- Oct 2024
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Mobile Computing in the CloudSome mobile apps need computational power beyond their own can handle. Forexample, a mobile app uses AI to identify people. In cases like this, apps need tosend data back to the cloud letting AI services to identify the person and retrieveresults from the cloud and display on the mobile device.In general, mobile applications require cloud services for actions that can’t bedone directly on the device, such as offline data synchronization, storage, or datasharing across multiple users. People often have to configure, set up, and managemultiple services to power the backend. People also have to integrate each of thoseservices into applications by writing multiple lines of code. However, as the numberof application features grow, the code and release process become more complex,and managing the backend requires more time.AWS services such as Amplify provisions and manages backends for mobileapplications. One just selects the capabilities needed such as authentication, ana-lytics, or offline data sync, and Amplify will automatically provision and managethe AWS service that powers each of the capabilities. One can then integrate thosecapabilities into applications through the Amplify libraries and UI components
Mobile Computing in the Cloud
Cloud Dependency: Many mobile apps require cloud computing for tasks beyond device capabilities (e.g., AI processing).
Use Cases: Apps might send data to the cloud for processing and retrieve results.
Cloud Services: Enable offline data synchronization, storage, and multi-user data sharing.
Management Complexity: As app features grow, managing multiple backend services becomes complex.
AWS Amplify: Provides a solution for backend management, allowing developers to select required capabilities (like authentication and analytics) and automating the provisioning of necessary services.
Distinguish Between Android App Development and Apple iOS App Development
Android Development: Tool: Android Studio. Language: Primarily Java. Process: Create a project. Generate a manifest file. Build and run on an emulator or a connected device. Requirements: Device must be connected with USB debugging enabled.
iOS Development: Tool: Xcode (free). Language: Swift (or Objective-C). Process: Open Xcode and choose a template. Design UI using Interface Builder. Test using a simulator. Requirements: Developers must join the Apple Developer Program to submit apps to the App Store.
Mobile computing is still a very active and evolving field of research, whosebody of knowledge awaits codification in textbooks. The results achieved so far canbe grouped into the following broad areas:• Mobile networking, including Mobile IP, ad hoc protocols, and techniques forimproving TCP performance in wireless networks.• Mobile information access, including disconnected operation, bandwidth-adaptive file access, and selective control of data consistency.• Support for adaptive applications, including transcoding by proxies and adaptiveresource management.• System-level energy saving techniques, such as energy-aware adaptation,variable-speed processor scheduling, and energy-sensitive memory management.• Location sensitivity, including location sensing and location-aware systembehavior.A future in which computers become pervasive, unobtrusive, and almost invisibleis being brought a step closer. Recent development shows that demonstrator andprototype sensor networks that mark an important step forward in the cutting-edgefield.
Mobile Computing and Its Architecture
Overview: Mobile computing emerged in the early 1990s with the rise of laptops and wireless LANs. It addresses the challenges of distributed systems with mobile clients.
Key Constraints: Network Variability: Unpredictable network quality impacts connectivity. Trust and Robustness: Mobile elements have lower trust levels and robustness. Resource Limitations: Devices are constrained by size and weight, affecting performance. Battery Consumption: Power efficiency is critical for mobile devices.
Research Areas: Mobile Networking: Techniques like Mobile IP and TCP performance improvement. Information Access: Addressing disconnected operation and data consistency. Adaptive Applications: Support for varying network conditions. Energy Efficiency: Techniques for reducing energy consumption. Location Sensitivity: Systems that react to user location.
Mobile AppsA mobile app is a software application developed specifically for use on handhelddevices such as smartphones and tablets, rather than applications running on desktopor laptop computers. Mobile apps are categorized as native apps, which are createdspecifically for a given platform, web-based apps, or web apps, which are regularweb applications that all computational works are done on the server side, or hybridapps that combines both native and web apps. Mobile apps are generally referred asnative apps. Apple iOS and Android are the most common mobile app platforms
What is Meant by Mobile Apps?
Definition: Mobile apps are software applications designed specifically for handheld devices like smartphones and tablets.
Categories: Native Apps: Built for a specific platform (e.g., Android, iOS). Web Apps: Accessed via browsers; computations are server-side. Hybrid Apps: Combine elements of both native and web apps.
Common Platforms: The primary platforms for mobile app development are Apple iOS and Android.
Despite the fact that Internet computing is a relatively young concept with manyquestions still open, there is overwhelming consensus regarding the potential ofthis paradigm in advancing technology. New business solution, such as Akamaiedge computing powered by WebSphere, will enable companies to supplementtheir existing IT infrastructure with virtualized Internet computing capacity ondemand on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. A benefit of this business solution will allowdata and programs to be swept up from desktop PCs and corporate server roomsand installed in the compute Internet cloud. Implementing Internet computing willallow the elimination of the responsibility of updating software with each newrelease and configuration of desktops on installs. Since applications run in the cloudand not on individual computers or desktops, you don’t need hard drive space orprocessing power demanded by traditional desktop software. Corporations doesnot have to purchase high-powered personal computers (PC) and can purchasesmaller hard disk, less memory, and more efficient processor. Files will essentiallybe stored in the cloud, as well as software programs, and this could assist in cuttingoverhead budget substantially. The “Internet computing” trend of replacing softwaretraditionally installed on business computers with applications delivered via theInternet is driven by aims of reducing IT complexity and cost
Benefits of Internet Computing for Businesses: Internet computing offers several benefits, including:
Cost Efficiency: Reduces the need for expensive hardware and allows pay-per-use models. Flexibility and Scalability: Enables businesses to adjust resources according to demand. Collaboration: Simplifies collaboration and document sharing across locations. Disaster Recovery: Centralized data management improves disaster recovery and business continuity. Increased Accessibility: Access data and applications from any device with internet connectivity, supporting remote work.
A critical issue in implementing cloud computing is taking virtual machines,which contain critical applications and sensitive data, to public and shared environ-ments. Below are the four deployment models.• Public describes computing in the traditional mainstream sense, wherebyresources are dynamically provisioned to the general public on a fine-grained,self-service basis over the Internet, via web applications/web services, from anoff-site third-party provider who bills on a fine-grained utility computing basis.• Community shares infrastructure between several organizations from a specificcommunity with common concerns (security, compliance, jurisdiction, etc.),whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or exter-nally. The costs are spread over fewer users than a public cloud (but more than aprivate cloud), so only some of the benefits of cloud computing are realized.• Hybrid is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community, or public)that remain unique entities but are bound together, offering the benefits ofmultiple deployment models. It can also be defined as multiple cloud systemsthat are connected in a way that allows programs and data to be moved easilyfrom one deployment system to another.• Private is infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whethermanaged internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. Theyhave attracted criticism because users “still have to buy, build, and managethem” and thus do not benefit from lower up-front capital costs and less hands-on management, essentially lacking the economic model that makes cloudcomputing such an intriguing concept.
Internet Computing Deployment Models:
Public: Resources are available to the public over the internet and billed on a utility basis. Private: Dedicated infrastructure for one organization, either managed internally or by a third party. Community: Shared infrastructure for organizations with common concerns, offering benefits over private but with fewer users than public. Hybrid: Combines two or more models, offering flexible data and application mobility across environments.
Internet computing can gain significant flexibility and agility with migratingsensitive data into remote, worldwide data centers. Integration of documents onweb-based office suites can simplify processes and creates a more efficient wayof doing business. It will allow for cost savings and easy access and streamlinemost daily activities. Internet computing powering can also support different aspectof businesses, which also utilized Internet computing with forms accessible byweb application that electronically supports online collaboration in real time withother users. The information and communication systems used, whether networkedor not, serves as a media to implement a business process. The objective of thissection is to discuss the benefits of an Internet computing environment that improvesagility, integrating modern-day technology (e.g., iPhone, iPad, web interface phone,etc.), and an example of Internet and computing online documents. It begins withan introduction of Internet computing by definition and its elements, referring tobusiness benefits of utilizing of Internet computing, examples of Internet computingsuch as web base online office suites, and the integration of Internet computing andmodern-day technology.
Internet Computing: Internet computing, closely related to cloud computing, refers to on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable resources via the internet. It enables efficient data storage, access, and collaboration. By hosting resources centrally, it allows users to operate from anywhere, minimizing IT maintenance costs and complexity.
Ubiquitous computing is roughly the opposite of virtual reality. Where virtual realityputs people inside a computer-generated world, ubiquitous computing forces thecomputer to live out here in the world with people. Virtual reality is primarily ahorse power problem; ubiquitous computing is a very difficult integration of humanfactors, computer science, engineering, and social sciences.Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensoryinput such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data. It is related to a more generalconcept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possiblyeven diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, the technologyfunctions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality. By contrast, virtualreality replaces the real world with a simulated one. An example of augmentedreality is shown in Fig. 7.13.Augmentation is conventionally in real time and in semantic context withenvironmental elements, such as sports scores on TV during a match. With the helpof advanced AR technology (e.g., adding computer vision and object recognition),the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive anddigitally manipulable. Artificial information about the environment and its objectscan be overlaid on the real world. The term augmented reality is believed to havebeen coined in 1990 by Thomas Caudell, working at Boeing.Research explores the application of computer-generated imagery in live videostreams as a way to enhance the perception of the real world. AR technologyincludes head-mounted displays and virtual retinal displays for visualization pur-poses and construction of controlled environments containing sensors and actuators.Fig. 7.13 Augmented reality (color)
Relationship between Ubiquitous Computing and Augmented Reality (AR): Ubiquitous computing and AR represent different approaches to integrating digital information with the physical world. While ubiquitous computing brings computational intelligence to the physical environment, AR overlays digital information onto the real-world view. Ubicomp focuses on embedding processing capabilities within the environment, whereas AR enhances human perception of reality by displaying digital elements in real-time. Together, they can enrich user interaction with digital systems without immersing users entirely in a simulated world like virtual reality.
Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of human-computerinteraction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated intoeveryday objects and activities. In the course of ordinary activities, someone“using” ubiquitous computing engages many computational devices and systemssimultaneously and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so.This model is usually considered an advancement from the desktop paradigm.More formally, ubiquitous computing is defined as machines that fit the humanenvironment instead of forcing humans to enter theirs. Figure 7.12 illustrates adiagram of ubicomp.This paradigm is also described as pervasive computing, ambient intelligence,where each term emphasizes slightly different aspects.
Ubiquitous Computing: Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) integrates computing processes into everyday objects and activities. Unlike traditional computing, where users are aware of the devices they interact with, ubiquitous computing blends into the environment, often unnoticed. It aims to make devices accessible naturally, enhancing their utility without requiring direct engagement. This model encompasses various computing subfields, like the Internet of Things (IoT), ambient intelligence, and physical computing, where objects become smart and interconnected.
Local file Local file
The hardware translation from x86 instructions into internal RISC-like micro-operations, which cost relatively little in microprocessors for desktops and servers,becomes significant in area and energy for mobile and embedded devices. Hence,ARM processors dominate cell phones and tablets today just as x86 processorsdominate PCs. Atmel AVR is used in a variety of products ranging from Xboxhandheld controllers to BMW cars.
Insight: The energy efficiency of RISC processors makes them ideal for devices where power consumption is a critical factor, such as smartphones and other portable electronics.
ApplicationsRISC has not got the momentum on desktop computers and servers. However, itsbenefits in embedded and mobile devices have become the main reason to be usedwidely in these areas including iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, and some gamingdevices.
Applications While RISC didn’t take off in desktop and server applications, it became dominant in embedded systems and mobile devices. RISC processors like ARM and MIPS are widely used in smartphones, tablets, gaming devices, and embedded systems.
Popular RISC Processors:
ARM: Dominates mobile and embedded markets (used in iPhones, Android devices). MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC: Found in various computing and embedded applications.
Advantages and DisadvantagesThere is still considerable controversy among experts about the ultimate value ofRISC architectures. Its proponents argue that RISC machines are both cheaper andfaster and are therefore the machines of the future. Skeptics note that by making thehardware simpler, RISC architectures put a greater burden on the software. Theyargue that this is not worth the trouble because conventional microprocessors arebecoming increasingly fast and cheap anyway.To some extent, the argument is becoming moot because CISC and RISCimplementations are becoming more and more alike. Many of today’s RISC chipssupport as many instructions as yesterday’s CISC chips. And today’s CISC chipsuse many techniques formerly associated with RISC chips
Advantages of RISC:
Speed: Simplified instructions mean faster execution per cycle. Cost: Fewer transistors reduce chip complexity and manufacturing costs. Energy Efficiency: Especially important in embedded systems and mobile devices.
Disadvantages of RISC:
Software Complexity: The need for more instructions places a heavier burden on software development. Blurring Lines: Modern CISC processors incorporate RISC-like features, reducing the distinction between the two architectures.
Insight: As the gap between RISC and CISC narrows, both architectures borrow elements from each other, creating hybrid designs in modern processors.
The CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of instructions per program,sacrificing the number of cycles per instruction. RISC does the opposite, reducingthe cycles per instruction at the cost of the number of instructions per program
Performance RISC processors emphasize reducing the number of cycles per instruction (CPI), even at the cost of increasing the total number of instructions. This is in contrast to CISC, which focuses on reducing the number of instructions by using more complex ones.
Key Formula for Performance:
Time per program = Time per cycle × Cycles per instruction × Instructions per program
CISC: Fewer instructions, but each instruction may take multiple cycles. RISC: More instructions but with fewer cycles per instruction, leading to faster performance in optimized scenarios.
he primary goal of CISC architecture is to complete a task in as few linesof assembly as possible. A CISC processor would come prepared with a MULTinstruction. When executed, this instruction loads the two values into separateregisters, multiplies the operands in the execution unit, and then stores the product
Example: The multiplication process (MULT) in RISC involves multiple steps (LOAD, PROD, STORE), while CISC can perform the same task with a single command.
Insight: The programming model for RISC often increases the number of instructions required, but it optimizes the execution time for each instruction. This reduces the cycles per instruction (CPI), balancing overall performance.
Architecture and ProgrammingThe simplest way to examine the advantages and disadvantages of RISC architectureis by contrasting it with its predecessor: complex instruction set computers (CISC)architecture.
Architecture and Programming The primary difference between RISC and CISC lies in how instructions are handled. RISC systems require that tasks be broken down into several smaller, simpler instructions, whereas CISC processors can perform complex tasks with fewer instructions.
RISC Characteristics:
Instructions executed in one clock cycle. Emphasizes pipelining to allow the processor to work on several instructions simultaneously. Large number of registers to reduce memory access time.
A reduced instruction set computer (RISC) is a type of microprocessor thatrecognizes a relatively limited number of instructions. Until the mid-1980s, thetendency among computer manufacturers was to build increasingly complex CPUsthat had ever larger sets of instructions. At that time, however, a number ofcomputer manufacturers decided to reverse this trend by building CPUs capableof executing only a very limited set of instructions. One advantage of reducedinstruction set computers is that they can execute their instructions very fast becausethe instructions are so simple. Another, perhaps more important advantage, is thatRISC chips require fewer transistors, which makes them cheaper to design andproduce. Since the emergence of RISC computers, conventional computers havebeen referred to as CISCs (complex instruction set computers).6.4.1 HistoryThe first RISC projects came from IBM, Stanford, and UC-Berkeley in the late1970s and early 1980s.
RISC Processors RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) processors are designed to execute a smaller set of simple instructions. Historically, until the 1980s, CPUs were developed to handle complex instruction sets, known as CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) processors. RISC reversed this trend by simplifying instructions, which allows for faster execution and reduced hardware complexity.
Key Highlights:
Simplified Instructions: RISC processors handle fewer, simpler instructions than CISC, making execution faster. Lower Transistor Count: Fewer transistors in RISC chips make them cheaper and easier to design.
Insight: While simpler instructions often mean more lines of code for complex tasks, RISC systems are optimized for speed through streamlined execution.
- Sep 2024
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Computers with multiple processors located in a central location or distributedlocations are generally considered as a parallel processing system (Hwang 1993).Here multiple processors mean multiple processing units. It is different from multi-core computers that we have just discusse
A parallel processing system involves multiple processing units working together, which is different from multi-core computers where multiple cores are integrated within a single processor. Understanding this distinction is crucial for grasping different computing architectures and their implications for performance and data handling.
For a MIMD system, each processor has its own cache memory. They alsoshare the main memory, storage, and I/O devices in order to share data among theprocessors.
In a Multiple Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream (MIMD) system, each processor operates with its own cache but shares main memory, storage, and I/O devices. This setup allows for more complex and flexible data sharing and processing among processors, which is important for understanding how MIMD systems manage and coordinate tasks.
Front-side bus (FSB) functions as the processor bus, memory bus, or system busthat connects the CPU with the main memory and L2 cache.
The Front-Side Bus (FSB) acts as a critical link between the CPU, main memory, and L2 cache. It handles data transfer and communication within the computer system, with its speed (ranging from 133 MHz to 400 MHz) impacting overall system performance. Understanding FSB's role helps in evaluating how efficiently a computer processes data.
Dual-channel architecture requires a dual-channel-capable motherboard and twoor more DDR, DDR2 SDRAM, or DDR3 SDRAM memory modules.
Dual-channel architecture enhances memory performance by utilizing two parallel data channels, increasing bandwidth and reducing bottlenecks. It differs from a dual-bus interface, which connects a device to two buses simultaneously. Understanding the differences helps in optimizing memory configurations for better system performance.
Fewer people have studied the vulnerabilities of computer buses to attackers. Acomputer system can be taken over from devices that are attached to the buses
Computer buses can be vulnerable to various attacks, such as USB-booting attacks or compromised devices issuing interruptions. These security concerns highlight the importance of implementing protective measures, such as blocking USB ports or disabling USB booting features, to safeguard against potential threats. Understanding these vulnerabilities is essential for enhancing overall system security.
Figure 4.6 shows that there are many buses in a computer system. If we look intoit, we can see that it is essentially a single-bus system. In addition to the PCI bus,the AGP is merely a graphics accelerator. It goes through a bridge that bridges AGPand PCI together. Similarly, SATA and USB also go through a bridge that exchangesignals between SAT
In complex computer systems with various buses (PCI, AGP, SATA, USB), these buses are interconnected through bridges that facilitate communication between different types of buses. Despite the appearance of multiple buses, the system operates as a unified single-bus system with specialized bridges enabling connectivity and coordination among different components. Understanding this integration helps in comprehending how different buses work together within a computer.
As a multi-core (quad-core or more) computer contains two or more processorsintegrated on one chip, people would think this is a multi-bus system.
Multi-core processors, despite having multiple cores integrated on a single chip, typically use a single bus for communication with external components. This architecture is classified as a single-bus system, where the bus interface connects all cores to the outside world. This design simplifies communication and maintains efficiency, even as the number of cores increases.
A bus is usually referred to as address, data, and control signals that connect to aprocessor. An actual computer may have more buses than just only one single bus
A computer's system bus comprises three primary sub-buses: address, data, and control. The address bus specifies memory locations, the data bus handles data transfer, and the control bus manages operations. Despite having multiple types of buses (e.g., PCI, AGP), modern systems often function as a single-bus system with various specialized buses connected through bridges. Understanding these components and their roles is crucial for grasping how different parts of a computer communicate and interact.
Asynchronous communication utilizes a transmitter, a receiver, and a wirewithout coordination about the timing of individual bits
Asynchronous buses use handshaking to manage communication, which allows devices with different speeds to communicate without a shared clock. The receiver independently determines the signal timing and encoding, making it suitable for low error rate environments.
Synchronous Bus and Asynchronous Bus
Synchronous buses use a system clock to coordinate signals, ensuring data stability by synchronizing with clock edges. This method maintains system stability and is suitable for high-speed communication, but devices must operate at compatible clock speeds.
MIDI controllers are also available in a range of other forms, such as electronicdrum triggers, pedal keyboards that are played with the feet (e.g., with an organ),wind controllers for performing saxophone-style music, and MIDI guitar synthe-sizer controllers.
MIDI controllers are devices that send MIDI signals to other equipment or software to produce musical sounds. While most controllers do not generate sound on their own, they can be connected to sound modules or software that interpret their signals. Various types of MIDI controllers include keyboard controllers, drum triggers, wind controllers, and pad controllers. Each type offers different functionalities, such as triggering sounds or controlling parameters in real-time. Performance controllers may include internal sound modules in addition to MIDI control functions. Key Points:
MIDI controllers come in multiple forms, including keyboards, drums, and wind instruments. Controllers usually do not produce sound independently but control external sound sources. Some controllers, like performance controllers, have built-in sound modules for standalone use.
MIDI∗Musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) is an electronic musical instrumentindustry specification that enables a wide variety of digital musical instruments,computers, and other related devices to connect and communicate seamlessly withone another.The primary functions of MIDI include communicating event messages aboutmusical notation, pitch, velocity, control signals for parameters such as volume,vibrato, audio panning, cues, and clock signals (to set and synchronize tempo)
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is an electronic protocol established in the 1980s to enable seamless communication between digital musical instruments, computers, and related devices. It facilitates event messaging for musical parameters such as pitch, velocity, and control signals, enabling complex musical arrangements with fewer devices and cables. Key benefits include simplified connectivity, reduced need for multiple musicians, lower recording costs, and greater portability of music gear. Key Points:
Standardized communication across various devices. Simplified setup and reduced equipment needs. Enhanced accessibility for both professionals and hobbyists. Variety of MIDI applications including electronic keyboards, personal computers, and digital effects units.
Ethernet is a family of computer networking technologies for local area networks(LANs) commercially introduced in 1980. Standardized in IEEE 802.3, Ethernethas largely replaced competing wired LAN technologies.Systems communicating over Ethernet divide a stream of data into individualpackets called frames. Each frame contains source and destination addresses anderror-checking data so that damaged data can be detected and re-transmitted.The standards define several wirings and signaling variants. The original10BASE5 Ethernet used coaxial cable as a shared medium. Later the coaxialcables were replaced by twisted pair and fiber-optic links in conjunction with hubsor switches. Data rates were periodically increased from the original 10 megabitsper second to 100 gigabits per second
Ethernet technology has undergone significant advancements since its inception, transitioning from coaxial cables to more efficient twisted pair and fiber-optic cables. Its ability to transmit data in packets and its adaptability have cemented Ethernet's role as a foundational technology for LANs, supporting increasingly faster data rates and greater reliability.
Parallel Buses and Parallel CommunicationIn telecommunication and computer science, parallel communication is a methodof sending several data signals simultaneously over several parallel channels. Itcontrasts with serial communication; this distinction is one way of characterizinga communications link
This section contrasts parallel and serial communication methods, highlighting their respective advantages and disadvantages. Parallel communication is faster but limited by interference and distance, while serial communication, though seemingly slower, benefits from fewer issues related to signal integrity and is more suited to modern high-speed applications.
In telecommunications, RS-232 is the traditional name for a series of standardsfor serial binary single-ended data and control signals connecting between a data
RS-232 was once the standard for serial communication but has been superseded by USB in most personal computing contexts due to USB's advantages in speed and ease of use. Nonetheless, RS-232 continues to be used in specific applications where its longer cable length and simple protocol are advantageous.
trol signals in the control bus:• Clock The clock signal (usually represented as φ) is used to synchronize memoryand other devices with the processor. Some instructions only need one cycle (suchas shift, logical bit operations), while others may require more cycles to performthe instruction. For a processor with the clock frequency f , the cycle T = 1/f .• Reset Reset signal will initialize the processor. It is usually referred to as warmreboot. Many computers come with a reset button. In the event the system isfrozen, a warm start usually can solve the problem.• Read/Write The R/W signal is used to communicate with the memory or I/Odevices to send or receive data to or from the CPU.• Interrupt The interrupt signal is used to indicate if there is a device requestingdata exchange with the CPU. There is also an acknowledgement (ACK) signalthat tells the device if the request has been granted.
The control bus manages communication between the CPU and other components. Key signals include the clock (for synchronization), reset (for initialization), read/write (for data transfer direction), and interrupt (for signaling device requests). Knowing these signals helps in understanding how a CPU coordinates with other hardware components and handles various operations.
For a 32-bit processor, theaddressing space is 4 G
The width of the address bus directly affects the amount of addressable memory in a system. For instance, a 32-bit address bus can address up to 4 GB of memory. This is because the addressing space is calculated as 2 32, which equals 4,294,967,296 memory locations. This concept is crucial for understanding memory limitations and the evolution of computer architecture.
A system bus consists of three sub-bus systems, an addressbus, a data bus, and a control bus.
The system bus is essential for a computer's internal communication. It connects the CPU to memory and other components. The three types of buses—address, data, and control—each play a specific role: the address bus specifies memory locations, the data bus transfers data, and the control bus sends signals to manage operations. Understanding these components helps in grasping how data and instructions flow within a computer.
- Aug 2024
Local file Local file
Compared with RFID, NFC has a much closer contactless distance,so it is more secure.
NFC's shorter range compared to RFID makes it ideal for secure transactions and applications where privacy and data protection are paramount.
The normal data exchangerange of NFC is about 10 cm, which makes NFC a more secure way to transferhigh-speed data
The short-range nature of NFC provides an added layer of security, as the close proximity required reduces the risk of data interception.
Near field communication (NFC) is a technology that generally replaces the stan-dard practice of typing in a username and/or password; multifactor authenticationusing NFC can be used in conjunction with either or both.
NFC enhances user convenience and security by enabling quick and secure access without the need for traditional credentials like usernames and passwords.
The RFID tag then sends out its unique ID number (storedin built-in memory).
The unique ID stored in the RFID tag is critical for identifying and differentiating between students, ensuring the accuracy of the attendance records.
RFID options for young kids
Providing RFID options for younger students ensures inclusivity, as younger children may struggle with more complex biometric systems.
A cloud server
The use of cloud servers in attendance systems allows for scalable data storage and remote access, making it easier to manage large amounts of data and improving overall system efficiency.
More efficient student attendance—System automates the student attendance,hence reducing irregularities in the attendance process arising due to human error.
Automation in attendance systems minimizes errors, which can be a common issue in manual record-keeping processes.
The system has an built-in facility of sending automatic SMS and E-mail alerts to Parents/Guardians of students.
This feature significantly improves communication between the school and parents, ensuring they are promptly informed about their child's attendance.
The student attendance system we aretrying to build is a biometrics and RFID-based attendance management system forschools.
Combining biometrics with RFID in attendance systems enhances security and accuracy, reducing the chances of proxy attendance.
Fixed readers are set up to create a specific interrogation zone which can betightly controlled.
The concept of an 'interrogation zone' is crucial for understanding how RFID systems manage controlled environments, ensuring precise monitoring and data collection.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
the halting problem represents the associated function as w
Decision problems, like the halting problem, ask for a YES/NO answer, while other problems may involve computing outputs from given inputs.
unction is what specifies the correspondence between elements in two sets.A function that defines the correspondence of elements of sets A to those of Bis denoted by f : A → B, and the element of B corresponding to an element a of Ais denoted by f (a), where a is said to be mapped to f (a). A function is also calleda mapping. The set A of
A function defines a correspondence between elements of two sets, and a problem can be viewed as a function where the correspondence might be computed.
ing is a sequence of symbols, which will be discussed frequently throughoutthis book. Suppose we are given a finite set of symbols. The strings we deal withare assumed to be composed o
A string is a sequence of symbols from a set called an alphabet, with concatenation combining strings end-to-end to form longer strings.
A is called the size of set A and is denoted by |A|. A set whose size is zero is calledan empty set and denoted by ∅. That is, ∅ denotes a set that has no elements. If ais an element of se
The power set of a set A includes all possible subsets of A, including the empty set and A itself.
e Cartesian product is frequently used in this book, the readersare expected to have a firm image of it mind. The Cartesian product can be general-ized for an arbitrary number of sets. For example, A × B × C = {(a, b, c) | a ∈ A,b ∈ B, c ∈ C}. In particular, the Cartesian product of k As A × A × · · · × A is de-noted by A k . In general, an element of Ak , denoted by (a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a k ), is calleda k-tuple. In particular, an element o
Cartesian product A × B forms a set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a ∈ A and b ∈ B, with the product extending to multiple sets as needed.
Much research has been done on quantum computers, whichutilize effects related to quantum mechanics, and on neurocomputers, which havea neuron-like structure as well. The computational barriers might be overcome bymeans of the effect of the superposit
Current advancements in quantum and neural computing explore new computational paradigms, yet the fundamental methodology of computation remains rooted in models, problems, and programs.
Von Neumann (1903–1957), who should be acknowledged as the originator of computer science and whois a titan in this field, is also known for having devised the stored-program conceptused by present day computers. Touching upon computer design, von Neumannhighlights the contrast between computers and humans and
Von Neumann’s concept of automata and his research on reliable systems and self-reproducing machines laid foundational work for understanding both artificial and natural computation.
In the case of context-free grammars, a rewriting rule can always be appliedprovided that a symbol, corresponding to the term on the left-hand side of therule, appears in a generated string. In other words, the rewriting does not dependon the surroundings, i.e., context.
Generative grammars, including context-free and phase-structured grammars, demonstrate the robustness of computational models by showing their equivalence in generating correct language structures and their power to represent computational processes.
nce for the robustness of the Turing machine computational model, thereis not only the fact that the computational power does not change in accordancewith the model parameters, but also the fact that what can be computed does notchange even if we adopt, instead of a Turing machine, a superficially dissimilarcomputational model that is defined in terms of funct
The robustness of a computational model, such as a Turing machine or recursive function, is evidenced by its consistent computational power despite changes in model parameters or differences in model formulation.
eal with a variety of computational models: a pushdown automa-ton created by replacing a tape of a Turing machine with one of restricted read-writefashion; a finite automaton obtained by replacing a tape of a Turing machine by aread-only tape of finite leng
Computational models like finite automata and pushdown automata impose constraints on Turing machines, affecting their computational power and introducing barriers based on memory and operational constraints.
lthough many researchers conjecture that an NP-completeproblem cannot be computed in polynomial time, it has not yet been proved whetherthis conjecture is valid or not. The problem to prove or disprove the conjecture issaid to be the P vs. NP problem, which remains as the greatest unsolved problemof computer science
The P vs. NP problem, a major unsolved issue in computer science, questions whether NP-complete problems can be solved in polynomial time.
problem which is computable inpractice is considered to be one whose time complexity is described as a functionpolynomial in input size n, whereas a problem that is not computable in practiceis one whose time complexity is greater than any function polynomial in n,
Problems with polynomial time complexity are feasible to solve practically; those with super-polynomial time complexity are generally considered infeasible due to excessive computation time.
Turing asserted that what can be computed by a mechanical procedure is equiva-lent to what can be computed by a Turing machine. This is called the Church–Turingthesis, which asserts that the intuitive concept of being computable by a mechanicalprocedure is equivalent to the precise notion defined mathematically in terms of aTuring machine.
The Church-Turing thesis is a fundamental concept that asserts the equivalence between mechanical procedures and Turing machines in terms of what can be computed. This thesis implies that any problem solvable by a mechanical process can also be solved by a Turing machine, establishing a theoretical boundary for what is computable. It highlights the limits of computation and helps in understanding problems that are computationally impossible to solve, such as the halting problem.
a Turing machine is built from a control part and a tapeof infinite length, which is divided into squares. The tape works as memory, whereasthe control part, taking one of a finite number of states, controls how to read orrewrite a symbol on the square that the control part looks at currently.
The Turing machine is a foundational concept in theoretical computer science. It consists of an infinite tape that acts as memory and a control unit that manipulates symbols on the tape based on a set of rules. The infinite tape allows the machine to have limitless memory, while the control unit performs operations based on its current state and the symbol it reads. This model helps in understanding what can be computed in principle, irrespective of practical constraints.
Computational Barrier
Computational barriers are limitations that separate feasible computations from infeasible ones.
Furthermore,although a program exists that has enabled a computer to win against the master ofchess, no such program that reaches the level of chess exists for shogi or go. Thereason is that, in general, as the depth of reading ahead in a game increases, thenumber of cases that must follow increases explosively. In this respect, computerscannot yet cope well with shogi and go, as they can with chess. We must confron
Despite advances, computers still struggle with games like shogi and go due to the explosive growth in possible moves.
Computer science deals with the issue of what can and cannot be computed and,if possible, how it can be computed. We refer to what a computer does, whateverit is, as “computation.”
The term 'computation' refers to any task a computer performs, not just arithmetic operations.
What isdefined as a field within which an algorithm works is a computational model. Oncea computational model is defined, a set of basic moves that are performed is fixed asone step.
A computational model defines the basic steps or rules a computer follows during computation.