171 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. 第一層:先將 Glasp 裏面有畫線的區段都貼上來。 第二層:把覺得寫得好的地方用成粗體顯示 第三層:特別喜歡的句子用成 highlights 第四層:寫下自己的想法


    1. 內容包含三個區塊: metadata:包含作者、文章發布日、閱讀日 註解區:包含 Quotes, Highlights, Annotations,並 透過Heptabase進行漸進式總結 筆記區:包含使用 「我撰寫Literature-notes的方式」 這個方法撰寫的筆記 References:包含文章連結、Link from(從哪些地方讀到連到這篇文)、Link to (連到哪些筆記)

      作者把 annotation 和 note 分开,但我更喜欢和在一起,把 notes 附在 annotation 附近;不过也许这就不太适合 overview 了

    1. 首先,我在瀏覽器打開一篇文章後,我會邊閱讀邊 highlight 畫線,此時我會使用 Glasp 提供的四種顏色來區分不同的內容,讓不同的顏色作為最初步的分類方式,也作為我的想法觸發媒介,目前的分類方式是: 黃色:代表的是我有感的句子 綠色:代表的是我覺得能產生下一步行動的句子 藍色:代表的是我有疑問的句子 紅色:代表的是我不同意的句子


  2. Jan 2022
    1. in life, you usually don’t get good at something until you’ve done it a bunch of times.

      So we should try it once at least?

    1. When I first started working with my PhD advisor, I thought our weekly meeting was for me to prove to him that I had been productive. That is false.

      I thought so.

    2. Tell us why you did it and what came of it.

      the reason and the result/output

    3. A variant of this problem is when people are explaining what they did.


    4. Why are you telling me this?

      Good question

    5. Whenever you or a collaborator needs to skim the writing, they just need to read these bolded topic sentences to understand the story.

      That's how they work.

    6. After coming up with a rough outline for whatever you need to write, the next step is to write the topic sentences.

      topic sentences: 主题句

    7. If you show up to a meeting/internship/job expecting to be told what to do, then chances are someone will tell you something to do. It might not be the best thing for you to be doing though.

      It's true and it's nearly always the case.

    8. Most of what I learned during my PhD had nothing to do with my dissertation topic, grad school, or even computer science.

      这样看,其实选择哪个领域和方向并不影响这些 general lessons 的获取

  3. Dec 2021
    1. As such, I tend to accumulate long lists of projects I want to do, and then struggle prioritizing them.


    1. I spend 15 minutes a day on average, and for me that's currently a good investment.


    1. 為那些無止盡的目標,規劃出「季度」的高價值目標。


  4. bruno-oliveira.github.io bruno-oliveira.github.io
    1. simply a notepad document used as an “append-only” text file


    2. Keep a log of your journey.

      That's what I am trying to do for my life.

      My idea is quite simple: use apps like Roam Research and Logseq and record activities as detailed as possible in daily notes. Daily notes are raw sources and create retrospective notes which link to their dates.

    3. One of the most underrated things in the industry, especially when you’re working as a full-time developer, is the power of keeping a “knowledge stash” handy.

      That's true and I'm doing so. But I don't know to do it better.

    1. The schema is a single source of truth for the entire knowledge base, ensuring everything is consistently structured.


    2. Schemas are taxonomies that work over hierarchies. You can write a schema to describe a given hierarchy — projects, meetings, research topics — and attach templates to any node in the hierarchy.


    3. when you create a note, you can use schemas to provide a guide as to where the note should go and how the note itself should be structured.

      where to go 指的是什么?

    4. Right now, we are presenting this in the form of an open-source, local-first, Markdown-based note-taking tool that helps humans organize, reference, and work with any amount of knowledge.

      开源、本地优先、基于 markdown 这三点貌似是现在的标配了

    5. We make managing general knowledge more like managing code, and your PKM more like an IDE for general knowledge.


    6. Dendron does this by extending basic markdown with custom structural elements to make it easier to organize at scale and provides powerful tooling on top to work with this structure.

      基于 markdown 进行扩展会有个问题:别的编辑器不一定支持(因为不是标准的格式)

    7. Most personal knowledge management (PKM) tools will readily help you create notes. They eventually hit a wall trying to retrieve them past a certain threshold.

      看起来近几年的 note 产品都在试图解决 retrieve notes 的问题(如何更便捷、直观地获取特定的信息)

    8. every query becomes a keyword search and scrolling through pages of results.

      so real...

    1. First, in a Java-focused curriculum, it insulates the student from the javac command line program, and the command line environment itself. Second, it catches some basic mistakes and allows the student to defer learning about the finnicky language requirements that aren’t deemed core to the curriculum, like imports and file naming requirements.

      I think there are more.

    2. provide education-specific tooling, like the “automatic generation of visualizations for improving the comprehensibility of the software”; that is, when you write a linked list and run your code in jGRASP, you see a diagram of a linked list on the screen.

      good features

  5. Sep 2021
    1. Now let's turn to writing. It entails exercising different talents: researching, critical thinking, teaching, and marketing. Truthfully, those are more empowering and fascinating to me.

      Fascinating to me as well

    2. It took 15 minutes to realize that those are the things I care about in life. What's crazy is that I didn’t do this exercise until I was 27. In 27 years, I never took 15 minutes to be more deliberate about my pursuit of... life itself.

      I'm 27, and I haven't done it yet...

    3. We all could, but we universally lack the discipline to halt our inertia to ask, Should I still be doing what I'm doing?

      Good advice

    4. you'll realize you've chased an outdated dream that made more sense in the past.

      Is a dream of chasing a PhD degree outdated? I have no idea.

  6. Aug 2021
    1. Browsing the source is almost always faster than finding an answer on StackOverflow.

      I doubt it to some extent. Source code is everything, but reading a piece of document is much faster and easier.

    1. brew install $(cat packages.txt)

      give brew bundle a try

    2. Enable showing dotfiles (just hold Cmd + Shift + . (dot) in a Finder window)


    3. Fix

      居然用了 fix……

    4. Chrome

      I use Vivaldi

    5. I choose not to automate my setup because I only do it about once a year and I want the ability to make conscious changes each time.


    1. If you want to read, make sure (1) you remove all distractions from your environment and (2) you make books as easy to access as possible.
      1. 减少干扰
      2. 增加曝光
    1. 没有文档是一件很糟糕的事情,但是很多人却会认为,代码可以取代文档

      good point

    1. 要花大量时间去研究什么是正确的事,然后再去想如何把事做正确。在正确的方向上逐步前进远比在不正确的方向上狂奔要好。


  7. Jul 2021
    1. a few status endpoints.
      • /healthz
      • /pods
      • /spec/ - specs of the machine*
    2. pod infrastructure container

      pause container?

    3. need nginx to write its logs to a volume that can be shared to the log truncator.

      volume 跨 container 共享

    4. Pods are defined by a JSON or YAML file called a pod manifest

      一直没搞懂 manifest 究竟是什么……

    5. one job: given a set of containers to run, make sure they are all running.

      one and only one?

    6. lowest level component in Kubernetes

      What about container runtime?

  8. Jun 2021
    1. we do not try to cure a headache by brain surgery, but by putting a pill in the stomach.


    2. whatever we can see clearly about the future we will take steps to prevent from happening

      I don't understand.

  9. May 2021
    1. they are written on a functional point of view or simply provide only tutorials on how to install and run Kubernetes


  10. Apr 2021
    1. If a Kubernetes Job has a sidecar container, it will carry on running even after the primary container finishes


    1. If this VPA object is defined for the pod, the hook will change its requests and limits in the pod template

      还可以针对除 pod 之外的 object 吗?

    1. 在线任务


    2. 大多数的集群都会使用 48 CPU 或者 64 CPU 的物理机或者虚拟机作为集群中的节点,如果我们的集群中需要包含 5,000 个节点,那么这些节点每个月大概要 8,000,000 美元,约为 50,000,000 人民币,在这样的集群中提升 1% 的资源利用率就相当于每个月节省了 500,000 的成本。

      非常好的例子,我从来没有从这个角度想过提高资源利用率的必要,虽然这很 trivial

    1. The output shows the recommended resources, target, the minimum recommended resources, lowerBound, the highest recommended resources, upperBound, and the most recent resource recommendations, uncappedTarget.

      status 中记录推荐值,按 container 分组

    2. the VPA determines that the pod is consuming more CPU than requested and restarts the pods with higher resources.

      VPA 重新计算 pod 所需的资源(更具体来说,就是 request 中的 CPU 和 memory 的值),然后重启 pod(如果需要更新的话)。 重启有个点需要注意,就是 pod 会被重新调度,可能会被调度到不同的 node 上。

    3. maintains the ratios between limits and requests that are specified in initial container configuration


      假设 request 和 limit 保持一致,VPA periodically 更新它们,那么为什么还需要维持这个 ratio?为了避免瞬时的过大流量让 pod 挂掉吗?

    4. Pod Disruption Budget


    5. update all of the pods associated with a workload object

      必须是 workload 吗?不可以是 pod 自己吗?

    1. Google Cloud 支持 Worker Node 自动部署,当 HPA / VPA 使用资源不够时可以自动部署 Node 节点

      cluster autoscaling; node actually

    1. 对男性而言,发现自己身上的优点,并朝好的方面去塑造思维,也几乎是一种惯性。

      I don’t think so.

    1. If you're in a well-run organization, at some point, you're going to run out of things that are both high-impact and easy. This leaves you with a choice between shifting right to hard and high-impact or shifting down to easy and low-impact. The latter choice--easy and low-impact--is what Walk refers to as snacking.

      snacking 即那些 low effort & low impact 的事情

  11. Mar 2021
    1. in reality, you have only copied the opinion of someone else.


  12. Feb 2021
    1. having the books up there on the shelves to be looked at, admired, remembered


  13. Jan 2021
    1. I logged my activities at 15-minute intervals for the whole year.


    1. 分析

      我之前的总结只有:引用、想法、标题,漏了和其他 notes 关联的这部分。

      当然想法本身不是 atomic 的,其中包含了其他的想法,因此就会和其他的 notes 产生关联

    2. 标记对应的参考资料/来源项目/对应的Literature note

      这大概就是我在 Roam Research 中维护一份 TOC 的用途了吧

    3. 有合适的标题


    4. 关于Zettelkasten的笔记方式

      作者的理解是分成了 3 类?

    5. 4 - 6个


    6. Menory

      typo Memory

    7. typo 指

  14. Dec 2020
    1. write a hint on the slip card

      不只是使用书签记录位置,还要在书签上记录一下 hint

      至于 hint 是什么,我以为是上一次阅读的想法?

    1. "headless" Services

      不需要 LB 或 IP 的时候可以使用 headless services

      指定 .spec.clusterIPNone(empty 的话是什么?)

      1. 不分配 cluster IP
      2. kube-proxy 不处理
      3. 没有 LB 或 proxy
    1. // +build trace

      添加 trace 的 build tag

    2. func trace() func() { pc, _, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1) if !ok { panic("not found caller") } fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc) name := fn.Name() fmt.Printf("enter: %s\n", name) return func() { fmt.Printf("exit: %s\n", name) } }

      感觉需要了解下 runtime 这个包的函数

    1. A project is “a series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline.”

      project 是一堆 tasks,有一个 goal,有一个 DDL

    1. 在计算机科学中,调度就是一种将任务(Work)分配给资源的方法


    1. V3 was a huge advancement because Tiago’s tactics around getting notes from Instapaper and Kindle, as well as progressive summarization, dramatically improved the quality and quantity of the deliberate structures I was creating around information I wanted to retain

      progressive summarization

    2. there’s nothing stopping you from making pages as placeholders to tie information together.


    3. I use [[Page Links]] when it’s inline, and #Hashtag Links when they’re out of context

      good practice

    4. Each note has relationships to other notes, but no note lives *inside* another note or notebook. All of the information is fluid in the sense that you flow between notes based on their relationships, not because they’re all in the same folder or hierarchy. 

      swim in the notes

    5. In Roam, notes live nowhere and everywhere.


    6. Roam is V4

      或许我也需要一个周计划 page,甚至是月计划 page、年计划 page、一生计划 page。


    7. It was the first time a digital architecture changed how I consumed information


    1. As you develop more notes within a certain idea, you'll be able to start organizing those notes into bigger ideas, or even full deliverables like articles.


    2. the last step with each of your Smart Notes is to move them to where you most want to re-discover them, and to add any additional contexts you think could be relevant in the future.

      move to where you most want to re-discover them 这个怎么做?

      从下面看主要是加 tags

    3. Then I'll go through each idea and decide what existing or new topic area within my database it's most relevant to

      遍历每个想法,看看是否可以添加到某个现有的 topic 中,没有就新建

    4. First, I'll tag each idea with the book I got it from

      给每个想法以 书名 为标签


    5. One of the core ideas of Smart Notes is to file information based on the context you want to rediscover it in, not based on the context you found it in.

      基于希望被发现的 context 而不是来源

    6. how can I make this idea detailed enough to stand on its own, without the context of the book or the associated highlight?


    7. start by just listing all of these out under an "Ideas" heading, but this is temporary


    8. For the Ideas, I'll re-type them from my notebook and expand on them to make them into coherent thoughts

      在从笔记本转移到 Roam Research 的过程中,再对想法繁衍一次

    9. as a rule, only tab a section if it inspired you to write an idea down in your notebook

      只 highlight 能激发想法的部分,并且记录下来

    10. I capture both my notes and the highlights, because I like having direct passages to quote later in articles like these

      这也是我之前的一个困扰:如果我只记录自己的总结,那么以后要 quote 的时候怎么办?Nat 的方法我觉得解决了我的这个问题

    11. Keep it very short, be extremely selective, and use your own words. Be extra selective with quotes don't copy them to skip the step of really understanding what they mean.

      简短、有选择、用自己的话。不要用 copy & paste 跳过自己的思考

    12. It could be your own interpretation of a passage, or it could be some other seemingly random idea that the book sparked


    13. As you're reading, write down anything that comes to mind from the book and where you found it

      note 写啥?想法本身,以及 reference 信息

    14. The students who typed into their laptops were much quicker, which enabled them to copy the lecture more closely but circumvented actual understanding. They focused on completeness. Verbatim notes can be taken with almost no thinking, as if the words are taking a short cut from the ear to the hand, bypassing the brain.


    15. When you have to write your notes by hand, you'll be a bit more thoughtful with them and be forced to put things in your own words. With typing, it's easier to just re-type what you're reading (or worse, copy & paste), and not capture the whole context of the idea.


    16. I'm currently using two notebooks for this: a large Moleskine I carry with my laptop to use 90% of the time, and a small Field Notes notebook I keep in my pocket for notes on the go

      2 physical notebooks. The small one is just for notes on the go.

    17. When you're reading a book, have something you can physically take notes on with you at all times

      why physical?

    18. adding my own contextual notes to my highlights, and taking time after finishing a book to process and better organize those notes

      highlight 还是要做,但是要添加 context,之后还要整理

    19. create notes that are relevant to contexts important to you, not just related to the book you read

      笔记要和 context 关联,而是和书(source)关联

    20. can only lead to a patchwork of ideas, but never a coherent thought


    21. changes their meaning by stripping them out of context, even though the words aren't changed

      断章取义。但其实所有的 quote 都有这个问题,至少是这个风险

    22. Instead of simply highlighting passages, the Smart Notes system encourages you to manually create notes of the ideas you get as you read.

      不要只是 highlight,而要给每个冒出来的想法做一份记录,maybe 再繁衍一下

    23. If you've ever looked back at your book highlights and thought to yourself, "why did I highlight this?" then you know what problem we're solving here.


    24. The core idea of Smart Notes is that purely extracting highlights is generally a waste of time. A highlight speaks to you when you take it, but if you don't capture the idea that the highlight gave you, you're unlikely to remember the importance of that highlight later. Or even if you do feel some spark when revisiting the highlight, it might be a different interpretation.

      highlight 不只是 highlight,更重要的是它引发了一些想法,要把这些想法写下来,不然下次看到的时候,这些想法就丢失了,而重要的是这些想法,而不是 highlight 的内容,它只是印子。

    1. Everything is or can be interconnected and those connections can change over time.

      connections can change over time 这一点很重要,因为 traditional note-taking apps 实际上是不太能 change connections over time 的,动辄要修改许多的地方。因此这也是我为什么觉得这些 dirty work 是 Roam Research 最令我感到欣喜的。

    2. Just a gate, because once you are inside you can see how relative it’s to label a product like Roam Research in a category.

      只是 gate,迈过了就不需要了

    3. One rule of marketing is to categorize your product. Every product belongs to a previously defined category of similar products. Then, the product needs to flag the differences.



    1. Antifragility gets stronger with breaking down.

      我的理解是,随着内容不断地分解成更基本的内容直至 atomic parts,内容的可组合性就更强,面对各种写作或其他使用的需求时就更能 function well;当然内容的分解本身也是因为这些需求才会出现的

    2. You have a set of rules that are relatively simple but can generate complex relations.

      有点像数学上的公理系统,其根本只是非常简单的 5 个公理

    3. If you have work with living documents like Hackpad, Google Docs, Dropbox Paper, Notion, or even recent versions of Evernote, you know that there is no "save" button.

      no "save" button for living document

    4. The reason why Roam is a game-changer app in its category is the graph database.

      果然是用的 graph DB

    5. This newsletter, [[Roaming Writing]], is about notes, experiences, and thoughts about writing on Roam Research and similar apps

      我以为只关于 Roam Research,居然还会涉及其他的 apps

    1. “七个半月。”相征告诉毒眸,这是绝大部分新播客,甚至90%以上的播客从创办到关停的时间周期

      sad story

    2. 每期节目时长大约一小时,后期剪辑大约需要6小时~7小时。


    3. 头部播客制作人几乎都来“知识分子”圈层


    1. Roam is good for the second stage of writing. It helps you to find an order from disorder, relationships from connections, and in some ways, allows a self-growing network of ideas and thoughts from a noisy constelation of notes.

      第二阶段是 review、edit、re-write。

    2. Excel is a horizontal app. You can use it as a simple calculator or tabulator, but you can also keep payroll, accounting, finances, etc. Every user can customize or program Excel in very different ways

      horizontal apps 的扩展性就很强,做什么都可以

    3. An accounting app like Quicken or QuickBooks is vertical. They are very good at what they were designed for but you can’t do something different or more with them.

      vertical apps 只能做好份内的事情,设计之外的事情无能为力

    4. writing is the doing of thinking


    5. Some of these apps try to deal with disorder by having a previous structure to deal with it, in some kind of top-to-down process—first categories, tables, tags, folders, then content

      传统的 note-taking 的工具都是这样子,无论是 Evernote 还是 bear,都是分类在前,内容在后

    6. In a second stage of the writing process, come reviewing, editing, or rewriting

      之前是 pre-writing 阶段,现在是第二阶段

    7. writing without thinking about grammar or spelling, structure, final outcome… makes your writing stronger.


    8. A little example—and a little simplified—of antifragile writing consists of recognizing that writing gains from disorder

      writing gains from disorder.


    9. Once you get the concept you start to look for it in everything around you


    10. One remarkable thing about learning the antifragile property is, once you can identify it, how to design or build systems or things that are antifragile, or at least that can be more antifragile?

      我以前总觉得压力只能被动承受,but maybe things can be different?

    11. Nassim Nicholas Taleb came up with this concept of antifragile to define the property of some things that get better, grow, or even get stronger against stressors


    12. Robust is the property of things that resist stressors


    13. Resilience is the property of things that can go back to its original state after a stressor is applied.


    14. Fragile is the property of things that aren’t good with any kind of stressors


    1. What is difficult is not transferring content from place to place, but transferring it through time.

      from place to place 只需要 copy & paste,但是穿过时间却需要一些 effort(被记住)

    1. add any other tags and page links that might be relevant

      根据下面的例子,就是给 highlight 添加一些 tags

    2. go through all the highlights and apply some Progressive Summarization


    3. some common metadata

      添加阅读的起始时间和结束时间,一方面是表明是否读完,另一方面则是 measure。

      添加 推荐人 也是个好想法,增加更多的 connection,无论是书还是人都有更多的 context

      但是需要构建一个 tag system,不光是个不同的 source,甚至还可以通用于非 Roam Research 之外,比如 raindrop

    4. I prefer reading physical books and using sticky tabs to note useful passages as I go, so I can go back and pull out the best ones later


    5. The downside with Kindle highlighting is that it's too easy, and you can end up over-highlighting and having to delete a bunch of them later. Because the automatic highlighting is so effortless, it's easy to end up highlighting 5-10% of the book and having to sift through a lot of noise later.

      这是我经常遇到的局促境况,我现在尽量多 take notes 而不只是 highlight,就是为了避免它

    6. Salt Fat Acid Heat


    7. The Effective Executive

      可以参考下他的 note structure for books

    8. using Roam for note taking, writing, project management, a personal CRM, recipe management, and more

      我很好奇他是如何用 Roam Research 做其他事情的

    1. 复式记账的核心理念是账户之间的进出关系,要求所有的记录全部入账,它可以保证账目的完整性和一致性


    2. 我对资产产生现金流的定义较为宽泛,不仅包括利息、分红、租金、版税这类收入,还包括了直接通过资产折现的收入,即净资产减少


      1. 利息
      2. 分红
      3. 租金
      4. 版税
      5. 资产折现(净资产减少)
      6. ……
    3. 财务自由并非对个人净资产的要求,这也就是为什么不需要暴富就能实现


    4. 财务自由的一般定义是由资产产生的收入不少于生活开销


    5. 为什么要记账,我来用一句话总结就是为了提升对自我的认识


    1. 除非在 podspec 具有匹配的 toleration,否则 Kubernetes Scheduler 将不会分配任何 pod

      当 Node 有 taint 时,Pod 默认不会被分配上去,除非 Pod 设置了对应的 toleration

    2. 调度阶段是指将 Pod 首次分配给节点。执行阶段适用于在调度分配后节点标签发生更改的情况
      1. 调度阶段
      2. 执行阶段
    3. 使用 nodeSelector 有约束 Pod 可以在有特定标签的节点上运行。但它的使用仅受标签及其值限制。

      我的理解是:使用 nodeSelector 可以约束 Pod 只在有特定标签的节点上运行,但其使用仅受标签限制.


    4. 如果要在一组特定的节点上运行 Pod,可以使用 nodeSelector

      有点类似 label selector

    5. Kubernetes 调度是将 Pod 分配给集群中匹配节点的过程


    6. Kubernetes 控制平面

      Kubernetes Control Plane


    1. Any time something in the index interests me, I’ll write it down. I do this on a physical notecard or in a document. So, by the end of reading the index I’ll have all of the most interesting and relevant pieces of information in one place.

      wow 这样子确实比把整本书通读一遍效率高多了……可是写什么呢?单纯把 index 中的 keyword 记录下来吗?

    2. the index is my first stop after the title


    3. ake between 5-10 minutes and try to get a sense of what value it has to me and how it is structured


    4. I don’t build a knowledge base just to have knowledge. I build it to use it

      QAQ 这大概就是我之前学不好的原因吧

    5. I love startups. From a learning perspective, they allow you to fully immerse into new fields and, by their nature, force you to solve real problems

      这当然是很理想的情况,因为根据我的经验,除了 CEO 等少数几人,大多数人解决的实际问题其实在哪里解决都没有太大的差别。

    6. Reading shouldn’t be about checking titles off of a todo list, it should be an exploration of what fascinates you

      我看书就是前者:先按 TOC 把整本书做成一个 todo list,然后看一点 check 一项;觉得很有成就感,但想想最后留下了什么,好像也寥寥。

      后者刚好是 Roam Research 可以助力的地方,大概这也才是正确的阅读目的和方式吧。

    7. 我们通常可以通过对应页码的数量来判断这一关键词的重要性(可以理解为一个权重)

      nice idea

    8. 如何最大效率地阅读 nonfiction 类书籍?今天的分享中,作者给出的建议是同时阅读基本上同一题材的书籍

      How to Read a Book 中的 theme reading