5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. What does this experiment lead you to conclude?

      Since there was no difference in height between plants in the direct sunlight, regardless if they were under the shady structure, and plants in the shade (even with the extra light shined on them), we can accept our null hypothesis. We could attempt to test another variable of plant height, such as the nutrients in the soil. Tomato plants could be planted in their original spots in the shady and sunny part of the yard and a third and fourth group of plants could be planted in 2 separate plots of new soil in both the shade and sun.

    2. null and alternative hypothesis?

      The null hypothesis would be that the height of tomato plants are not affected by whether or not they are in the shade or direct sunlight. The alternative hypothesis is that tomato plants in direct sunlight will grow taller than tomato plants growing in the shade.

    1. mental model

      Mental models are critical to deeper understanding. I am a visual learner and I have come to realize that when I am capable of visualizing what I am expected to know, I can recall the information faster. For instance, I find chirality in chemistry difficult to comprehend when looking at drawings on paper. However, as soon as I am able to take a look at that same compound using a model kit, I am able to better visualize the compound on paper. With practice, mental models help increase my learning exponentially.

    2. imprecise or incorrect use of vocabulary caused needless confusion in real life?

      Nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol or both "inflammable" liquids that are a common household item. While many people might already know that the "inflammable" and "flammable" may be interchanged, there are some who may think that "inflammable" would mean not-flammable. Hopefully, the majority would already know that nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol are flammable items. However, to ensure that the confusion does not occur, the vocabulary word flammable or ignitable could be used in the place of "inflammable".

    3. an instructor has used an anthropomorphism to describe a nonhuman thing?

      When taking the UCDFD EMT course, my instructors would use anthropomorphism to help explain type I diabetes. They explained that in type I diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. Insulin was the "key" and "carrier" that allowed glucose to enter the bloodstream. Insulin would "unlock" the passageway that would allow glucose to be absorbed and used throughout the body. The use of anthropomorphism to describe type I diabetes was extremely helpful as it allowed me to understand how insulin works in the body, and not just memorize what happens. A limitation to this analogy is that insulin is not technically a "key" in the body, it is a hormone which helps regulate the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream.