22 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
  2. Jun 2021
    1. calculating the Ka value for acids

      calculating the Keq values for solutes

      calculating the dissociation and equilibrium values for solutions

      you need a certain doss

      from table 2.8.1 of representative acid constants and from knowledge of functional groups you can guestimate the relative acidity of compounds

    1. iℏ∂∂tΨ(x,t)=−ℏ2m∇2Ψ(x,t)+V(x)Ψ(x,t)(1.5.1)

      Equation 1.5.1

      effectively describes matter as a wave that fluctuates with both displacement and time.

    2. iℏ∂∂tΨ(x,t)=−ℏ2m∇2Ψ(x,t)+V(x)Ψ(x,t)(1.5.1)(1.5.1)iℏ∂∂tΨ(x,t)=−ℏ2m∇2Ψ(x,t)+V(x)Ψ(x,t) i\hbar\dfrac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi(x,t)=\dfrac{-\hbar}{2m}\nabla^2\Psi(x,t) +V(x)\Psi(x,t) \label{1.1} Equation\ref{1.1} effectively describes matter as a wave that fluctuates with both displacement and time.

      iℏ∂∂tΨ(x,t)=−ℏ2m∇2Ψ(x,t)+V(x)Ψ(x,t)(1.5.1) Equation 1.5.1 effectively describes matter as a wave that fluctuates with both displacement and time.

  3. May 2021
  4. Apr 2021
    1. properties of waves

      various forms of electromagnetic radiation

    2. Scientists discovered much of what we know about the structure of the atom by observing the interaction of atoms with various forms of radiant, or transmitted, energy

    1. membrane cell membrane nuclear membrane

      cytoplasm between cell membrane and nuclear membrane

      all membranes have similar structures

      membrane function varies from one organism to another different proteins and lipids

    1. sodium carbonate

      sodium hydroxide

      turns triglycerides back into their sodium salts(soap molecules)

    2. chemical reactions

      a variety of

      esters can be hydrolysis in acids , bases, or specific lipase enzymes

      bases make soap in saponification

      triglycerides tallow and coconut oil

      today, hydrolyzed with water @ 700 lbs / in*2, or ~50 atm or 5000 kPa, @ 200 C

    3. physical properties fats oils clear, colorless, odorless

      color, taste, odor from lipid soluble substances

      color from carotene taste from diacetyl, and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone from bacteria in ripening cream

      fats oils lighter than water 0.8 g / cm^3

      poor conductors of heat and electricity therefore, great insulators

    4. fats oils FUNCTIONS energy, insulation, transport fat soluble vitamins through the blood TRIGLYCERIDES, TRIGLYCEROLS esters trihydroxy alcohol glycerol three fatty acids SIMPLE TRIGLYCERIDE, MIXED TRIGLYCERIDE glycerol's oh groups esterified same fatty acids simple triglyceride two or three fatty acids mixed triglyceride mixed triglycerides are naturally occurring

      fats, solid at 25 C oils. liquid at 25 C animal usually fats plant usually oils animal fats vegetable oils

      no single formula for triglycerides depends on plant or animal species depends on climate factors

      saturated and unsaturated term for food fats saturated fats and high cholesterol cholesterol intake leads to heart disease

  5. Mar 2021
    1. For the hydrogen atom, the peak in the radial probability plot occurs at r = 0.529 Å (52.9 pm), which is exactly the radius calculated by Bohr for the n = 1 orbit.

      n = bohr probabilities for electrons in n orbits around the nucleus

      For the hydrogen atom, the peak in the radial probability plot occurs at r = 0.529 Å (52.9 pm), which is exactly the radius calculated by Bohr for the n = 1 orbit.

    1. monosaccharide, aldose, ketose, tri, tet, pent, hex, suffix -ose, carbonyl groups, aldehyde, ketone,

      chiral carbon, central carbon, carbon atom with four groups attached to it, likely stereoisomers,

      stereoisomer, enantiomers,

      glyceraldehyde, enantiomers, D and L basis for all other monosaccharides with > 3 carbons,

      optically active substances, dextrorotary +, rotates to left (counterclockwise) levorotary -, rotates to right (clockwise)

  6. Feb 2021
    1. orbital diagram spin up, spin down,

      • 1/2, - 1/2, every orbital has two electrons, up arrow, down arrow, lowest energy orbitals, ground state, atomic number = z