.[1]
The article uses simple languages, and is easily perceivable, and understandable.