- Mar 2016
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
But the politicians and media who want to blame Trump or his supporters can find the real culprit in their own mirrors.
So the people who call Trump a racist and his supporters are at fault.
Under different immigration rules, and a different enforcement regimen, Kathryn Steinle would still be alive. Under different immigration rules, many thousands of other crimes would have been prevented. Under different immigration rules, the average U.S. crime rate might be lower than it is today—and probably considerably lower than it will be in future.
Very good point, but the author is playing the "what if" game.
about 0.2 percent of GDP, in a computation frequently cited and endorsed by the Obama administration.
Immigrants are not holding their own.
The Department of Homeland Security estimates that 20 percent of the U.S. prison population is foreign born. That does not imply that foreign-born persons are committing only 20 percent of crime right now. Yet that is how the statistic is often used.
Making it seem that people are using some statistics wrong.
Second, crime by the unauthorized, like the population of illegal immigrants itself, appears to be disproportionately concentrated in border states.
There is a lot of crime on the border states.
Here’s what it found:
More statistics
First, by any definition, unauthorized immigrants commit a lot of crimes.
So do native born Americans.
As Senator Ted Cruz pointed out during a July 21 Judiciary Committee hearing on crimes by illegal immigrants, in 2014 alone, immigration authorities released into American communities 193 illegal immigrants with homicide convictions, 426 people with sexual-assault convictions and 16,000 with drunk-driving convictions. Altogether, 104,000 people who by law should have been deported were instead allowed to remain on American soil.
Shows why Latinos have been given such a bad name.
www.epi.org www.epi.org
Unauthorized immigrants are a net positive for public budgets because they contribute more to the system than they take out.
Silence the haters.
In particular, when the economy is growing and the labor market is adding jobs, new immigration creates enough jobs even in the short run (and even for the less-educated) to cause no harm to the net employment of native-born workers.
So immigrants don't take jobs from American workers.
Immigrants provide 14.7 percent of the U.S economy. Not a big chunk, but still enough to make a difference. Not sure if this include illegal immigrants.
www.infowars.com www.infowars.com
The region along the U.S./Mexico border is now an open war zone. Just across the U.S. border, the city of Juarez, Mexico is considered to be one of the most dangerous cities on the entire planet because of the brutal drug war being waged there.
Major point.
California’s overstretched health care system is on the verge of collapse.
Illegal immigrants are making lives for other worse.
Illegal immigrants generally don’t pay taxes.
Definitely something to talk about.
44 million Americans are on food stamps. 47 million Americans are living in poverty. We just can’t take in a whole lot of extra workers right now.
Good statistics.
In fact, stories of how “good” life in America is just encourages more and more immigrants to come to the United States illegally.
Implying that America isn't good?
Once many illegal immigrants arrive in the United States they either try to make a living legally (by directly competing with blue collar American workers for jobs and driving their wages down) or illegally by selling drugs or being involved in other kinds of criminal activity.
So illegal immigrants are either working, but stealing American jobs, or they are selling drugs.
The sad truth is that the U.S. government has absolutely refused to secure the U.S. border with Mexico for decades, and this has allowed millions upon millions of criminals, drug dealers and gang members to cross freely into the United States.
Good support against pro immigration.
Millions of middle class American families can’t afford to provide for their families anymore and are losing their homes, drowning in debt or going bankrupt.
Implying that because illegal immigrants have come into the country millions of middle-class American families can't afford to support themselves.
eds.b.ebscohost.com.proxy.jjc.edu eds.b.ebscohost.com.proxy.jjc.edu
Annotation: This article discusses Donald Trump's ideas about immigration. Most of his beliefs are untrue and unrealistic. He accuses Latino immigrants of things that are based on stereotypes and uses the fear of terrorist as a reason behind his accusations. This article could be used to argue why Trump's view are unrealistic and uses fear to manipulate the American people.
And he would halt not just green cards, which permit legally admitted permanent residents to work; he also wants to limit, eliminate, or make more difficult all programs that admit the foreign-born.
Shows how ridiculous Trumps plan.
Nonetheless, many Americans, not just Trump supporters, are concerned that our borders remain penetrable at a time when terrorism is a real threat to our safety.
Shows why many Americans and Trump are afraid of keeping the Mexican border open and why they are accusing the Mexican community of all the violence.
Mexico is no longer the leading source of immigration after having been so for nearly a century. Mexican immigration is now below replacement level, with more Mexican-born individuals leaving than coming here.
Shows the accusation that Trump has thrown at the Mexican community aren't true.
That spending has had a major impact.
Even though illegal immigration into the U.S has dropped they still spend a ton of money trying to enforce something that is dying out.
eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy.jjc.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy.jjc.edu
Annotation: This article discusses how the immigration policies hurt U.S citizens. Passing law about immigration without hurting U.S citizens is going to be hard, but they do have to be taken into consideration. Many people say deport all undocumented immigrants without thinking about the people around them. This article could be used to argue why we can't deport any undocumented immigrants and if we were, we would be creating thousands or orphans.
enforce immigration laws without directly affecting millions of U.S. citizens.
Has to be taken into consideration before passing immigration laws.
who have received litde attention in the immigration debate,
Again shows how the children are being ignored in the immigration debate.
mitigate the harm of immigration enforcement actions on certain groups of vulnerable immigrants (for example, immigrant caretaker parents of young children; school-age children; youths in high school and college; child and adult victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes)
Shows how reforms have done harm do those around illegal immigrants
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
In each case, they found evidence to show that undocumented immigrants were less likely to commit violent crimes than their native-born neighbors.
More support to show how violent illegal immigrants are.(Sarcasm)
www.socialworkhelper.com www.socialworkhelper.com
When I was about 14 years old
So the article talks about how people stereotype Mexicans.
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Build a wall, or a fence:
Still unsure of whether people think building a wall is a good thing.
And 56%
Majority of illegal immigrants are here to wok, its a recurring theme.
said they worry “a lot” or “some” that they, a family member or a close friend could be deported.
Deporting illegal immigrants has a negative impact on those around them.
Good word choice.
say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements.
Good support.
Among the public overall, there is little support for an effort to deport all those in the U.S. illegally,
You would think that there would be a lot of support considering that Trump had made it a very hot topic.
political front burner once more.
There not wrong, since the 2016 presidential campaign has made it a big deal.
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Shows that they are here to work.
"Reflects" how many immigrants are coming into the U.S.
People complain how too many illegal immigrants are entering the country, but it shows that it is down. Also another good reason to just focus on latino immigrants since Mexican make up about half of the undocumented immigrants.
www.nyujlpp.org www.nyujlpp.org
On its face, IRCA seems to create a verynarrow prohibition.
Good way of putting the terms of IRCA.
unauthorized alien.
So basically the IRCA states that business aren't allowed to hire illegal immigrants or they will be fined, which has obviously not worked because people are still able to find work.
This Note argues thatIRCA does not bar undocumented immigrants from owning busi-nesses.
It doesn't stop undocumented immigrants from owning business.
To summarize this little area: Business's aren't allowed to have unauthorized immigrants as workers or they could get fined, but no undocumented immigrant have ever been sanctioned for running a business. So there are laws in place they just haven't been in forced. Also undocumented immigrants are allowed to sign up for bank accounts, sign contracts, etc.
ndicates that immigrants are almost twice as likely to start businessesas native-born Americans.
Again stating that illegal immigrants aren't coming here for illegal reasons, like most stereotypes would have you think.
By one scholar’s estimate, as many as eight to ten percent ofundocumented immigrants own businesses
Good statistic to use.
headed by peoplewhose immigration status makes them ineligible to work in the UnitedStates.2
Great way of putting how most immigrants come to America for positive actions.
www.migrationpolicy.org www.migrationpolicy.org
ach an estimated 86 percent of all children living with unauthorized immigrant parents.65The actual impact of DAPA could li
Possible pros for the DAPA.
hildren had less than a high school education, and 35 percent had fewer than nine years of formal schooling. By comp
Talks about how much unauthorized parents with U..S born children are at a disadvantage.
3.3 million potential beneficiaries living with minor children, 19 percen
Sbows how balanced the program will be.
rants, because unauthorized immigrant households often contain people of various immigration sta-tuses. All household members would benefit from the higher family incomes and reduced anxiety about deportation described later in the report. During the 2009-13 period, 9.9 million people lived in house-holds
Shows how DAPA will help legal immigrants as well as unauthorized immigrants.
www.migrationpolicy.org www.migrationpolicy.org
deferred action would alleviate the documented psychological, social, and developmental harms associated with having an unauthorized parent.
Big pro for implementing the DAPA.
Providing work authorization for these unauthorized immigrant parents could raise the average DAPA family's income by 10 percent. Despite very high male labor force participation, the poverty rate for DAPA families is 36 percent, compared with 22 percent for all immigrant families, and 14 percent for families with U.S.-born parents.
About 36 percent of DAPA families live in poverty.
This MPI-Urban Institute report describes the population of 3.6 million unauthorized immigrant parents potentially eligible for DAPA and the likely impacts of the program on potential recipients and their children. The report finds that more than 10 million people live in households with at least one potentially DAPA-eligible adult, including some 4.3 million children under age 18—an estimated 85 percent of whom are U.S. citizens.
Shows how many people this actually has an affect on.
which would protect from deportation and provide eligibility for work authorization to as many as 3.6 million unauthorized immigrants, according to MPI estimates.
Good statistic
nd benefits for children with unauthorized immigrant parents, even if U.S. born, those in mixed-status families may indeed face furth
Goes to show how much children with unauthorized immigrants parents are at a disadvantage, even if they are U.S citizen born.
In our state 82.1 percent of children with parent of unauthorized immigrants are U.S citizens.
11.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States.5 The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) estimates that there were 5.1 million children under
Good statistics to use.
www.migrationpolicy.org www.migrationpolicy.org
This fact sheet employs U.S. Census Bureau data to examine the number, characteristics, and socioeconomic status of the 5.1 million children under age 18, both U.S.-citizen and noncitizen, who are living with an unauthorized immigrant parent.
As of January 2016 there is about 5.1 million children under 18, that are citizens and non-citizens living in the U.S with an unauthorized parent.
some of these states are implementing policies that could compound the negative effects of parental unauthorized status on children, making the well-being of children in mixed-status families even more precarious.
The danger that immigrants as well as their children will face.
The research literature finds that growing up with unauthorized immigrant parents places children—nearly 80 percent of whom were born in the United States—
Children of unauthrorized immigrants are more liekly to be U.S citizens
- Feb 2016
www.motherjones.com www.motherjones.com
If it spreads along lines of communication, he says, the cause is information. Think Bieber Fever. If it travels along major transportation routes, the cause is microbial. Think influenza. If it spreads out like a fan, the cause is an insect. Think malaria.
I like how the author worded this.
Location, Location, Location
This could be interpreted to mean that families that live in poverty are more likely to get into crime. So families with the most lead level are the ones that living in poverty. There's something here I can use.
Unfortunately, the theory doesn't seem to hold water—for example, crime rates have continued to drop recently despite our prolonged downturn.
Good opposition point.
If a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired," they observed, "all the rest of the windows will soon be broken."
Awesome metaphor
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
This article explains the correlation between poverty and crime by using various examples of "housing projects." So they do an experiment that gives 200 families new home in a different part of the city. Most of the families, however, do not take the opportunity and the author believes it is because they are used to living in a poverty ridden neighborhood that are filled with felons. This article could be use to argue how poverty directly correlates with crime and it could also be used to argue how the claim could be wrong.
Escape From New York,
A link here would have been nice.
Crime did not rise in every city where housing projects came down.
Good opposing view.
In 2003, the Brookings Institution published a list of the 15 cities where the number of high-poverty neighborhoods had declined the most. In recent years, most of those cities have also shown up as among the most violent in the U.S., according to FBI data.
Might be good for my paper. To show, once again, the correlation between crime and poverty.
two-car-garage families.
Implying that are wealthy?
Clean-cut kids serve the same function as American recruits for al-Qaeda: they become the respectable front men.
At first I didn't understand why the author compared gangs with a terrorist group, but after looking it a second time I got it. She was trying, or so I think, to show how dangerous gangs really are.
You know, you move from one place to another and you bring the element with you,
Brings up a good point and makes the reader think of a possible solution.
I feel the video came a little early. I was confused to what she was referring to the Dixie home or Springdale. The video should have come after the author explained a bit more of Leslie Shaw after she moved into Springdale.
called HOPE VI,
Don't know why the roman number 6 is there? Unless they wanted a unique name.
drug dealers control the stairwells, where children can’t go outside to play, where mothers put their infants to bed in bathtubs.
Nice way to back up her claim that "poverty correlates with crime."
“these enclaves of poverty,”
I love how she uses the word enclaves.
Legal scholars today often compare the case’s significance to that of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
Nice connection to Brown.
In 1949 in Chicago, a rumor that a black family was moving onto a white block prompted a riot that grew to 10,000 people in four days.
It's amazing to see how much society has grown since then, although im not saying its perfect.
Nobody in the antipoverty community and nobody in city leadership was going to welcome the news that the noble experiment that they’d been engaged in for the past decade had been bringing the city down, in ways they’d never expected.
It's hard to believe that people still haven't noticed this. People who grow up in poverty are more likely to turn to crime: might have to add link for this.
as part of a nationwide experiment to free the poor from the destructive effects of concentrated poverty.
Might be a reason why crime might occur?
Hot spots had proliferated since the mid-1990s, and little islands of crime had sprung up where none had existed before, dotting the map all around the city.
Could be useful for my paper
The session had none of the raucous air of precinct meetings you see on cop shows.
Connecting to the reader
I did not expect a video, but it does a well job of giving another person's thought even it agree with the authors.
- Jan 2016
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Lately, though, a new and unexpected pattern has emerged, taking criminologists by surprise.
Gives me ideas on what to write my paper: "why crime happens?"
harpers.org harpers.org
Why would he think that the governor isn't sane? Just because he is fifty.
I notices he jumped eight days to the opening ceremony. I wasn't aware how long fairs take to set up.
I'm a little confused, maybe because I don't live on the east coast.
I don't get why the author has to mention their race if it doesn't come into play later on.
- Dec 2015
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comAI Remix1
Great work comparing what is reality with how the media portrays it.