21 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2022
    1. As part of our previewing, this image became the focus of our attention.

      Why are images so important in literature?

    2. nowledge was being studied; instead, students are expected to passively accept, memorize, and recite back the information on a test.

      Why is this expected for students?

    3. we probably do not have a complete picture

      Which can confuse the reader or make them curious.

    4. that means they can have more than one sense and meaning.

      How is this possible?

    1. Only a small portion of the iceberg is visible above the water, and there is a great deal below the surface that isn’t immediately apparent.

      Like humans we tend to show a good side of who we are with actions but not with mind.

    1. Write those text features here. Do not read the passage as you’re scanning.

      The pictures have small captions with them. The titles are bolded. There are events that are bolded. Important names are bolded. Paintings are shown.

    1. They thought that a reading class was focused on “just reading.”

      But it is more than reading, it’s knowing the background, the spelling, the pronouncement, and meaning.

    2. As we utilized the guidebook in our developmental reading class, we wanted to further understand the impact that the guidebook had on students’ reading growth, so we conducted another research study, the results of which revealed a significant gain in two key literacy areas:

      Does the book expand areas in English?

    3. reframed that expectation by establishing slower, gradual inquiry and heightened reading resilience in the face of challenges.

      Students should be able to challenge themselves in reading tasks to improve their knowledge in English?

    4. We would take out the prefixes and suffixes of words and find the base but it’s different because we wouldn’t try to find out what all of these [elements] mean and where they come from.

      Would knowing prefixes and suffixes help one understand the meaning of an English word?

    5. Thus, pronouncing words accurately and answering comprehension questions do not ensure understanding of a text.

      Even with wrong pronouncing, is one still able to understand a reading passage?

    6. good reader. Over 37% of students focused on the ability to read quickly and accurately and 70% noted the ability to pronounce words correctly, while many others emphasized the importance of answering comprehension questions.

      A good reader in my opinion would be someone who can read steady and understand what is going on in the passage.

    7. The negative feelings of fear, frustration, and insecurity do not support optimal conditions for students to learn literacy

      This is a huge reason on why students hate literature.

    8. looking at words from only one dimension of the language - phonology - the study of sound.

      This is how people can mess up in pronouncing words

    9. phonology

      The pronouncement

    10. etymology

      background of the word

    11. morphology

      Meaning of the word

    12. We believe that it is essential for all students to have access to class readings, not just students with financial means

      I like how the teachers do not make it seem like in order to do great in class you need to have money to be able to afford books.

    13. but due to conditioning and false perceptions, we believe we are backyard chickens.

      By this does the author mean do to our surroundings we think we live as what we think we live as?

    14. It floated in graceful majesty among the powerful wind currents, with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings.

      Could the eagle have seen a god? If so was his time up?