5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2021
    1. Check out this video to learn more about the smallpox vaccine:

      Variolation is the procedure of infecting a person with the more lethal virus.

      Vaccination is the procedure of infecting a person with a less lethal virus that would cause immunization for the deadly one.

    2. Jenner used a young boy as a research subject in his smallpox vaccine research. Today, scientists must follow strict guidelines when using human subjects in their research. What unique concerns do you think might arise when human beings are used as research subjects?

      Some unique concerns that would arise from using humans as research subjects are: -Is this inhumane? -Moral issues -The concern of pain and possibility of death from the subject.

    3. What gave Jenner the idea to develop a vaccine for smallpox?

      Jenner got the idea of developing a smallpox vaccination by observing past hosts of the cowpox virus. He notice those who were infected by the similar pox [cowpox] did not contract small pox when exposed.

    4. Explain why science is more accurately considered a process than a body of knowledge.

      Science is more of a process than a set of facts because it focusses on accumulation of information continuous revision until this is a substantial amount of evidence proving a theory or claim.

    5. Chapter Overview: The Nature and Process of Science

      Broad explanations