8 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2020
Check Module 5
- May 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The Republican bill
Paragraph 7
- Apr 2020
dyquisto.wixsite.com dyquisto.wixsite.com
the number of outbreaks among birds and poultry remains high. In addition, the virus in constantly evolving.
Could potentially bridge sentences together and shorten it
but work has shown that the virus only needs five favorable mutations to become transmissible among ferrets (Herfst, 2012)
The virus could mutate and become a danger to ferrets
which may kill millions of people
Could omit or shorten to, "may prove fatal."
60% of the infected people have died (391 cases) (WHO, 2014
Omit the number of fatal cases, keep percentage
outbreaks among humans have been only sporadic so far
Outbreaks only go so far
first reported in humans in Hong Kong in 1997
First case of the virus was in Hong Kong in 1997