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  1. Dec 2022
    1. Conclusion

      One thing this article does not mention is the role of parents in feeding their children healthy food. through providing for underprivileged neighborhoods and instilling programs to help children receive better nutrition, we still can't exempt parents from their responsibilities. We have to hold them accountable for the raising of their kids.

    2. Discussing access to quality food acrossneighborhoods and sharing their own challengesto accessing healthy food

      Addressing the nutrition issue amongst underprivileged students is so refreshing to hear because it is something that can actually be accomplished. Providing better infrastructure (public transit) to grocery stores, including nutrition classes in school, equalizing the spatial justice for all races-these are things that can be done instead of just 'fix the school system.'

    1. hysical and Emotional Safety

      I love how schools focus on the lowest tier of Abraham Maslow's needs. Childern can't learn on empty stomachs or when feeling fear or insecure.

    2. Tardy Sweep

      I find it interesting that the policies of the Tardy Sweep, the benefits from it, nor the reasons for the instillation were mentioned in the article

    1. George H. W. Bush issued the first presidentialproclamation that designated November as NationalNative American Heritage Month

      What does having a specific month to focus on various cultures but not white teach students about that culture. That it's not a culture? That 'every month is white history month'? This is damaging and perpetuates dominant white culture in the minds of students.

    2. Who does this story belong to?

      In a world where we are trying to share our cultures and include more diversity in our education system, it seems counterproductive to ban 'others' from experiencing and learning about a culture that is not their own.

    1. motivation, perseverance, good old fashioned hard work, and thewillingness to take risks, fall down, get back up, and do it again”

      If this is such an inspiring quote from a mentor for black children, why do we so often teach that 'hard work will make you successful' is a harmful sentiment to reiterate to underprivileged students? Citing Jean Anyon and Joel Spring

    2. Education as a great equalizer for whom

      Education is not meant to be an equalizer. In order for it to make things equal for children they would have to give to the underprivileged and take from privileged which is ethically wrong. Education's purpose is to provide for the needs of the students whatever they may be as best as they can. Unfortunately, after a day at school, some children go home to inadequate living conditions and struggling families and those are areas that the school can't fix.

    1. For too long, Black girls are told to read liter-ary texts with characters that have White skin andnon- kinky hair. There needs to be a (re)centering ofBlack girls’ voices in ways that challenge the ideathat “even Cinderella is white.” Black girls mustbe exposed to and seen within the subject that theyare learning while also given the opportunities forcounternarratives and resistance to injustice.

      Too often in articles and studies do researchers talk about how black girls need mentors that look like them but saying that their only difference is 'black skin and kinky hair' is putting them in box and getting them to focus, yet again, on personal appearance as girls are always forced to do.

    2. We discuss how Blackgirls can engage with literary texts through counterfairy tales (CFT) as a resistive literary strategy toreclaim Black girls’ narratives and to be reflectiveof their experiences.

      Do you feel like Disney has done a good job of incorporating other cultures into their stories or just appropriated them?

    1. even homeschooled my ownchild for three years

      Removing ourselves from the problem does not fix the problem and as teachers, we never can remove ourselves so it is crucial to get parents involved in our schools enough to help us change them.

    2. youth are writers.

      I love this simple statement and it's truth. Too soon do our students stop writing because they think that they are not good at it but it is like art, everyone can do it with practice and what you have to say or express is important.

  2. Nov 2022
    1. I was tired.

      This statement speaks so powerfully to teachers. I recently read a book for another class that talks about hoe the biggest problem in schools is actually just the demoralization of everyone involved in them; students, teachers, and admin. The constant change and requirements to implement new programs and execute test prep just sucks the energy out of teachers and decrease their effectiveness and interest in their job. "So Much Reform, So Little Change" by Charles M. Payne

    2. “Ifyou add up all of our ages, we have hundreds of yearsof experience dealing with homes

      I love this thought. I teach student who are growing up in homes and societal times very different than from what I was exposed to. It is so interesting, but sometimes heartbreaking, to listen to a child's perspective about something based on what they are familiar with. I definitely think we learn more from our children than what we can teach them in a year and so we need to intentionally create time/exercises that allow them to learn from each other.