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  1. Sep 2023
    1. Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological theory is that children are surrounded and affected by multiple level systems that all play a role in child development. The different systems all play part and can be understood in circles from inward to outward: Micro-, Meso-, Exo-, Macro-and Chronosystem. With a child's development we must look at the child and their immediate environment and the interactions of the larger environment. Theories will help us interpret the child’s abilities by observation and knowledge and be useful to further our understanding of the ch. Dev.

      Bronfenbrenner divided the person's environment into these five circles, where the micro is the most influential level of the ecological theory. This is where the most immediate environmental system contains the developed child, family, school, peer group. Bro. recognized multiple aspects of a developing child that he/she gets affected by Bro. took into account a wider influence.

      -The Microsystem: First level of ecological theory with direct contact with child's parents, siblings, school peers. Relationships are bidirectional when a child has a strong relation with the above, parents /teachers/peer group, this should have a positive effect on the child. Whereas distant mistrust and unaffectionate surroundings (Exp. parents) may have negative and harmful effects on a child.

      The Mesosystem: An interconnected influence. For instance, if the parent and teacher communicate, this interaction may influence the child's development, that is, if the parent- teacher gets along and has skilled professional relation it will affect child positively.

      The Exosystem does not contain the child, but indirectly influences the child. It is the social external, nonetheless they affect the child in one way or another, for example, if a parent has a dispute at work, a parent might show temperament at home, that will result in a negative impact on the child.

      The Macrosystem Is a cultural element affect the child development like eastern or western believes ethics, geography, religion. Example, Child living in a third world country would experience different developmental issues than a wealthy country.

      The Chronosystem: Major life transitions such as a divorce, immigration, or family moved to a new house.

      Bronfenbrenner's theory became appealing and accepted. By teachers studying child development, it provided a holistic approach reflecting a dynamic nature of actual family relations.