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  1. Last 7 days
    1. Although the growing U.S. economy needed large numbers of immigrant workers for its factories and mills and corporations supported immigration to keep wages low, many Americans resented the arrival of so many immigrants.

      I think they resented the arrival of immigrants because they were afraid of losing their jobs to them or were just racist.

    2. Presidents Taft and Wilson continued the practice during their own administrations. Lenders took advantage of the region’s need for cash and exacted punishing interest rates on massive loans, which were then sold off in pieces on the secondary bond market.

      I think it's crazy how people this high in power that are supposed to be leading our country were instead taking advantage of their country and people for their own gain.

    3. sixteen all-white battleships

      I think America was trying to show off their power and strength.

    4. Roosevelt resigned his naval office in order to fight in Cuba. After winning headlines in the war, Roosevelt was rewarded by being selected to replace McKinley’s first vice president, Garret Hobart, who had died in office, in the 1900 election. When McKinley was assassinated and Roosevelt became president, he acted immediately to expand naval power. This included commissioning eleven battleships between 1904 and 1907.

      I think it was smart that Roosevelt acted quickly to expand naval warfare.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. Debs ran for president again while in prison and again received nearly a million votes.

      This surprised me and made me wonder what laws were like back then and how someone in prison could run for president.

    2. Black farmers responded by establishing the Colored Farmers’ National Alliance and Cooperative Union in 1886. Their organization spread quickly and grew to 1.2 million members by 1891.

      I think it was a smart idea for black farmers to make their own alliance. The farmers' alliance could have gained millions of new members if they weren't racist.

    3. At its peak, the Farmers’ Alliance claimed 1,500,000 members meeting in 40,000 local sub-alliances.

      I find it interesting how this many people were able to help each other considering there was little to no communication back then.

    4. Farmers met in Lampasas, Texas in 1877 and organized the first Farmers’ Alliance to try to regain some economic power as they negotiated with railroads, merchants, and bankers. Farmers reasoned that if they banded together, they might gain economic leverage similar to that of big business. They could share machinery, bargain collectively with both suppliers and wholesalers, to negotiate higher prices for their crops.

      I find this interesting because it reminds me of how big companies used to merge to eliminate competition but in this case, they are banding together to gain economic leverage and negotiate higher prices for their crops.

  3. Aug 2024
    1. An 1886 advertisement for Magic Washer detergent declared “The Chinese Must Go”. Many Chinese people ran laundries that competed with the company’s detergent and washing machines.

      Im surprised by this companies disrespectful marketing tactic.They are using racism to promote their product.They are basically stating how their white owned business is superior to the Chinese owned business. This makes me wonder if a lot of companies used racism to advertise their product back then.

    2. The wealthy president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Thomas Andrew Scott, who had been Assistant Secretary of War for Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, is often named as one of the first Robber Barons of the Gilded Age. Scott suggested that if striking workers complained they were hungry, they should be given “a rifle diet for a few days and see how they like that kind of bread.”

      This surprised me because how can someone in such a high position of power lack this much empathy for the workers he's suppose to care for.These workers help the nation function and have a huge role in this economy.Without these workers the economy would not run smoothly.

    3. When local police forces would not or could not suppress the strikes, governors called on state militias or even the US Army to break them and restore rail service.

      I find it interesting how the governments first response to the protests was to send out state militia and army, Rather then finding a better approach to addressing the strikers concerns that would also prioritize their well being.The government could have done that but didn't. This shows the government didn't care about the strikers well being and just wanted the protest to be shut down by any means necessary.

    4. The Lincoln administration’s Pacific Railway Act created a new transcontinental rail industry. Its elimination of state banking in favor of a system of national banks consolidated credit in eastern financial centers, primarily in New York City.

      Something that confused me was the governments approach to state banks.How come the government didn't just shut down all state banks?. This would have forced everyone to use national banks instead. But the government decided to tax state banks.This makes me wonder why the government didn't just shut them down but decided to tax state banks.