10 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. That’s a good and useful thing to know.

      It is useful, but not useful to be used as the only form of writing in highschool.

    2. The essayist here sounds like a peer or a friend rather than an expertor a professional.

      This type of writing demands your attention.

    3. I have bored my students because I am guard-ing in the same way I was guarded.

      The 5 paragraph essay is chosen as an assignment as a way to protect a student from failure. If you do the same thing for years, how is a student then going to mess it up

    4. Yet, I’m not sure that most of their writing would have re-ceived passing grades in a standard first year writing class. Had theybeen graded in the usual first year writing class, the margins wouldhave been filled with comments like Focus! and Stick to the point!

      These sorts of essays are so point-driven they kill the creativity in students.

    5. No hemming or hawing. Our previousfive paragraph example exemplifies this plain style: “Students have al-ways gotten a lot of homework. Teachers think it is important becauseit gives students practice, but students do not like it because it is morework. . . .” Sure, it’s clear, brief, and sincere, but it’s also really drearyand boring.

      These sorts of essays have no personality, are boring, and create bad habits.

    6. And the bad habit ofslipping into the five paragraph structure also reminds me of my badconscience

      The author see's the 5 paragraph essay structure as a bad habit, he is arguing that teaching this is negative.

    1. and was property, real estate, capital, or natural resources. But to our people, itwas everything: identity, the connections to our ancestors, the home of our nonhuman kinfolk, ourpharmacy, our library, the source of all that sustained us

      Anywhere could be considered a home to the settlers, however the Natives thought of these places as their spiritual homes, they could not just relocate and forget the history they had there.

    2. uch as the boarding schools andother federal policies of assimilation that brought disruptions to the traditional transference ofknowledge in tribal communities.

      Boarding schools and federal laws may be the reason so many Natives are unfamiliar with their culture.

    3. Students who maintain a strong sense of pride in their language and culture tend not to experienceschool failure

      Pride and knowledge of their culture leads to success in academic areas.

    4. pedagogies that imbued Indian children with all the knowledge and skills they neededto thrive in their world

      Those Indian children were taught everything they needed to know to thrive.