3 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
He believes that to preserve an open society we really do need, as Trump has said, to “drain the swamp.” Getting big money out of politics would enable us, for example, to combat the rigidities and high prices of monopolies through strong antitrust enforcement, and to remove the exorbitant privileges that allow big banks to make profits at the expense of the rest of society.
I could use this quote because it describes a plan to have when solving wealth inequality
The banks that created the calamity got bailed out and no top executive went to jail, but millions of people lost their jobs, savings and homes.
Do banks and executives have some sort of immunity to the consequences of crimes when they had a major role to play?
This is because inequality erodes two foundation stones of modern society — openness to new ideas and opportunities, and a conviction that all citizens are morally equal.
This level of wealth inequality within the country can cause a massive decay in individuals need for moral responsibility.