3 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. we learn not with isolated tools (often hyped as silver-bullet solutions), but with repertoires of tools.

      My classes right now use a few tools, but OLE is expanding my toolkit! I really like that we are exploring various media and platforms to incorporate into the classroom and engage students.

    2. chat brought together people with a wide range of open annotation experiences; what some people would call more expert and novice experiences.

      This is the whole point of our OLE class--learning tools like this annotation to bring varying levels of experience together to create the community of learners, shared knowledge, discussion. I'm not entirely sure how this particular tool would be applied in math. Perhaps we could get a discussion going regarding a real world topic for the modeling project (like discussing pros/cons to the exponential increase in Fb users over the past decade).

    3. Low-barrier opportunities for interest-driven inquiry

      Making it easier for people to access, question, and discuss is a huge key to participation and engagement!