54 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. I would give “The Blair Witch Project” a 6/10. This is due to the creativity of the film as well as the phenomenal acting throughout. This film will always be a large part of the horror scene due to the bizarre filming style and the original hype around the release of this movie.   Abby Williams

      Includes a number rating, a compliment, and an homage. Another one of the really short ratings.

    1. When Ma ended, the guy sitting next to me literally laughed for a whole minute. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that’s the kind of reaction any thriller-branded movie should get. In this case, however, it was well-deserved.

      Another concluding review sentence, informal, comedic. Starts as a joke, only three sentences, not really a paragraph, ends in a joke.

    1. Would I watch the film again? Probably not

      Starts with a question.

    2. A powerful and thought-provoking film with an outstanding performance.

      Has a last sentence review, concluding sentence. Misspelled words, informal, still one of the more popular reviews though.

    1. Black Swan is one of the best films of 2010.

      Ends in a compliment. Has a classic review sentence. Similar to the other conclusions.

    2. Once again, Darren Aronofsky has created a film that is intellectually challenging, visually mesmerizing, emotionally shattering and, quite simply, unforgettable.

      Has a thesis, more formal, with a little bit of a comedic tone. Unlike the others, only one to recomend an award for the movie.

    1. And as the third act surrenders to that blackest magic, hurdling audiences into a kind of Puritan fever dream, the palpable dread that you’re partaking in something truly wicked will grab hold of you as sure as hellfire.

      Doesn't summarize, restate, or describe the movie in any way, but does conclude the movie, informal, comedic, and descriptive. Not really a paragraph, or a conclusion. Just a sentence.

    1. But the only perspective Six has here is: Sometimes humanity vomits up a monster on the level of Dr. Mengele… and isn’t it interesting what such a monster can get up to? The Human Centipede might as well be compiled from Nazi footage of human medical experiments, for all its casualness. I cannot say that I don’t understand how anyone who isn’t mentally ill could have conceived of this movie in the first place, because I do understand it: I’m a writer of fiction myself and I know full well that there are horrors that the creative mind can invent and that fiction can explore in ways that are about trying to come to grips with such horrors. But I’m not sure I understand how Six can be so dispassionate about it all. This is the cinematic equivalent of Hannibal Lecter’s heartbeat never rising above resting normal while he eats some poor guy’s face off. It’s downright inhuman.

      Describes the movie, doesn't summarize, no thesis, informal, comedic. One of the longer reviews. Ends in a joke, the classic review sentence.

    1. t might be best if You Do Not Talk About Kevin.

      Ends in a joke.

    2. Should you see, We Need to Talk About Kevin?

      Starts with a question.

    3. Should you see, We Need to Talk About Kevin? If a slow burn, character driven, drama horror film about parenthood and personal identity, fueled by striking visuals and gorgeous imagery sounds interesting, You Need to Talk About Kevin. If nudity, a prolonged sense of unease and discomfort, or a heavy reliance on style to tell a story are big turnoffs for you, it might be best if You Do Not Talk About Kevin.

      Informal, comedic, similar to the others, summarizes some points of the movie.

    1. Good Boy betrays its characters and, in terms of story development, takes the easy way out.

      Includes the final 'reviewer' sentence, that can be taken out of the whole written review.

    2. Unfortunately, the final act of the film falls flat. All the tension, chemistry, charm, and intrigue of the first three-quarters of the movie disappear in the blink of an eye, giving way to a deeply unsatisfying conclusion

      Sort of a thesis, explains all the things wrong with the movie.

    3. The characters begin making nonsensical decisions (as characters in bad horror movies often do), forgoing all development for the sake of sadistic imagery. In its final act, Good Boy betrays its characters and, in terms of story development, takes the easy way out.

      Summarizes the article, doesn't have a thesis or restate the same ideas.

    4. While it doesn’t have the intricate complexities of other psychological thrillers, it’s still interesting, entertaining and delightfully weird.

      A lot more formal than the others.

    1. Family drama about loss and tragedy folded into supernatural horror; hints and nods and few overt statements; an exquisite mix of skin-peeling tension, heart-pounding dread, jump scares, and gore. Hereditary left me a broken, gooey mess by the end. I’m going to shut up now and tell you to watch this movie.

      Summarizes the movie, describes the movie thoroughly, ends the paragraph in a joking manner, informal.Includes the thesis, and the rating.

    2. Writer/director Ari Aster crafts a creepy, cryptic, moody horror tone poem about coping with grief and loss and family that rattles and shakes in deep, profound ways.

      The thesis

    1. , if a film this boring is going to steal ideas from other movies, couldn’t that be used as a way to make your movie more entertaining?

      Conclusion ends with a question, doesn't summarize the article at all. No number rating. Includes an homage to another film, an over all extremely negative and informal, with a comedic undertone.

    1. Some takeaways, however, are that bad behavior begets bad behavior, and if we want to make any strides in equality, it cannot just be the women speaking up about these kinds of things. Until the titular men can empathize with the plight of women, and step up when the guys around them are being inappropriate, we're all doomed to be trapped in the same cycles of abuse. Images c/o A24Is MEN a fun, Friday night kind of horror? Absolutely not. It is triggering, unsettling, and at times, infuriating. But I also believe it is important viewing, especially for those named in the film's title.

      Talks about the meaning of the movie, focuses on the more political aspect of the movie rather than just the horror, has a good concluding sentence, but still feels like something is missing.

    1. Mandate that every Montana public school student learn about the distinct and unique heritage of American Indians in a culturally responsive manner. Direct state and local schools to work with Montana tribes to develop appropriate curriculums regarding American Indian culture and heritage. Mandate that all public school personnel have knowledge of American Indian tribes and cultures in Montana and are provided the means to acquire this knowledge.

      Mandated that, Native American history be taught in public schools, Schools work directly with tribes to provide the best education, and ensured all teachers and admin were educated.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians 18In 1830, President Andrew Jackson asked Congress to pass a bill providing for the removal of all easterntribes to west of the Mississippi River, which was designated as “Indian Territory.”

      Didn't know that all previous treaties were just ignored.

    2. hey entered into treaties ofcommerce and military alliances with Indian nations

      Didn't know there was military alliances with tribes during the colonial period

    1. He kept looking on and looking on, and then finally anobject, an object came out of this water, the waves, and it was pointed and sharp.

      The sun knew something was disarray so he keeps watching, and the he sees a sharp object poke through the water.

    2. And then while He was watching, suddenly the clouds parted and then he could see that the orbwas covered with water, nothing but water. And there were huge waves that were rolling around thesurface of this blue orb, so He kept looking to see what would happen.

      The sun watches and watches, and one day the clouds part and the sun sees water and waves on the blue orb.

    3. The clouds came and covered this blue spot.

      The sun see's a blue spot and clouds soon cover it.

    4. In the very beginning the Sun was the only active Being in the universe

      Starts with the sun

    1. When the Creator first saw that there were stirrings on the blue orb, he created the Son of the Sun and sent him to help life there come into being.

      Starts with 'The creator" who see potential life on the blue orb, and has the sun of the son go there to help life be created.

  3. Sep 2024
    1. What that signals is that it is probably time to revisityour original working thesis.

      Not related to the assignment I just thought this was good advice.

    2. and I thinkthat Sharon Crowley is correct in arguing that the kind of teaching ex-emplified by the five-paragraph essay is more akin to filling out a formthan it is to actual “writing.”

      5pe have no meaning, there is no learning, it is just reciting information from an article.

    3. Somewhere along the way, “thesis” became a dirty word in a lot ofwriting courses

      I'm sick of saying 5 paragraph essay, i'm just going to say 5pe. 5pe causes students to dislike things like thesis's.

    1. One explanation for this result is that writers of all levels, but particularly novicewriters, have a great need for form

      5-paragraph essay is a great way to teach formatting.

    2. Before this class, I was still writing at a high school level where I didn’t reallyconsider the audience. Now I force myself to consider whom I am writing to, what levelthe vocabulary of my audience is, and how I can convince them of what I am trying to say.”

      Other people have the experience of unpreparedness in college.

    3. one might make the case that a decrease in writing anxiety, unto itself,is likely to contribute to students’ ability to grapple with writing tasks in other classes, aresearch direction worth exploring.

      Majority of people in this class thought their previous knowledge on the 5-paragraph essay was helpful.

    4. Wardleargues that the first year writing class is unlikely to prepare “students to write at theuniversity and beyond”

      A lot of people believe that teaching these more advanced skills isn't possible outside of college, and first year writing classes don't really inform the student as well as the professors would hope.

    5. Devittargues that the concept of genre awareness

      Make sure to define genre awareness in essay.

    6. But without genre awareness, they will not understand howthe text “works” to fulfill its purpose

      Not preparing students for success.

    7. means teaching students to write in a particular genre, and often the pedagogicalapproach is formulaic—a sort of “do it like this” method.

      Teaching the 5-paragraph essay does not give a student means to interpret the assignment, if they do the same thing every time they will have no genre awareness.

    1. Writing about writing

      We are reading this!!!!

    2. and every academic writing opportunity only presents them with the exactsame type of material over and over again so that they are merely relearn-ing the same thing they learned previously

      This is also because of that 5 paragraph essay, it makes people bored of writing.

    3. When you practice one type of writing for so long, it can be difficultto build onto that existing, prior knowledge, since up to that point the onesize fits all model has worked so well

      Use this as a quote.

    4. For example, in the four questionsabove, each one has a different purpose, a different audience, and a differ-ent genre, which means to effectively respond to each one, you need to un-derstand what each purpose is, who your audience is, and what the genreconventions are.

      Only learning that 5-paragraph essay leaves out a students understanding of purpose, and audience. It makes you think they are all the same.

    5. Resistance transfer, when the writer’s past experiences with writ-ing encourage a resistance to new learning often resulting in aroadblock

      Most people including me have an incredibly hard time breaking a habit that we were told to do for over 5 years.

    6. 5-paragraph essay for most of your life, this is your default responseto any and all academic writing situations,

      5 paragraph essay isn't necessarily bad, but if it becomes the default writing style, you will not succeed in college.

    1. That’s a good and useful thing to know.

      It is useful, but not useful to be used as the only form of writing in highschool.

    2. The essayist here sounds like a peer or a friend rather than an expertor a professional.

      This type of writing demands your attention.

    3. I have bored my students because I am guard-ing in the same way I was guarded.

      The 5 paragraph essay is chosen as an assignment as a way to protect a student from failure. If you do the same thing for years, how is a student then going to mess it up

    4. Yet, I’m not sure that most of their writing would have re-ceived passing grades in a standard first year writing class. Had theybeen graded in the usual first year writing class, the margins wouldhave been filled with comments like Focus! and Stick to the point!

      These sorts of essays are so point-driven they kill the creativity in students.

    5. No hemming or hawing. Our previousfive paragraph example exemplifies this plain style: “Students have al-ways gotten a lot of homework. Teachers think it is important becauseit gives students practice, but students do not like it because it is morework. . . .” Sure, it’s clear, brief, and sincere, but it’s also really drearyand boring.

      These sorts of essays have no personality, are boring, and create bad habits.

    6. And the bad habit ofslipping into the five paragraph structure also reminds me of my badconscience

      The author see's the 5 paragraph essay structure as a bad habit, he is arguing that teaching this is negative.

    1. and was property, real estate, capital, or natural resources. But to our people, itwas everything: identity, the connections to our ancestors, the home of our nonhuman kinfolk, ourpharmacy, our library, the source of all that sustained us

      Anywhere could be considered a home to the settlers, however the Natives thought of these places as their spiritual homes, they could not just relocate and forget the history they had there.

    2. uch as the boarding schools andother federal policies of assimilation that brought disruptions to the traditional transference ofknowledge in tribal communities.

      Boarding schools and federal laws may be the reason so many Natives are unfamiliar with their culture.

    3. Students who maintain a strong sense of pride in their language and culture tend not to experienceschool failure

      Pride and knowledge of their culture leads to success in academic areas.

    4. pedagogies that imbued Indian children with all the knowledge and skills they neededto thrive in their world

      Those Indian children were taught everything they needed to know to thrive.