- Jan 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Then, he found, the department conducted its inquiry solely on the basis of course materials, without attending any classes or speaking to any teachers.
So was everything just based on their own assumptions and beliefs rather than to actually how the classes were structured and what occurred in a classroom? For me, even if you oppose something you still have to attempt your best to understand the other person's point of view and acknowledge it, this was not done when the program was banned nor was there an attempt to seek the truth on what ethnic studies classes actually were since they wouldn't step into one.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
An ethnic studies course taught as part of a course that has been approved as meeting the A–G requirements of the University of California and the California State University.
If ethnic studies meet the A-G requirements of the UC and the CSU system then why you would expect more schools to around the US to do the same and have ethnic studies courses.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
The state encourages the participation of pupils and members of the community in the development of an ethnic studies model curriculum.
It is important for students' voices as well as the community to be heard and this important in order for an ethnic studies program to be successful within the community and accepted.
leginfo.legislature.ca.gov leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
The first month of 2019 was when it was first read. It got vetoed close to the end of 2020 it took almost two years. We have read and seen the opposition to it however it is still shocking the amount of time of wait.
www.ethnicstudiesnow.com www.ethnicstudiesnow.com
"To ask a student to study a world in which they cannot see themselves is to relegate them to a blindness of the soul and a crippling of the spirit. A model ethnic studies curriculum is a momentous step towards repairing the breach." -- Javier San Román, Steering Committee Member, Ethnic Studies Now Coalition
Oftentimes for many students they don't see themselves in their K-12 education and it is not until they go to college where they are able to take ethnic classes and learn more about their culture and for me it is why do we have to wait until college to learn this?